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ABSTRACT_COLLECTION_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for AbstractCollection
ABSTRACT_LIST_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for AbstractList
ABSTRACT_MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for AbstractMap
ABSTRACT_QUEUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for AbstractQueue
ABSTRACT_SEQUENTIAL_LIST_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for AbstractSequentialList
ABSTRACT_SET_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for AbstractSet
AbstractBooleanExpression - Class in randoop.condition.specification
Abstract class representing boolean expressions that occur in SpecificationClause objects.
AbstractBooleanExpression() - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.AbstractBooleanExpression
Gson serialization requires a default constructor.
AbstractBooleanExpression(String, String) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.AbstractBooleanExpression
Creates a AbstractBooleanExpression with the given description and condition source code.
AbstractGenerator - Class in randoop.generation
Algorithm template for implementing a test generator.
AbstractGenerator(List<TypedOperation>, GenInputsAbstract.Limits, ComponentManager, IStopper) - Constructor for class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Constructs a generator with the given parameters.
accessibility - Variable in class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionCheckGen
A predicate to determine accessibility of exception classes.
accessibilityPredicate - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
The predicate to test accessibility.
AccessibilityPredicate - Class in randoop.reflection
Interface for predicates that check whether a class or class member is considered accessible.
AccessibilityPredicate() - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate
AccessibilityPredicate.AnyAccessibilityPredicate - Class in randoop.reflection
AnyAccessibilityPredicate is a AccessibilityPredicate that always returns true.
AccessibilityPredicate.NotPrivateAccessibilityPredicate - Class in randoop.reflection
NotPrivateAccessibilityPredicate is a AccessibilityPredicate that returns true in the case that the class/method/constructor/field is not declared to be private.
AccessibilityPredicate.PackageAccessibilityPredicate - Class in randoop.reflection
A predicate that tests for accessibility of a class, method, constructor, or field relative to a particular package.
AccessibilityPredicate.PublicAccessibilityPredicate - Class in randoop.reflection
PublicAccessibilityPredicate is a AccessibilityPredicate that returns true in the case that the class/method/constructor/field is public.
AccessibleField - Class in randoop.field
AccessibleField represents an accessible field of a class object, which can be an instance field, a static field, or a static final field.
AccessibleField(Field, ClassOrInterfaceType) - Constructor for class randoop.field.AccessibleField
Create the public field object for the given Field.
activeFlags - Variable in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
A set of bits, where there is one bit associated with each index (that is, each statement in the sequence).
add(boolean, ExecutableBooleanExpression, List<ThrowsClause>) - Method in class randoop.condition.ExpectedOutcomeTable
Adds one operation to this table.
add(E) - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
add(E) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiSet
add(Object) - Method in class randoop.generation.EqualsMethodMatcher
add(Object) - Method in class randoop.generation.EverythingIsDifferentMatcher
add(Object) - Method in interface randoop.generation.StateMatcher
add(K, V) - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
add(K, V) - Method in interface randoop.util.IMultiMap
Precondition: the mapping key→value is not already in the map.
add(K, V) - Method in class randoop.util.KeyToMultiSet
add(K, V) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap
add(K, V) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
add(ObjectContract) - Method in class randoop.test.ContractSet
Adds a contract to this set.
add(TypedOperation, OperationOutcome) - Method in class randoop.generation.DefaultOperationHistoryLogger
add(TypedOperation, OperationOutcome) - Method in class randoop.generation.OperationHistoryLogger
add(TypedOperation, OperationOutcome) - Method in interface randoop.generation.OperationHistoryLogInterface
Increments the count for operation and outcome.
add(ClassVisitor) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Registers a ClassVisitor for use by the ReflectionManager.apply(Class) method.
add(Sequence) - Method in class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
Add a sequence to this collection.
add(Check) - Method in class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
Add a check to this set.
add(Check) - Method in class randoop.test.InvalidChecks
add(Check) - Method in class randoop.test.RegressionChecks
Adds the given check to the sequence.
add(Check) - Method in interface randoop.test.TestChecks
Add a check to this set.
add(Type) - Method in class randoop.SubTypeSet
Adds a type to this set.
ADD - randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap.Ops
Adding an element to the map.
add_bare(K, V) - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
addAfterAll(BlockStmt) - Method in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
Add text for AfterClass-annotated method in each generated text class.
addAfterEach(BlockStmt) - Method in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
Add text for After-annotated method in each generated test class.
addAgent(Path, String) - Method in class randoop.execution.TestEnvironment
Adds the path for a javaagent jar file to the agent map.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
addAll(Collection<Sequence>) - Method in class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
All all the given sequences to this collection.
addAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class randoop.util.KeyToMultiSet
addAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap
addAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
addAll(K, Collection<? extends V>) - Method in class randoop.util.KeyToMultiSet
addAll(K, Collection<? extends V>) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap
addAll(K, Collection<? extends V>) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
addAll(SequenceCollection) - Method in class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
Add all the given sequences to this collection.
addAll(MultiMap<K, V>) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap
addAll(MultiMap<K, V>) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
addBeforeAll(BlockStmt) - Method in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
Add text for BeforeClass-annotated method in each generated test class.
addBeforeEach(BlockStmt) - Method in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
Add text for Before-annotated method in each generated test class.
addClassLevelLiteral(ClassOrInterfaceType, Sequence) - Method in class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
Add a sequence representing a literal value that can be used when testing members of the given class.
addClassLiterals(ComponentManager, List<String>, GenInputsAbstract.ClassLiteralsMode) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Adds literals to the component manager, by parsing any literals files specified by the user.
addClassTypes(AccessibilityPredicate, ReflectionPredicate, Set<String>, Set<String>, ClassNameErrorHandler, List<String>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Gathers class types to be used in a run of Randoop and adds them to this OperationModel.
addCoveredClass(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Adds a covered class to the most recent execution results of this sequence.
addCoveredClass(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Execution
addGeneratedSequence(Sequence) - Method in class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
Add a component sequence.
addIfConcrete(Type) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeExtractor
Determines whether the given general type is not generic, and, if so, adds the concrete type to the input types of this object.
addImport(CompilationUnit, String) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Add an import to the list of ImportDeclarations of the compilation unit.
addNullReceiver(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.test.PostConditionCheckGenerator
addNullReceiverIfStatic(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Inserts null as first argument when this operation is static.
addObjectConstructor() - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Creates and adds the Object class default constructor call to the concrete operations.
addOperationsFromClasses(AccessibilityPredicate, ReflectionPredicate, SpecificationCollection) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Adds operations to this OperationModel from all of the classes of OperationModel.classTypes.
addPackageLevelLiteral(Package, Sequence) - Method in class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
Add a sequence representing a literal value that can be used when testing classes in the given package.
addParamSpecifications(List<Precondition>) - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
Adds Precondition objects from the list to this OperationSpecification.
addParent(ExecutableSpecification) - Method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableSpecification
Add the parent ExecutableSpecification for this collection.
addPostCheckGenerator(TestCheckGenerator) - Method in class randoop.condition.ExpectedOutcomeTable
Constructs the TestCheckGenerator that will test for expected ThrowsClauses or postconditions as follows: If this table is empty, returns the given generator.
addPrestate(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
Returns the ExecutableBooleanExpression that checks the expression with the given argument values as the pre-state.
addQueryType(Type) - Method in class randoop.SubTypeSet
addReferenceValue(Variable, Object, Set<ReferenceValue>) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
If the variable has a non-String reference type, add its value to the set and also add a mapping to ExecutableSequence.variableMap.
addReturnSpecifications(List<Postcondition>) - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
Adds Postcondition objects from the list to this OperationSpecification.
addSequence(Package, Sequence) - Method in class randoop.sequence.PackageLiterals
addSequence(K, Sequence) - Method in class randoop.sequence.MappedSequences
Adds a sequence to the set of sequences associated with the given key.
addSequence(ClassOrInterfaceType, Sequence) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ClassLiterals
addThrowsConditions(List<ThrowsCondition>) - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
Adds ThrowsCondition objects from the list to this OperationSpecification.
addToConstantMap(ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet, MultiMap<Class<?>, NonreceiverTerm>) - Static method in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
Add all constant values from the given ConstantSet as NonreceiverTerms to their corresponding class in the given map.
AFTER_ALL - Static variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
The JUnit annotation for the AfterAll option.
AFTER_ALL_METHOD - Static variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
The method name for the AfterAll option.
AFTER_EACH - Static variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
The JUnit annotation for the AfterEach option.
AFTER_EACH_METHOD - Static variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
The method name for the AfterEach option.
afterAllBody - Variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
The Java text for AfterAll method of generated test class.
afterAllFixtureBody - Variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
afterEachBody - Variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
The Java text for AfterEach method of generated test class.
afterEachFixtureBody - Variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
agentMap - Variable in class randoop.execution.TestEnvironment
A map from javaagent jar path to argument string.
alias_ratio - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Try to reuse values from a sequence with the given frequency.
ALL - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.ClassLiteralsMode
Each literal is used as input to any method under test.
allExtendingSubstitutions(List<TypeVariable>, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Returns all substitutions that extend a substitution for the given type parameters.
allSequences - Variable in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
The set of ALL sequences ever generated, including sequences that were executed and then discarded.
allsequencesAsCode - Variable in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
Set and used only if GenInputsAbstract.debug_checks==true.
allsequencesAsList - Variable in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
Set and used only if GenInputsAbstract.debug_checks==true.
allSubstitutions(List<TypeVariable>, Substitution, BoundsCheck) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Adds instantiating substitutions for the given parameters to the list if satisfies the given type check predicate.
allVariablesForTypeLastStatement(Type, boolean) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Return all values of type type that are produced by, or might be side-effected by, the last statement.
alpha - Static variable in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
Parameter for balancing branch coverage and number of times a method was chosen.
AlwaysFalse<T> - Class in randoop.util.predicate
A predicate that always return false.
AlwaysFalse() - Constructor for class randoop.util.predicate.AlwaysFalse
AlwaysTrue<T> - Class in randoop.util.predicate
A predicate that always returns true.
AlwaysTrue() - Constructor for class randoop.util.predicate.AlwaysTrue
annotatedTestValues - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Set of singleton sequences for values from TestValue annotated fields.
AnyAccessibilityPredicate() - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.AnyAccessibilityPredicate
appendCatchBehavior(StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.test.EmptyExceptionCheck
Appends code for catch block behavior corresponding to an expected exception.
appendCatchBehavior(StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.test.ExceptionCheck
Appends code for catch block behavior corresponding to an expected exception.
appendCatchBehavior(StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionCheck
Appends code for catch block behavior corresponding to an expected exception.
appendCatchBehavior(StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.test.InvalidExceptionCheck
appendCode(StringBuilder, int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Appends the statement at the given index to the StringBuilder.
appendCode(List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
Produces a Java source code representation of this operation and appends it to the given StringBuilder.
appendCode(List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Appends Java text for this operation to the given StringBuilder, and using the given variables.
appendCode(List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedTermOperation
appendCode(Variable, List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
Adds code for the statement to the given StringBuilder.
appendCode(Type, TypeTuple, Type, List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.operation.ArrayCreation
appendCode(Type, TypeTuple, Type, List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.operation.ArrayElementSet
appendCode(Type, TypeTuple, Type, List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.operation.CallableOperation
Produces a Java source code representation of this statement and appends it to the given StringBuilder.
appendCode(Type, TypeTuple, Type, List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
Adds code for a constructor call to the given StringBuilder.
appendCode(Type, TypeTuple, Type, List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.operation.EnumConstant
Produces a Java source code representation of this statement and appends it to the given StringBuilder.
appendCode(Type, TypeTuple, Type, List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldGet
Adds the text for an initialization of a variable from a field to the StringBuilder.
appendCode(Type, TypeTuple, Type, List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldSet
Generates code for setting a field.
appendCode(Type, TypeTuple, Type, List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.operation.InitializedArrayCreation
Produces a Java source code representation of this statement and appends it to the given StringBuilder.
appendCode(Type, TypeTuple, Type, List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
Produces a Java source code representation of this statement and appends it to the given StringBuilder.
appendCode(Type, TypeTuple, Type, List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
Produces a Java source code representation of this statement and appends it to the given StringBuilder.
appendCode(Type, TypeTuple, Type, List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.operation.ReflectionArrayCreation
appendCode(Type, TypeTuple, Type, List<Variable>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.operation.UncheckedCast
Produces a Java source code representation of this statement and appends it to the given StringBuilder.
appendRecord(StringBuilder, List<String>, int) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.LiteralFileReader
appendTryBehavior(StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.test.EmptyExceptionCheck
Appends code to follow the statement throwing expected exception in try block.
appendTryBehavior(StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.test.ExceptionCheck
Appends code to follow the statement throwing expected exception in try block.
appendTryBehavior(StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionCheck
Appends code to follow the statement throwing expected exception in try block.
appendTryBehavior(StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.test.InvalidExceptionCheck
apply(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Applies the registered ClassVisitor objects of this object to the given class and its members that satisfy the given predicate.
apply(ClassVisitor, Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Applies the given ClassVisitor visitor to the class object and its members that satisfy the predicate of this reflection manager.
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperationWithCast
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Applies a capture conversion to the wildcard types of this operation, and returns a new operation with new type variables for the wildcard types.
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedTermOperation
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.types.EagerReferenceBound
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
Constructs a capture conversion for this type.
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
Applies a capture conversion to any wildcard arguments in the type of this bound.
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.types.LazyReferenceBound
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Applies a capture conversion to any wildcard arguments in the type of this bound.
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceBound
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceType
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Applies a capture conversion to this type.
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple
Applies a capture conversion to each component of this type type tuple.
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
Applies a capture conversion to the bound of this WildcardArgument.
applyCaptureConversion() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardType
applyCaptureConversion(ClassOrInterfaceType) - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Applies capture conversion to the enclosing type of this type and adds the result as the enclosing class of the given type.
applyTo(ClassVisitor, Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Apply a visitor to the member class.
applyTo(ClassVisitor, Enum<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Apply a visitor to a enum value.
applyTo(ClassVisitor, Constructor<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Apply a visitor to a constructor.
applyTo(ClassVisitor, Field) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Apply a visitor to a field.
applyTo(ClassVisitor, Method) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Apply a visitor to a method.
applyToEnum(ClassVisitor, Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Applies the visitors to the constants and methods of the given enum.
argumentList - Variable in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
The type arguments for this class.
argumentType - Variable in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
The wildcard type.
ARRAY - Variable in class randoop.operation.ArrayElementSet
ARRAY_BLOCKING_QUEUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for ArrayBlockingQueue
ARRAY_DEQUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for ArrayDeque
ARRAY_LIST_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for ArrayList
arrayComponentsToString() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
Returns a string representation of the components of the array, enclosed in curly braces, as it would appear in Java source code.
ArrayCreation - Class in randoop.operation
ArrayCreation is a Operation representing the construction of a one-dimensional array of a given type.
ArrayCreation(ArrayType) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.ArrayCreation
Creates an object representing the construction of an array of the given type.
ArrayElementSet - Class in randoop.operation
Created by bjkeller on 8/19/16.
ArrayElementSet(Type) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.ArrayElementSet
arrayLengthOk(Object) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Value
Returns true if the given array is shorter than the --string-maxlen=N parameter.
ArrayType - Class in randoop.types
Represents an array type as defined in JLS, Section 4.3.
ArrayType(Type, Class<?>) - Constructor for class randoop.types.ArrayType
Creates an ArrayType with the given component type and runtime class.
attempted_limit - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Maximum number of attempts to generate a test method candidate.
attempted_limit - Variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.Limits
Maximum number of attempts to generate a sequence.


bb - Static variable in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
A byte value for testing.
BEFORE_ALL - Static variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
The JUnit annotation for the BeforeAll option.
BEFORE_ALL_METHOD - Static variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
The method name for the BeforeAll option.
BEFORE_EACH - Static variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
The JUnit annotation for the BeforeEach option.
BEFORE_EACH_METHOD - Static variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
The method name for the BeforeEach option.
beforeAllBody - Variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
The Java text for BeforeAll method of generated test class.
beforeAllFixtureBody - Variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
beforeEachBody - Variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
The Java text for BeforeEach method of generated test class.
beforeEachFixtureBody - Variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
blackHole - Static variable in class randoop.Globals
A PrintStream whose contents are ignored.
BLOCKING_DEQUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for BlockingDeque
BLOCKING_QUEUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for BlockingQueue
Bloodhound - Class in randoop.generation
Implements the Bloodhound component, as described by the paper "GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing" by Ma et.
Bloodhound(List<TypedOperation>, Set<ClassOrInterfaceType>) - Constructor for class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
Initialize Bloodhound.
BLOODHOUND - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.MethodSelectionMode
The "Bloodhound" technique from the GRT paper prioritizes methods with lower branch coverage.
bloodhound_logging - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Print to standard out, method weights and method uncovered ratios.
bloodhound_update_mode - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Bloodhound can update coverage information at a regular interval that is either based on time or on the number of successful invocations.
BOOLEAN_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The boolean type.
boundList - Variable in class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
The list of type bounds for the intersection bound.
BoundsCheck - Class in randoop.types
Predicate to check the type of a substitution for a list of type variables.
BoundsCheck(List<TypeVariable>) - Constructor for class randoop.types.BoundsCheck
Creates a BoundsCheck predicate for a given list of type parameters.
boundType - Variable in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
The type for this bound.
boundType - Variable in class randoop.types.ReferenceBound
The type for this bound.
boxedToPrimitive - Static variable in class randoop.types.PrimitiveTypes
Map from boxed primitive to primitive Class<?> objects.
BranchCov(int, int) - Constructor for class randoop.util.TestCoverageInfo.BranchCov
branchCoverageInterval - Static variable in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
Branch coverage is recomputed after this many successful invocations (= this many new tests were generated).
branchCoverageMap - Variable in class randoop.generation.CoverageTracker
Map from method name to uncovered branch ratio (in Jacoco terms, the "missed ratio").
branchFalse - Variable in class randoop.util.TestCoverageInfo
branchTrue - Variable in class randoop.util.TestCoverageInfo
buildAddSequence(Sequence, TupleSequence, HelperSequenceCreator.SequenceExtender) - Static method in class randoop.generation.HelperSequenceCreator
Returns a sequence that creates a list or array.
buildOverridingMap(MultiMap<OperationSignature, Method>) - Static method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationCollection
Constructs a map between reflection objects representing override relationships among methods.
BYTE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The byte type.
byteStream - Variable in class randoop.compile.SequenceJavaFileObject
The stream for reading the source code.


c - Static variable in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
A char value for testing.
c - Variable in class randoop.util.ObjectContractReflectionCode
cache - Variable in class randoop.generation.EqualsMethodMatcher
cache - Static variable in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
A cache of all NonParameterizedTypes that have been created.
cache - Static variable in class randoop.types.ParameterizedType
A cache of all ParameterizedTypes that have been created.
cache - Static variable in class randoop.types.PrimitiveType
All the PrimitiveTypes that have been created.
cacheList - Variable in class randoop.main.OptionsCache
The list of caches for classes with Options annotations.
call_timeout - Static variable in class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
After this many milliseconds, a non-returning method call, and its associated test, are stopped forcefully.
CALL_TIMEOUT_MILLIS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
Default for call_timeout, in milliseconds.
CallableOperation - Class in randoop.operation
CallableOperation is an abstract implementation of the Operation interface to provide default implementations of Operation predicates that are false except for a few kinds of operations.
CallableOperation() - Constructor for class randoop.operation.CallableOperation
canBeInstantiatedBy(ReferenceType) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeVariable
Indicates whether this TypeVariable can be instantiated by the ReferenceType.
candidateTypes(List<TypeVariable>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Constructs the list of lists of candidate types for the given type parameters.
candidateTypes(TypeVariable) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Returns all input types that potentially satisfy the bounds on the argument.
capitalizeString(String) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.VariableRenamer
Capitalize the variable name while preserving any capitalized letters after the first letter.
capture_output - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
CaptureTypeVariable - Class in randoop.types
Represents a type variable introduced by capture conversion over a wildcard type argument.
CaptureTypeVariable(int, WildcardArgument, ParameterBound, ParameterBound) - Constructor for class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
Creates a CaptureTypeVariable with explicitly given ID, wildcard, and bounds.
CaptureTypeVariable(WildcardArgument) - Constructor for class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
Creates a CaptureTypeVariable for the given wildcard.
catchClassName - Variable in class randoop.test.ExceptionCheck
The name of exception to be caught.
CHAR_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The char type.
check - Variable in class randoop.test.InvalidChecks
check(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
Indicate whether this expression is satisfied by the given values.
Check - Interface in randoop.test
A Check represents the expected runtime behavior of a Sequence, at a particular offset.
check_compilable - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Whether to check that generated sequences can be compiled.
checkAndReset(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.instrument.CoveredClassVisitor
Calls the coverage instrumentation method.
checkContract(ExecutableSequence, Object[]) - Method in class randoop.contract.ObjectContract
Checks a contract on a particular array of values.
checkContracts(List<ObjectContract>, ExecutableSequence, TupleSet<ReferenceValue>) - Method in class randoop.test.ContractCheckingGenerator
If a contract fails for some tuple, returns some such failing check.
checkCorrectlyMinimized(Path, String, String, Map<String, String>, int) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Check if a Java file has been correctly minimized.
checked_exception - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
If a test throws a checked exception, should it be included in the error-revealing test suite (value: ERROR), regression test suite (value: EXPECTED), or should it be discarded (value: INVALID)?
checkGenerator - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Visitor to generate checks for a sequence.
checkGuardPropertyPairs(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableSpecification
Tests the given argument values against the guards of local postconditions, which are the GuardPropertyPair objects in this ExecutableSpecification.
checkGuardThrowsPairs(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableSpecification
Evaluate the guard of each local GuardThrowsPair, and for each one satisfied, add the ThrowsClause to the set of expected exceptions.
checkIndex(int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
checkInputs(TypedOperation, List<Variable>) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
checkOptionsValid() - Method in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Check that the options given satisfy any specified constraints, and fail if they do not.
CheckpointingMultiMap<K extends @Signed Object,​V extends @Signed Object> - Class in randoop.util
A MultiMap that supports checkpointing and restoring to a checkpoint (that is, undoing all operations up to a checkpoint, also called a "mark").
CheckpointingMultiMap() - Constructor for class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
CheckpointingMultiMap.OpKeyVal - Class in randoop.util
A triple of an operation, a key, and a value.
CheckpointingMultiMap.Ops - Enum in randoop.util
The operations on the map.
CheckpointingSet<E extends @Signed Object> - Class in randoop.util
A Set that supports settingcheckpoints (also called "marks") and restoring the data structure's state to them.
CheckpointingSet() - Constructor for class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
checkPreExpressions(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableSpecification
Tests the given argument values against the local preconditions, which are the ExecutableBooleanExpression objects in ExecutableSpecification.preExpressions in this ExecutableSpecification.
checkPrestate(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableSpecification
Check all guard expressions of the method's full specification, which includes this ExecutableSpecification and those of any overridden/implemented method.
checkPrestate(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Tests the specification for this operation against the argument values and returns the ExpectedOutcomeTable indicating the results of checking the pre-conditions of the specifications of the operation.
checkPrestate(Object[], ExpectedOutcomeTable) - Method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableSpecification
Modifies the given table, adding an ExpectedOutcomeTable entry for the guard expressions of this method's local specification recording the following: Whether the ExecutableSpecification.preExpressions fail or are satisfied.
checkRep() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Representation invariant check.
checkRep() - Method in class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
CheckRep - Annotation Type in randoop
Write this annotation on a method to specify that that the method checks a representation invariant.
CheckRepContract - Class in randoop.contract
Represents the contract that an object must conform to its representation invariant, as expressed in a user-supplied representation check method.
CheckRepContract(Method) - Constructor for class randoop.contract.CheckRepContract
CheckRepExtractor - Class in randoop.reflection
CheckRepExtractor is a ClassVisitor that inspects the methods passed to it to see if they are annotated with CheckRep, are non-static, and have either a boolean or void return type.
CheckRepExtractor(ContractSet) - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.CheckRepExtractor
Creates a visitor with an empty contracts set.
checkRepMethod - Variable in class randoop.contract.CheckRepContract
checks - Variable in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
The checks for the last statement in this sequence.
checks - Variable in class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
checks - Variable in class randoop.test.RegressionChecks
checks() - Method in class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
Get all non-exception checks and whether they are passing for this object.
checks() - Method in class randoop.test.InvalidChecks
checks() - Method in class randoop.test.RegressionChecks
Get all non-exception checks and whether they are passing for this object.
checks() - Method in interface randoop.test.TestChecks
Get all non-exception checks and whether they are passing for this object.
checkSubTypes(TypedClassOperation) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Ensures that field classType of this object is a subtype of operation.getDeclaringType(); throws an exception if not.
CLASS - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.ClassLiteralsMode
A literal for a given class is used as input only to methods of that class.
CLASS_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The java.lang.Class<?> type.
classDeclarationTypes - Variable in class randoop.reflection.DeclarationExtractor
classes - Variable in class randoop.instrument.CoveredClassVisitor
The classes to be polled.
classes - Variable in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet
Values that are non-receiver terms.
classesUnderTest - Variable in class randoop.generation.CoverageTracker
Names of all the classes under test.
ClassFileConstants - Class in randoop.util
Reads literals from a class file, including from the constant pool and from bytecodes that take immediate arguments.
ClassFileConstants() - Constructor for class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet - Class in randoop.util
Stores constant values from a class file.
classForName(String) - Static method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveTypes
Return the Class<?> object for the given primitive type name or "void".
classify(Throwable, ExecutableSequence) - Static method in class randoop.main.ExceptionBehaviorClassifier
classify(ExceptionalExecution, ExecutableSequence) - Static method in class randoop.main.ExceptionBehaviorClassifier
classlist - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
File that lists classes to test.
classListToTypeList(List<Class<?>>) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Converts a list of classes to a list of ClassOrInterfaceType.
ClassLiteralExtractor - Class in randoop.reflection
ClassLiteralExtractor is a ClassVisitor that extracts literals from the bytecode of each class visited, adding a sequence for each to a map associating a sequence with a type.
ClassLiteralExtractor(MultiMap<ClassOrInterfaceType, Sequence>) - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.ClassLiteralExtractor
classLiteralMap - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Map for singleton sequences of literals extracted from classes.
classLiterals - Variable in class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
Components representing literals that should only be used as input to specific classes.
ClassLiterals - Class in randoop.sequence
For a given class C, ClassLiterals maps C (if present) to a collection of literals (represented as single-element sequences) that are defined in C.
ClassLiterals() - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.ClassLiterals
classMethodCounts - Variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
classMethodCounts maps test class names to the number of methods in each class.
classname - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
The fully-qualified binary name of the declaring class of this operation.
classname - Variable in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
The name of the declaring class of the method.
classname - Variable in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet
Name of class containing the constants.
className - Variable in error randoop.main.RandoopClassNameError
The erroneous class name.
ClassNameErrorHandler - Interface in randoop.main
A ClassNameErrorHandler determines the error behavior when a class name error occurs.
classNameGenerator - Static variable in class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
The name generator to use to generate class names.
classNameGenerator - Variable in class randoop.test.CompilableTestPredicate
The name generator for temporary class names.
classNameToIdentifier(String) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
Converts a class name to an identifier name.
classNameToVariableName(String) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Variable
Convert the classname to a variable name, preserving camel case if used.
ClassOrInterfaceType - Class in randoop.types
Represents a class or interface type as defined in JLS Section 4.3.
ClassOrInterfaceType() - Constructor for class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
classOrInterfaceTypeComparator - Static variable in class randoop.main.Minimize
Sorts a type by its simple name.
ClassOrInterfaceTypeComparator() - Constructor for class randoop.main.Minimize.ClassOrInterfaceTypeComparator
ClassRenamingVisitor - Class in randoop.output
JavaParser visitor to rename classes.
ClassRenamingVisitor(String, String) - Constructor for class randoop.output.ClassRenamingVisitor
Create a ClassRenamingVisitor.
classToIdentifier(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
Converts a class to an identifier name.
classToVariableName(Type) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Variable
Build a variable name from the name of the given type.
classType - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
The type of the declaring class for the collected operations.
ClassTypeNameSimplifyVisitor - Class in randoop.output
JavaParser Visitor to simplify type names.
ClassTypeNameSimplifyVisitor() - Constructor for class randoop.output.ClassTypeNameSimplifyVisitor
classTypes - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
The set of class declaration types for this model.
classTypes(Class<?>, ReflectionPredicate, AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.DeclarationExtractor
Return the classes.
ClassTypeVisitor - Class in randoop.output
Visitor for Class types in JavaParser AST.
ClassTypeVisitor() - Constructor for class randoop.output.ClassTypeVisitor
ClassVisitor - Interface in randoop.reflection
ClassVisitor defines the interface for a visitor class that uses reflection to collect information about a class and its members.
clean() - Method in class randoop.util.KeyToMultiSet
cleanUp(Path, boolean) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Deletes the .class file associated with the outputFile.
clear - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Clear the component set each time it contains the given number of inputs.
clear() - Method in class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
Removes all sequences from this collection.
clear() - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
clear() - Method in class randoop.util.KeyToMultiSet
clear() - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap
clear() - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
clear() - Method in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
Clear the display; good to do before printing to System.out.
clear_memory - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Clear the component set each time Randoop uses this much memory.
clearActiveFlag(int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
clearAllActiveFlags() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
clearGeneratedSequences() - Method in class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
Removes any components sequences added so far, except for seed sequences, which are preserved.
CLONEABLE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The java.lang.Cloneable type.
close() - Method in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompiler
Releases any system resources associated with this.
close() - Method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationCollection
Releases any system resources used by this.
close() - Method in class randoop.test.CompilableTestPredicate
Releases resources held by this.
ClosingStream - Class in randoop.runtime
ClosingStream() - Constructor for class randoop.runtime.ClosingStream
cm_exception - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
If a test throws a ConcurrentModificationException exception, should it be included in the error-revealing test suite (value: ERROR), regression test suite (value: EXPECTED), or should it be discarded (value: INVALID)?
code - Variable in class randoop.util.RunnerThread
CodeWriter - Interface in randoop.output
Interface for a method writeClassCode that writes a class to a file.
collectCoverageInformation() - Method in class randoop.generation.CoverageTracker
Retrieve execution data from the Jacoco Java agent and merge the coverage information into executionData.
COLLECTION_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The java.util.Collection type.
COLLECTION_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for Collection
CollectionsExt - Class in randoop.util
CollectionsExt() - Constructor for class randoop.util.CollectionsExt
COLWIDTH - Static variable in class randoop.Globals
Column width for printing messages.
command - Variable in class randoop.execution.RunCommand.Status
The command executed.
command - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
command - Variable in class randoop.main.Minimize.Outputs
The command that was run.
CommandException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class randoop.execution.RunCommand.CommandException
Creates a RunCommand.CommandException with a message and causing exception.
commandGrammar - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
CommandHandler - Class in randoop.main
A command is the first argument given to Randoop.
CommandHandler(String, String, String, String, String, List<String>, String, String, String, Options) - Constructor for class randoop.main.CommandHandler
No arguments should be null.
commandPrefix() - Method in class randoop.execution.TestEnvironment
Constructs the command to run JUnit tests in this environment, minus the name of the test class.
comment - Variable in class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
The comment describing this expression.
comment - Variable in class randoop.condition.ThrowsClause
The descriptive text for this exception.
commentCatchStatements(String, String, List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>>, Path, FileCompiler.FileCompilerException) - Method in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
Comments out lines with unnecessary catch or try statements.
commentFailingAssertions(String, String, String, RunCommand.Status, Set<String>) - Method in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
Comments out lines with failing assertions.
commonChecks(ErrorRevealingChecks) - Method in class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
commonChecks(InvalidChecks) - Method in class randoop.test.InvalidChecks
commonChecks(RegressionChecks) - Method in class randoop.test.RegressionChecks
commonChecks(T) - Method in interface randoop.test.TestChecks
Returns the intersection of checks in this set and another set.
COMPARABLE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The java.lang.Comparable type.
COMPARATOR_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for Comparator
compare(ImportDeclaration, ImportDeclaration) - Method in class randoop.main.Minimize.ImportDeclarationComparator
compare(ClassOrInterfaceType, ClassOrInterfaceType) - Method in class randoop.main.Minimize.ClassOrInterfaceTypeComparator
compareRankedTypeOperation - Static variable in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Comparator used for sorting by ranking.
compareTo(TypedOperation) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Compares this TypedOperation to another.
compareTo(Variable) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Variable
compareTo(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Compare this Type to another.
compareTo(TypeTuple) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple
CompareToAntiSymmetric - Class in randoop.contract
The contract: Checks that an object is antisymmetric over compareTo.
CompareToAntiSymmetric() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.CompareToAntiSymmetric
CompareToEquals - Class in randoop.contract
The contract: Checks that compareTo is consistent with equals.
CompareToEquals() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.CompareToEquals
CompareToReflexive - Class in randoop.contract
The contract: Checks that an object is reflexive over compareTo.
CompareToReflexive() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.CompareToReflexive
CompareToReturnsNormally - Class in randoop.contract
Checks that calling compareTo() on an object does not throw an exception.
CompareToReturnsNormally() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.CompareToReturnsNormally
CompareToSubs - Class in randoop.contract
The contract: Checks the substitutability property of compareTo for equals.
CompareToSubs() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.CompareToSubs
CompareToTransitive - Class in randoop.contract
The contract: Checks the transitivity of the compare to method.
CompareToTransitive() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.CompareToTransitive
CompilableTestPredicate - Class in randoop.test
TestPredicate that returns true if the given ExecutableSequence is compilable.
CompilableTestPredicate(JUnitCreator, GenTests) - Constructor for class randoop.test.CompilableTestPredicate
Creates a predicate using the given JUnitCreator to construct the test class for each sequence.
compilationError(Path, String, List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>>, FileCompiler.FileCompilerException) - Method in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
Issue an exception because of a non-recoverable compilation error.
compile(String, String, String) - Method in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompiler
Compiles the given class.
compile(String, String, String, DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>) - Method in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompiler
A helper method for the SequenceCompiler.compile(String, String, String) and SequenceCompiler.isCompilable(String, String, String) methods: compiles the given class using the given diagnostics collector.
compile(Path, Path) - Method in class randoop.compile.FileCompiler
Compile the given source file, writing resulting class files to the destination directory.
compile(List<File>, Path) - Method in class randoop.compile.FileCompiler
Compile the given source files, writing resulting class files to the destination directory.
compileAndLoad(String, String, String) - Method in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompiler
Compiles the given class, leads it, and returns the Class object.
compileJavaFile(Path, String, String, int) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Compile a Java file and return the compilation exit value.
compiler - Variable in class randoop.compile.FileCompiler
The compiler object.
compiler - Variable in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompiler
The Java compiler.
compiler - Variable in class randoop.condition.SpecificationCollection
Compiler for creating conditionMethods.
compiler - Variable in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
The SequenceCompiler for compiling expression methods.
compiler - Variable in class randoop.test.CompilableTestPredicate
The compiler for sequence code.
compilerOptions - Variable in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompiler
The options to the compiler.
compileTestClass(String, String, String, Path) - Method in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
Compiles the Java files in the list of files and writes the resulting class files to the directory.
CompileUtil - Class in randoop.compile
Utilities for compiler classes.
CompileUtil() - Constructor for class randoop.compile.CompileUtil
componentManager - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Component manager responsible for storing previously-generated sequences.
ComponentManager - Class in randoop.generation
Stores the component sequences generated during a run of Randoop.
ComponentManager() - Constructor for class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
Create an empty component manager, with an empty seed sequence set.
ComponentManager(Collection<Sequence>) - Constructor for class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
Create a component manager, initially populated with the given sequences, which are considered seed sequences.
componentSequences - Variable in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
The subsequences that were concatenated to create this sequence.
componentType - Variable in class randoop.operation.ArrayCreation
The component type for the created array.
componentType - Variable in class randoop.types.ArrayType
The type of components in this array.
computeHashcode(SimpleList<Statement>) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The hashcode of a sequence is the sum of each statement's hashcode.
computeLastStatementInfo() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
computeNetSize(SimpleList<Statement>) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Counts the number of statements in a list that are not initializations with a primitive type.
computeTotalWeightForCandidates(SimpleList<Sequence>) - Method in class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection
Compute the total weight of the list of candidate Sequences.
concatenate(List<Sequence>) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Create a new sequence that is the concatenation of the given sequences.
CONCURRENT_HASH_MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for ConcurrentHashMap
CONCURRENT_LINKED_QUEUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for ConcurrentLinkedQueue
CONCURRENT_MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for ConcurrentMap
CONCURRENT_NAVIGABLE_MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for ConcurrentNavigableMap
CONCURRENT_SKIP_LIST_MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for ConcurrentSkipListMap
CONCURRENT_SKIP_LIST_SET_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for ConcurrentSkipListSet
conditionSource - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.AbstractBooleanExpression
The text of the Java code for this expression.
ConstantSet() - Constructor for class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet
constantSetToNonreceiverTerms(ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet) - Static method in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
Convert a ConstantSet to a set of NonreceiverTerms.
constructor - Variable in class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
constructor - Variable in class randoop.util.ConstructorReflectionCode
The constructor to be called.
ConstructorCall - Class in randoop.operation
ConstructorCall is an Operation that represents a call to a constructor, and holds a reference to a reflective Constructor object.
ConstructorCall(Constructor<?>) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
Creates object corresponding to the given reflection constructor.
ConstructorReflectionCode - Class in randoop.util
Wraps a constructor together with its arguments, ready for execution.
ConstructorReflectionCode(Constructor<?>, Object[]) - Constructor for class randoop.util.ConstructorReflectionCode
Create a new ConstructorReflectionCode to represent a constructor invocation.
contains(Object) - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
contains(K) - Method in class randoop.util.KeyToMultiSet
contains(K) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap
contains(K) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
contains(TypeArgument) - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
Checks whether this type argument contains another argument, using relationship defined in JLS Section 4.5.1.
contains(TypeArgument) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeArgument
Checks whether this type argument contains another argument, using relationship defined in JLS Section 4.5.1.
contains(TypeArgument) - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
contains(WildcardType) - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardType
If this type has an upper bound, checks for containment cases: ? extends T contains ? extends S if T.isSubtypeOf(S) ? extends T contains ? Both of which are technically the same because from a reflection perspective ? is just ? extends Object.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
containsKey(Object) - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
Returns true if this map contains the given key.
contract - Variable in class randoop.test.ObjectCheck
The contract that is checked.
ContractCheckingGenerator - Class in randoop.test
An execution visitor that generates checks for error-revealing tests.
ContractCheckingGenerator(ContractSet) - Constructor for class randoop.test.ContractCheckingGenerator
Create a new visitor that checks the given contracts after the last statement in a sequence is executed.
contractMap - Variable in class randoop.test.ContractSet
Each element is a list of all contracts of that arity.
contracts - Variable in class randoop.reflection.CheckRepExtractor
The set of accumulated ObjectContract objects.
contracts - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Set of object contracts used to generate tests.
contracts - Variable in class randoop.test.ContractCheckingGenerator
ContractSet - Class in randoop.test
Manages the set of ObjectContract objects.
ContractSet() - Constructor for class randoop.test.ContractSet
contractSource - Variable in class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
The Java source code in ObjectContract format.
convert(TypeVariable, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
Converts the bounds on this CaptureTypeVariable by including those of the formal type parameters of the generic type, and applying the implied substitution between the type parameters and capture conversion argument list.
convertClasspathToAbsolute(String) - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Convert each element of the given classpath from a relative to an absolute path.
convertToHexString(String) - Static method in class randoop.util.Util
Convert each character to the form "\\uHEXDIGITS".
copyAndRename(Path, CompilationUnit, String, String) - Static method in class randoop.output.ClassRenamingVisitor
Copies a file to a new name, renaming the class.
copyAndRename(Path, String) - Static method in class randoop.output.ClassRenamingVisitor
Copies a file to a new name, renaming the class.
count - Static variable in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
The ID counter for capture conversion variables.
count() - Method in class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
count() - Method in class randoop.test.InvalidChecks
count() - Method in class randoop.test.RegressionChecks
count() - Method in interface randoop.test.TestChecks
Return the number of checks in this test.
CountDownTimer - Class in randoop.util
CountDownTimer(long) - Constructor for class randoop.util.CountDownTimer
counter - Variable in class randoop.output.NameGenerator
The number to use for the next name to generate.
countSequencesPerOperation(List<ExecutableSequence>, MultiMap<Type, TypedClassOperation>) - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Counts the number of sequences each operation occurs in.
coverageTracker - Variable in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
Coverage tracker used to get branch coverage information of methods under test.
CoverageTracker - Class in randoop.generation
Tracks the branch coverage of each method under test.
CoverageTracker(Set<ClassOrInterfaceType>) - Constructor for class randoop.generation.CoverageTracker
Initialize the coverage tracker.
CoverageTracker.DummySessionInfoVisitor - Class in randoop.generation
An ISessionInfoVisitor that does nothing.
covered - Variable in class randoop.util.TestCoverageInfo.BranchCov
coveredClasses - Variable in class randoop.sequence.Execution
coveredClasses - Variable in class randoop.test.IncludeIfCoversPredicate
The set of classes to be covered.
coveredClassesGoal - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
The set of classes used as goals in the covered-class test filter.
CoveredClassVisitor - Class in randoop.instrument
A ExecutionVisitor that polls a set of coverage instrumented classes and adds each covered class to an ExecutableSequence after it is executed.
CoveredClassVisitor(Set<Class<?>>) - Constructor for class randoop.instrument.CoveredClassVisitor
Creates a visitor to poll the given classes for coverage by sequence executions.
coversClass(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Indicates whether the given class is covered by the most recent execution of this sequence.
create() - Static method in class randoop.NotExecuted
create(List<Path>) - Static method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationCollection
Creates a SpecificationCollection from the list of JSON specification files.
create(Guard) - Method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Creates a ExecutableBooleanExpression object for the given AbstractBooleanExpression using the prestate expression signature of this SpecificationTranslator.
create(Property) - Method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Creates a ExecutableBooleanExpression object for the given AbstractBooleanExpression using the poststate expression signature of this SpecificationTranslator.
createAnArray(TupleSequence, Type, int) - Static method in class randoop.generation.HelperSequenceCreator
Creates a sequence that builds an array of the given element type using sequences from the given list of candidates.
createAndClassifySequences() - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Creates and executes new sequences until stopping criteria is met.
createAndStart(long) - Static method in class randoop.util.CountDownTimer
createArrayCreation(ArrayType) - Static method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Creates a simple array creation operation for the given type.
createArrayElementAssignment(ArrayType) - Static method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Creates an operation to assign a value to an array element.
createArraySequence(ComponentManager, Type) - Static method in class randoop.generation.HelperSequenceCreator
Returns a sequence that creates an object of type compatible with the given class.
createCast(Type, Type) - Static method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Creates an operation to cast from one type to another.
createCollection(ComponentManager, InstantiatedType) - Static method in class randoop.generation.HelperSequenceCreator
Generates a sequence that creates a Collection.
createCollectionCreationSequence(InstantiatedType, ReferenceType) - Static method in class randoop.generation.HelperSequenceCreator
Creates the creation sequence for a collection with the given type and element type.
createConditionClassSource(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
Create the source code for the expression class.
createCopyWithBounds(ParameterBound, ParameterBound) - Method in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
createCopyWithBounds(ParameterBound, ParameterBound) - Method in class randoop.types.ExplicitTypeVariable
createCopyWithBounds(ParameterBound, ParameterBound) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeVariable
createdExecutableSequence(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.generation.InputSequenceSelector
A hook that is called after a new sequence has been created and executed.
createdExecutableSequence(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection
A hook that is called after a new sequence has been created and executed.
CreatedJUnitFile - Class in randoop.runtime
A message indicating that Randoop created a specific JUnit file containing generated tests.
CreatedJUnitFile(Path, boolean) - Constructor for class randoop.runtime.CreatedJUnitFile
createElementsSequence(SimpleList<Sequence>, int, Type) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.TupleSequence
Selects sequences as element values for creating a collection.
createExecutableSpecification(Executable, OperationSpecification, SequenceCompiler) - Static method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Create the ExecutableSpecification object for the given OperationSpecification using this SpecificationTranslator.
createFixture(String, NodeList<Modifier>, String, BlockStmt) - Method in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
Creates the declaration of a single test fixture.
createGenericArrayCreationSequence(ArrayType, int) - Static method in class randoop.generation.HelperSequenceCreator
Creates a Sequence for creating an array with parameterized type.
createGetterForField(Field, ClassOrInterfaceType) - Static method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Creates a TypedOperation that represents a read access to a field.
createInitializedArrayCreation(ArrayType, int) - Static method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Creates an operation that creates an array of the given type and size.
createLine(String...) - Method in class randoop.output.SourceBuilder
Creates a line from the given tokens with the current indentation and separated by spaces.
createMethod(RawSignature, String, String, SequenceCompiler) - Static method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
Creates a java.lang.reflect.Method to test the expression given by contractSource.
createModel(AccessibilityPredicate, ReflectionPredicate, List<Pattern>, Set<String>, Set<String>, ClassNameErrorHandler, List<String>) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Factory method to construct an operation model for a particular set of classes without behavior specifications.
createModel(AccessibilityPredicate, ReflectionPredicate, List<Pattern>, Set<String>, Set<String>, ClassNameErrorHandler, List<String>, SpecificationCollection) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Factory method to construct an operation model for a particular set of classes.
createModel(AccessibilityPredicate, ReflectionPredicate, Set<String>, Set<String>, ClassNameErrorHandler, List<String>) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Factory method to construct an operation model for a particular set of classes without an omit-methods list or behavior specifications.
createMultiVisitor(List<ExecutionVisitor>) - Static method in class randoop.MultiVisitor
Returns a MultiVisitor if needed, otherwise a simpler visitor.
createNewUniqueSequence() - Method in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
Tries to create a new sequence.
createNonreceiverInitialization(NonreceiverTerm) - Static method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Creates an operation that uses the given NonreceiverTerm for initializing a variable.
createNullOrZeroInitializationForType(Type) - Static method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Creates an operation that initializes a variable to the zero value for the given type.
createNullOrZeroTerm(Type) - Static method in class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
Returns a NonreceiverTerm holding the zero/false value for the specified class c.
createOutputDir(String) - Method in class randoop.output.JavaFileWriter
Create the output directory for the package if it does not already exist.
createPatternsFromSignatures(List<String>) - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Creates a list of signature strings (see RawSignature.toString() to a list of Pattern.
createPrimitiveInitialization(Type, Object) - Static method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Creates an operation that initializes a variable to a given primitive value.
createReplacementMap(List<String>) - Static method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Creates the replacement map from the given parameter names to numbered dummy variable names as used in ObjectContract.
createSequence(TypedOperation, List<Sequence>, List<Integer>) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Creates a sequence consisting of the given operation given the input.
createSequence(TypedOperation, TupleSequence) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
createSequenceDetailsWithExecutionTime(Sequence, long) - Method in class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection
Creates and stores a OrienteeringSelection.SequenceDetails for the given Sequence with the corresponding execution time.
createSequenceForPrimitive(Object) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Creates a sequence corresponding to the given non-null primitive value.
createSetterForField(Field, ClassOrInterfaceType) - Static method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Creates a TypedOperation that represents a write access to a field.
createTestCheckGenerator(AccessibilityPredicate, ContractSet, MultiMap<Type, TypedClassOperation>, OmitMethodsPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Creates the test check generator for this run based on the command-line arguments.
createTestClass(String, NameGenerator, List<ExecutableSequence>) - Method in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
Create a test class.
createTestDriver(String, Iterable<String>, int) - Method in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
Create non-reflective test driver as a main class.
createTestMethod(String, String, ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
Creates a test method as a String for the sequence testSequence.
createTestOutputPredicate(Set<Sequence>, Set<Class<?>>, Pattern) - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Builds the test predicate that determines whether a particular sequence will be included in the output based on command-line arguments.
createTestSuite(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
Creates the JUnit4 suite class for the tests in this object as a String.
createTranslator(Executable, OperationSpecification, SequenceCompiler) - Static method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Creates a SpecificationTranslator object to translate the OperationSpecification of executable.
createWorkingDirectory(String, int) - Method in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
Creates a temporary directory by concatenating the class name and a pass count to form the directory name.
cumulativeSize - Variable in class randoop.util.ListOfLists
The i-th value is the number of elements in the sublists up to the i-th one, inclusive.
currSeq - Static variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
This field is set by Randoop to point to the sequence currently being executed.


d - Static variable in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
A double value for testing.
debug - Static variable in class randoop.generation.TestUtils
debug - Static variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Whether to produce debugging output to the Randoop log.
debug - Static variable in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Whether to log information about instantiation.
debug - Static variable in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Set to true to enable debug output to standard out.
debug - Static variable in class randoop.util.JarReader
debug_checks - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
debugCompilationFailure - Static variable in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompiler
If non-null, do verbose output for compilation failures where the Java source code contains the string.
DeclarationExtractor - Class in randoop.reflection
A ClassVisitor that simply collects ClassOrInterfaceType objects for visited Class objects.
DeclarationExtractor(Set<ClassOrInterfaceType>, ReflectionPredicate) - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.DeclarationExtractor
declaringClass - Variable in class randoop.contract.CheckRepContract
declaringClass - Variable in class randoop.reflection.StaticCache
The class for which static state is to be saved.
declaringType - Variable in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
declaringType - Variable in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
The declaring type for this operation.
decoration - Variable in exception randoop.ReplayFailureException
The check that failed.
DEFAULT_SEED - Static variable in class randoop.util.Randomness
The default initial seed for the random number generator.
DefaultClassVisitor - Class in randoop.reflection
Default implementation of the ClassVisitor class.
DefaultClassVisitor() - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.DefaultClassVisitor
DefaultOperationHistoryLogger - Class in randoop.generation
The default implementation of the OperationHistoryLogInterface.
DefaultOperationHistoryLogger() - Constructor for class randoop.generation.DefaultOperationHistoryLogger
DefaultReflectionPredicate - Class in randoop.reflection
Default implementations of methods that indicate what is "under test": whether a class, method, constructor, or field should be used in Randoop's exploration.
DefaultReflectionPredicate() - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.DefaultReflectionPredicate
Create a reflection predicate.
DefaultReflectionPredicate(Collection<String>) - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.DefaultReflectionPredicate
DefaultReflectionFilter creates a filter object that uses default criteria for inclusion of reflection objects.
defaultSeeds() - Static method in class randoop.generation.SeedSequences
A set of sequences that create primitive values, e.g.
definesNonBridgeMethod(Class<?>, Method) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultReflectionPredicate
Returns true if the class defines the given method, not as a bridge method.
DELAY_QUEUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for DelayQueue
DEQUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for Deque
describeLines(String, List<String>, StringBuilder) - Method in class randoop.execution.RunCommand.Status
Print to sb the lines, or say how many lines there were.
description - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.AbstractBooleanExpression
The description of the expression.
description - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.SpecificationClause
The description of this SpecificationClause.
description - Variable in class randoop.runtime.ErrorRevealed
A description of the error.
determineActiveIndices(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
Determines what indices in the given sequence are active.
deterministic - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
If true, Randoop is deterministic: running Randoop twice with the same arguments (including --randomseed) will produce the same test suite, so long as the program under test is deterministic.
diagnostics - Variable in class randoop.compile.FileCompiler.FileCompilerException
The compiler diagnostics.
diagnostics - Variable in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompilerException
The compiler diagnostics.
diagnostics() - Method in class randoop.main.Minimize.Outputs
Verbose toString().
dimensions - Variable in class randoop.operation.ArrayCreation
The dimensions of the created array.
dirName - Variable in class randoop.output.JavaFileWriter
The directory to which JUnit files are written.
DISCARD - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.FlakyTestAction
Discard the flaky test.
discardBridge(Method) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultReflectionPredicate
Determines whether a bridge method should be discarded.
display(boolean) - Method in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
Displays the current status.
display(String) - Method in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
Displays the given message.
doNotInlineLiterals() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Disables inlining of variable values as arguments in this sequence.
doNotUseSpecialCase(Method) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultReflectionPredicate
Indicates methods for which this predicate should return false.
dont_omit_replaced_methods - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Include methods that are otherwise omitted by default.
dont_output_tests - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Run test generation without output.
dontexecute - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Create sequences but never execute them.
DOT_DELIMITED_IDS - Static variable in class randoop.reflection.SignatureParser
Regex to match a sequence of identifiers (or <init>) separated by periods.
DOUBLE_DELTA - Static variable in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
The maximum difference for which doubles are considered equal.
DOUBLE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The double type.
doubleConstant(Double, ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet) - Static method in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
Register a double constant in the given ConstantSet.
doubles - Variable in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet
Set of all double constants in a class.
DUMMY - Static variable in class randoop.sequence.DummyVariable
The only DummyVariable that exists.
DUMMY_VARIABLE_BASE_NAME - Static variable in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
The base name of dummy variables used by ObjectContract.
DummyCheckGenerator - Class in randoop.test
Returns an empty TestChecks.
DummyCheckGenerator() - Constructor for class randoop.test.DummyCheckGenerator
DummySessionInfoVisitor() - Constructor for class randoop.generation.CoverageTracker.DummySessionInfoVisitor
Initializes the session info visitor.
DummyVariable - Class in randoop.sequence
A dummy variable, to ensure that parameter lists are the expected length.
DummyVariable() - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.DummyVariable
Create a DummyVariable.
DummyVisitor - Class in randoop
A visitor that does nothing and adds no checks.
DummyVisitor() - Constructor for class randoop.DummyVisitor
dump_sequences - Static variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
If true, dump each sequence to the log file as it is generated.
dumpModel() - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Print a verbose representation of the model, if logging is enabled.
dumpModel(PrintStream) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Print a verbose representation of the model to out.
dumpModel(Writer) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Print a verbose representation of the model to out.
duplicateName() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.Identifiers
Returns an identifier name that occurs more than once in this Identifiers, or null if there are no duplicate names.


e - Variable in error randoop.sequence.SequenceExceptionError
The exception thrown by the sequence.
EagerReferenceBound - Class in randoop.types
Represents a bound on a type variable where the bound is a ReferenceType that can be used directly.
EagerReferenceBound(ReferenceType) - Constructor for class randoop.types.EagerReferenceBound
Creates a bound for the given reference type.
elapsedTime() - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Elapsed time since the generator started.
elapsedTime() - Method in class randoop.util.CountDownTimer
elementType - Variable in class randoop.operation.ArrayCreation
The element type for the created array.
elementType - Variable in class randoop.operation.ArrayElementSet
elementType - Variable in class randoop.operation.InitializedArrayCreation
elementType - Variable in class randoop.operation.ReflectionArrayCreation
empty() - Static method in class randoop.util.MultiMap
Returns an immutable, empty multimap.
EMPTY - Static variable in class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
An empty, immutable set of error-revealing checks.
EMPTY - Static variable in class randoop.test.InvalidChecks
An empty, immutable set of invalid checks.
EMPTY - Static variable in class randoop.test.RegressionChecks
An empty, immutable set of regression checks.
EmptyExceptionCheck - Class in randoop.test
An ExceptionCheck that doesn't enforce the expectation of an exception by the statement at the statement index.
EmptyExceptionCheck(Throwable, int, String) - Constructor for class randoop.test.EmptyExceptionCheck
Creates an exception check for the given statement index.
emptyList - Static variable in class randoop.sequence.MappedSequences
EmptyMultiMap() - Constructor for class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
Creates an immutable, empty multimap.
enclosingType - Variable in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
The enclosing type.
endMarker - Variable in class randoop.util.RecordListReader
The value of endMarker is "END recordType"
ENUM_MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for EnumMap
ENUM_SET_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for EnumSet
EnumConstant - Class in randoop.operation
EnumConstant is an Operation representing a constant value from an enum.
EnumConstant(Enum<?>) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.EnumConstant
EnumValue - Class in randoop.contract
A check for a particular value of an Enum.
EnumValue(Enum<?>) - Constructor for class randoop.contract.EnumValue
equalityMode - Variable in class randoop.contract.PrimValue
Whether to use == or .equals() to test for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.AbstractBooleanExpression
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.Identifiers
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.Postcondition
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.SpecificationClause
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.ThrowsCondition
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.condition.ThrowsClause
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.contract.CheckRepContract
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.contract.EnumValue
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNotNull
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNull
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqValue
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.contract.PrimValue
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.contract.ToStringReturnsNormally
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.operation.ArrayCreation
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
Tests whether the parameter is a call to the same constructor.
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.operation.EnumConstant
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldGet
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldSet
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.operation.InitializedArrayCreation
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
Indicates whether this object is equal to o.
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.sequence.DummyVariable
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ReferenceValue
Indicates whether two ReferenceValue objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Two sequences are equal if their statements(+inputs) are element-wise equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence.RelativeNegativeIndex
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
equals tests whether two Statement objects are equal:
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Variable
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.test.ExceptionCheck
Determines if two ExceptionCheck objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.test.MissingExceptionCheck
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.test.NoExceptionCheck
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.test.ObjectCheck
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.test.PostConditionCheck
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.test.RegressionChecks
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.ExplicitTypeVariable
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.NullReferenceType
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterType
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveType
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceBound
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.Substitution
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.VoidType
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
equals(Object) - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardType
equalsEnumConstant(EnumConstant) - Method in class randoop.operation.EnumConstant
Returns true if this equals the given object.
EQUALSEQUALS - randoop.contract.PrimValue.EqualityMode
Use reference equality ==.
EqualsHashcode - Class in randoop.contract
The contract: o1.equals(o2) ==> o1.hashCode() == o2.hashCode().
EqualsHashcode() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.EqualsHashcode
EQUALSMETHOD - randoop.contract.PrimValue.EqualityMode
Use abstract equality .equals().
EqualsMethodMatcher - Class in randoop.generation
EqualsMethodMatcher() - Constructor for class randoop.generation.EqualsMethodMatcher
EqualsReflexive - Class in randoop.contract
The contract: x0.equals(x0)==true.
EqualsReflexive() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.EqualsReflexive
EqualsReturnsNormally - Class in randoop.contract
Checks that calling equals() on an object does not throw an exception.
EqualsReturnsNormally() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.EqualsReturnsNormally
EqualsSymmetric - Class in randoop.contract
The contract: o1.equals(o2) ==> o2.equals(o1).
EqualsSymmetric() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.EqualsSymmetric
EqualsToNullRetFalse - Class in randoop.contract
The contract: x0.equals(null)==false.
EqualsToNullRetFalse() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.EqualsToNullRetFalse
EqualsTransitive - Class in randoop.contract
The contract: Checks the transitivity of equals for an object (x0.equals(x1) && x1.equals(x2)) ==> x0.equals(x2).
EqualsTransitive() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.EqualsTransitive
ERROR - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.BehaviorType
Occurrence of exception reveals an error.
ERROR_SEQUENCE - randoop.generation.OperationOutcome
A sequence was generated and output as an Error-revealing sequence.
error_test_basename - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Base name (no ".java" suffix) of the JUnit file containing error-revealing tests
errorOutputLines - Variable in class randoop.execution.RunCommand.Status
The error output from running the command.
ErrorRevealed - Class in randoop.runtime
A message indicating that an error was revealed.
ErrorRevealed(String, String, List<String>, Path) - Constructor for class randoop.runtime.ErrorRevealed
ErrorRevealingChecks - Class in randoop.test
ErrorRevealingChecks represent failing checks for a particular test sequence.
ErrorRevealingChecks() - Constructor for class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
Create an empty set of error checks.
ErrorRevealingChecks(Check) - Constructor for class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
Create a singleton set of error checks.
ErrorTestPredicate - Class in randoop.test
Returns true if the sequence is an error test (has a failure).
ErrorTestPredicate() - Constructor for class randoop.test.ErrorTestPredicate
errout - Variable in class randoop.main.Minimize.Outputs
The error output.
escapedStringLengthOk(String) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Value
Returns true if the given string, when quoted for inclusion in a Java program, is no longer than the --string-maxlen=N parameter.
escapedStringLengthOkCached - Static variable in class randoop.sequence.Value
Used to increase performance of stringLengthOk method.
eseq - Variable in class randoop.test.InvalidValueCheck
The sequence that creates the value to be checked.
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.CheckRepContract
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToAntiSymmetric
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToEquals
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToReflexive
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToReturnsNormally
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToSubs
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToTransitive
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.EnumValue
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsHashcode
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsReflexive
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsReturnsNormally
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsSymmetric
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsToNullRetFalse
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsTransitive
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.HashCodeReturnsNormally
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNotNull
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNull
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.ObjectContract
Evaluates the contract on the given values.
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqValue
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.PrimValue
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.SizeToArrayLength
evaluate(Object...) - Method in class randoop.contract.ToStringReturnsNormally
EverythingAllowedPredicate - Class in randoop.reflection
EverythingAllowedPredicate() - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.EverythingAllowedPredicate
EverythingIsDifferentMatcher - Class in randoop.generation
EverythingIsDifferentMatcher() - Constructor for class randoop.generation.EverythingIsDifferentMatcher
example - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
excep_exec_count - Static variable in class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
The number of exceptional executions.
excep_exec_duration_nanos - Static variable in class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
The sum of durations for exceptional executions, in nanoseconds.
excepExecAvgMillis() - Static method in class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
The average exceptional execution time, in milliseconds.
excepExecs() - Static method in class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
exception - Variable in class randoop.ExceptionalExecution
exception - Variable in error randoop.generation.RandoopGenerationError
The exception that was thrown.
exception - Variable in error randoop.reflection.RandoopInstantiationError
exception - Variable in class randoop.test.ExceptionCheck
The thrown exception.
ExceptionalExecution - Class in randoop
Means that the execution of a statement threw an exception.
ExceptionalExecution(Throwable, long) - Constructor for class randoop.ExceptionalExecution
ExceptionBehaviorClassifier - Class in randoop.main
Static method ExceptionBehaviorClassifier.classify(randoop.ExceptionalExecution, randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence) classifies exceptions thrown by a test sequence based on the GenInputsAbstract.BehaviorType command-line arguments.
ExceptionBehaviorClassifier() - Constructor for class randoop.main.ExceptionBehaviorClassifier
exceptionCheck - Variable in class randoop.test.RegressionChecks
ExceptionCheck - Class in randoop.test
An ExceptionCheck indicates that an exception is expected at a particular statement in a sequence.
ExceptionCheck(Throwable, int, String) - Constructor for class randoop.test.ExceptionCheck
Creates an exception check for the statement at the statement index.
exceptionExpectation - Variable in class randoop.test.RegressionCaptureGenerator
The generator for expected exceptions.
exceptionName - Variable in class randoop.test.NoExceptionCheck
The exception that the statement threw during generation.
exceptionSets - Variable in class randoop.condition.ExpectedOutcomeTable
The list of lists of throws clauses for which the guard expression was satisfied.
exceptionSets - Variable in class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionGenerator
The list of lists of throws clauses for which the guard expression was satisfied.
exceptionThrown - Variable in class randoop.util.ReflectionCode
The exception thrown by execution.
exceptionType - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.ThrowsCondition
The fully-qualified binary name of the type of the expected exception.
exceptionType - Variable in class randoop.condition.ThrowsClause
The type of the exception.
excludeSet - Variable in class randoop.test.ExcludeTestPredicate
The sequences to forbid.
ExcludeTestPredicate - Class in randoop.test
Forbids certain sequences.
ExcludeTestPredicate(Set<Sequence>) - Constructor for class randoop.test.ExcludeTestPredicate
execSpec - Variable in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
The specification for this operation.
exectime - Variable in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
How long it took to execute this sequence in nanoseconds.
ExecutableBooleanExpression - Class in randoop.condition
A ExecutableBooleanExpression represents a boolean Java expression, and allows evaluation on argument values.
ExecutableBooleanExpression(Method, String, String) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
Creates a ExecutableBooleanExpression that calls the method to evaluate the expression.
ExecutableBooleanExpression(RawSignature, String, String, String, String, SequenceCompiler) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
Creates a ExecutableBooleanExpression for evaluating an expression (see Guard) of a specification.
ExecutableSequence - Class in randoop.sequence
ExecutableSequence(Sequence) - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Create an executable sequence that executes the given sequence.
ExecutableSpecification - Class in randoop.condition
The executable version of an OperationSpecification.
ExecutableSpecification() - Constructor for class randoop.condition.ExecutableSpecification
Creates an empty ExecutableSpecification object.
ExecutableSpecification(List<ExecutableBooleanExpression>, List<GuardPropertyPair>, List<GuardThrowsPair>) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.ExecutableSpecification
Creates an ExecutableSpecification object for the lists of guard expressions for pre-specifications, GuardPropertyPair objects for post-specifications, and GuardThrowsPair objects for throws-specifications.
execute(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.ArrayCreation
execute(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.ArrayElementSet
execute(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.CallableOperation
Performs this operation using the array of input values.
execute(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
Performs this operation using the array of input values.
execute(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.EnumConstant
Performs this operation using the array of input values.
execute(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldGet
Performs computation of getting value of field or capturing thrown exceptions.
execute(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldSet
Sets the value of the field given the inputs.
execute(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.InitializedArrayCreation
Performs this operation using the array of input values.
execute(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
Performs this operation using the array of input values.
execute(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
Performs this operation using the array of input values.
execute(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.ReflectionArrayCreation
execute(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperationWithCast
Performs this operation using the array of input values.
execute(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Performs this operation using the array of input values.
execute(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.operation.UncheckedCast
Performs this operation using the array of input values.
execute(Object[]) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
execute performs the operation of the statement for the input variables and returns outcome.
execute(ObjectContract, Object...) - Static method in class randoop.contract.ObjectContractUtils
Executes the given contract via reflection.
execute(ExecutionVisitor, TestCheckGenerator) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Executes sequence, stopping on exceptions.
execute(ExecutionVisitor, TestCheckGenerator, boolean) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Execute this sequence, invoking the given visitor as the execution unfolds.
executeReflectionCode() - Method in class randoop.util.RunnerThread
executeReflectionCode(ReflectionCode) - Static method in class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
Executes code.runReflectionCode(), which sets code's ReflectionCode.retval or ReflectionCode.exceptionThrown field.
executeReflectionCodeThreaded(ReflectionCode) - Static method in class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
Executes code.runReflectionCode() in its own thread.
executeReflectionCodeUnThreaded(ReflectionCode) - Static method in class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
Executes code.runReflectionCode() in the current thread.
executeStatement(Sequence, List<ExecutionOutcome>, int, Object[]) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Execution - Class in randoop.sequence
Represents the unfolding execution of a sequence.
Execution(Sequence) - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.Execution
Create an Execution to store the execution results of the given sequence.
executionData - Variable in class randoop.generation.CoverageTracker
A local copy of Jacoco's in-memory store of the coverage information for all classes under test.
ExecutionOutcome - Class in randoop
Represents the outcome of executing one statement in a sequence, including: the value returned by the statement, or the exception thrown.
ExecutionOutcome(long) - Constructor for class randoop.ExecutionOutcome
executionResults - Variable in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Contains the runtime objects created and exceptions thrown (if any) during execution of this sequence.
executionTimeNanos - Variable in class randoop.ExecutionOutcome
The execution time, in nanoseconds.
executionTimeNanos - Variable in class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection.SequenceDetails
The execution time of the sequence, in nanoseconds.
executionVisitor - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Container for execution visitors used during execution of sequences.
ExecutionVisitor - Interface in randoop
A visitor that is invoked as the execution of a sequence unfolds.
exhaustivelyExtend(List<E>) - Method in class randoop.util.TupleSet
Creates a new tuple set from this set, where each tuple has been augmented by one element.
exit_if_no_steps_after_milliseconds - Static variable in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
Give up after this many milliseconds, if the generator has not taken a step.
exitDueToNoSteps() - Method in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
Exit due to too much time without taking a step.
exitStatus - Variable in class randoop.execution.RunCommand.Status
The exit status of the command.
exitValue - Variable in class randoop.main.Minimize.Outputs
Exit value from running a process.
expected - Variable in class randoop.test.MissingExceptionCheck
The list of lists of throws clauses for which the guard expression was satisfied.
EXPECTED - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.BehaviorType
Occurrence of exception is expected behavior.
ExpectedExceptionCheck - Class in randoop.test
An ExceptionCheck that enforces the expectation of an exception being thrown.
ExpectedExceptionCheck(Throwable, int, String) - Constructor for class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionCheck
Creates check that enforces expectation that an exception is thrown by the statement at the statement index.
ExpectedExceptionCheckGen - Class in randoop.test
A check generator that when given an exception, generates either an ExpectedExceptionCheck object or an EmptyExceptionCheck.
ExpectedExceptionCheckGen(AccessibilityPredicate) - Constructor for class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionCheckGen
Create an object that generates expected exception checks for exceptions that satisfy the given predicate, and empty exception checks for others.
ExpectedExceptionGenerator - Class in randoop.test
A TestCheckGenerator that generates checks for exceptions that are expected at the final statement of a sequence.
ExpectedExceptionGenerator(List<List<ThrowsClause>>) - Constructor for class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionGenerator
Creates an ExpectedExceptionGenerator for the list of sets of expected exceptions.
ExpectedOutcomeTable - Class in randoop.condition
An ExpectedOutcomeTable collects all the permitted outcomes for a set of methods (where the methods are all in an overriding relationship) and a set of prestate values.
ExpectedOutcomeTable() - Constructor for class randoop.condition.ExpectedOutcomeTable
Creates an empty ExpectedOutcomeTable.
ExplicitTypeVariable - Class in randoop.types
Represents a type variable that is a type parameter.
ExplicitTypeVariable(TypeVariable<?>, ParameterBound) - Constructor for class randoop.types.ExplicitTypeVariable
Create a ExplicitTypeVariable for the given type parameter.
explorationEnd() - Method in interface randoop.generation.IEventListener
Called immediately after the end of test generation.
explorationStart() - Method in interface randoop.generation.IEventListener
Called immediately at the start of test generation, before any generation steps have occurred.
expressionMethod - Variable in class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
The java.lang.reflect.Method to test this expression.
extend(List<E>) - Method in class randoop.util.TupleSet
Extends each element of this tuple set with each of the elements of the given list.
extend(List<ReferenceType>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeTupleSet
Extends all of the elements of the current tuple set with all of the types in the given list.
extend(List<TypeVariable>, List<ReferenceType>) - Method in class randoop.types.Substitution
Creates a new substitution that contains the mappings of this substitution, extended by the given mappings.
extend(TypedOperation, List<Variable>) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Returns a new sequence that is equivalent to this sequence plus the given operation appended to the end.
extend(TypedOperation, Variable...) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Returns a new sequence that is equivalent to this sequence plus the given statement appended at the end.
extend(Sequence, int, int, int) - Method in interface randoop.generation.HelperSequenceCreator.SequenceExtender
extend(Statement, List<Variable>) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
extend adds a new statement to this sequence using the operation of the given statement.
extend(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.Substitution
Creates a new substitution that contains the entries of two substitutions.
ExtendGenerator - Class in randoop.test
This TestCheckGenerator combines two generators, using the invalid and failure checks from the first, and, if none of those, then returning the output of the second.
ExtendGenerator(TestCheckGenerator, TestCheckGenerator) - Constructor for class randoop.test.ExtendGenerator
Creates a check generator that generates TestChecks for ExecutableSequence objects using the two TestCheckGenerator objects.
extendTuple(List<E>, E) - Method in class randoop.util.TupleSet
Returns a new list that is formed by inserting the element at the end.


f - Static variable in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
A float value for testing.
fail_on_generation_error - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
(For debugging.) If an error or exception is thrown during type instantiation or input selection, this option allows the error to be passed through to GenTests.handle(String[]) where a comprehensive error message is printed.
failedContract(ExecutableSequence, Object[]) - Method in class randoop.contract.ObjectContract
Return an ObjectCheck indicating that a contract failed.
FailedPredicateException - Exception in randoop.reflection
Represents when a user provides a signature that is excluded by a predicate.
FailedPredicateException(String) - Constructor for exception randoop.reflection.FailedPredicateException
Create a new FailedPredicateException.
FailedPredicateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception randoop.reflection.FailedPredicateException
Create a new FailedPredicateException.
FailingAssertionCommentWriter - Class in randoop.output
A CodeWriter that comments out failing assertions when outputting JUnit tests.
FailingAssertionCommentWriter(TestEnvironment, JavaFileWriter) - Constructor for class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
FailingAssertionCommentWriter.Match - Class in randoop.output
The line and first group from the match of a Pattern.
FailingAssertionCommentWriter.NotMatchedException - Exception in randoop.output
An exception that indicates that an expected pattern was not found.
failingClassNames - Variable in class randoop.runtime.ErrorRevealed
The classes whose tests failed.
failure(CommandLine, String) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize.Outputs
Create an Outputs object representing a failed execution.
FAILURE_HEADER_PATTERN - Static variable in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
FAILURE_MESSAGE_PATTERN - Static variable in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
A pattern matching the JUnit4 message indicating the total count of failures.
fcommand - Variable in class randoop.main.CommandHandler
fcommandGrammar - Variable in class randoop.main.CommandHandler
fexample - Variable in class randoop.main.CommandHandler
field - Variable in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
field - Variable in class randoop.operation.FieldGet
field - Variable in class randoop.operation.FieldSet
FieldAccessTypeNameSimplifyVisitor - Class in randoop.output
JavaParser visitor to simplify field access in a test method.
FieldAccessTypeNameSimplifyVisitor() - Constructor for class randoop.output.FieldAccessTypeNameSimplifyVisitor
fieldForName(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class randoop.field.FieldParser
Searches the field list of a class for a field that has the given name.
FieldGet - Class in randoop.operation
FieldGetter is an adapter that creates a Operation from a AccessibleField and behaves like a getter for the field.
FieldGet(AccessibleField) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.FieldGet
FieldGetter sets the public field for the getter statement.
FieldParser - Class in randoop.field
Recognizes a string representation of a field as part of parsing an Operation that is a FieldGet or FieldSet operation.
FieldParser() - Constructor for class randoop.field.FieldParser
FieldSet - Class in randoop.operation
FieldSetter is an adapter for a AccessibleField as a Operation that acts like a setter for the field.
FieldSet(AccessibleField) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.FieldSet
Creates a setter Operation object for a field of a class.
file - Variable in error randoop.condition.RandoopSpecificationError
Which file was being read when the error occurred.
file - Variable in class randoop.runtime.CreatedJUnitFile
The file that was created.
fileAndAbsolute(File) - Static method in class randoop.util.Util
Returns the file if it is absolute, otherwise returns the file AND the absolute file.
FileCompiler - Class in randoop.compile
Compiler for Java source code files.
FileCompiler() - Constructor for class randoop.compile.FileCompiler
Creates a FileCompiler with no command-line options.
FileCompiler(List<String>) - Constructor for class randoop.compile.FileCompiler
Creates a FileCompiler with the given command-line options.
FileCompiler.FileCompilerException - Class in randoop.compile
Exception for errors during compilation using FileCompiler.
FileCompilerException(String, List<File>, List<String>, DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>) - Constructor for class randoop.compile.FileCompiler.FileCompilerException
Creates a FileCompiler.FileCompilerException with the error message, the list of source classes, and compiler diagnostics from the compilation.
fileManager - Variable in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompiler
The FileManager for this compiler.
filenameAndAbsolute(String) - Static method in class randoop.util.Util
Returns the filename if it is absolute, otherwise returns the filename AND the absolute filename.
fileSystemCache - Variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
A cache used by GenTests.getResourceDirectoryPath(java.lang.String), to prevent FileSystemAlreadyExistsException.
filter(List<TypeVariable>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeTupleSet
Returns a list of substitutions for type tuples that can instantiate the given list of TypeArgument objects, and filters the set of tuples.
findMatchingExpectedType(ClassOrInterfaceType, List<ThrowsClause>) - Static method in class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionGenerator
Find the first ThrowsClause whose exception is a supertype of (or equal to) throwableType, and return that exception type.
findOverridden(Class<?>, Set<Method>) - Static method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationCollection
Finds the methods in methods that are declared in a supertype of classType.
finput - Variable in class randoop.main.CommandHandler
firstGenerator - Variable in class randoop.test.ExtendGenerator
flaky_test_behavior - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
What to do if Randoop generates a flaky test.
flakyLineReplacement(String, String) - Method in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
Given a flaky line (one that throws an exception but was not expected to), return a commented version of the line that does no computation.
flakyTestNames - Variable in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
Method names for flaky tests (e.g., "test005").
FLOAT_DELTA - Static variable in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
The maximum difference for which floats are considered equal.
FLOAT_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The float type.
floatConstant(Float, ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet) - Static method in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
Register a float constant in the given ConstantSet.
floats - Variable in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet
Set of all float constants in a class.
fnotes - Variable in class randoop.main.CommandHandler
foptions - Variable in class randoop.main.CommandHandler
forbid_null - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Do not use null as input to methods or constructors, even when no other argument value can be generated.
forClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
Creates an array type for the given java.lang.reflect.Class object.
forClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Translates a Class object that represents a class or interface into a ClassOrInterfaceType object.
forClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
Create a NonParameterizedType object for the runtime class.
forClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.types.ParameterizedType
Creates a GenericClassType for the given reflective Class object.
forClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveType
Creates a primitive type from the given runtime class.
forClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.types.ReferenceType
Returns a ReferenceType object for the given Class object.
forClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.types.Type
Translates a Class into a Type object.
forConstructor(Constructor<?>) - Static method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Constructs a TypedOperation for a constructor object.
forConstructorName(String, String, List<String>) - Static method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
Create a OperationSignature for the constructor of the class with the parameter types.
forFullyQualifiedName(String) - Static method in class randoop.types.Type
Returns the Class for a fully-qualified name (that may or may not be a multi-dimensional array).
forFullyQualifiedNameNonArray(String) - Static method in class randoop.types.Type
Returns the Class for a class name.
format - Variable in class randoop.output.NameGenerator
The format string to generate a name; takes one integer parameter.
forMethod(Method) - Static method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Constructs a TypedOperation for a method object.
forMethodName(String, String, List<String>) - Static method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
Create a OperationSignature for the method in the named class, with the method name and parameter types.
forName(String) - Static method in class randoop.types.Type
Returns a Type object for the given type name in Class.getName format.
forType(Type) - Static method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
Creates an ArrayType from a java.lang.reflect.Type reference.
forType(Type) - Static method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Creates a ClassOrInterfaceType object for a given java.lang.reflect.Type reference.
forType(Type) - Static method in class randoop.types.ParameterizedType
Performs the conversion of java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType to a ParameterizedType .
forType(Type) - Static method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
Creates a ReferenceArgument from the given type.
forType(Type) - Static method in class randoop.types.ReferenceType
Creates a ReferenceType for the given java.lang.reflect.Type.
forType(Type) - Static method in class randoop.types.Type
Returns a type constructed from the object referenced by a java.lang.reflect.Type reference.
forType(Type) - Static method in class randoop.types.TypeArgument
Converts a java.lang.reflect.Type to a TypeArgument object.
forType(Type) - Static method in class randoop.types.TypeVariable
Creates a TypeVariable object for a given java.lang.reflect.Type reference, which must be a java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable.
forType(Type) - Static method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
Creates a WildcardArgument from a java.lang.reflect.Type.
forType(WildcardType) - Static method in class randoop.types.WildcardType
Creates a wildcard type from a given reflection type.
forType(Set<TypeVariable<?>>, Type) - Static method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Creates a ParameterBound object from a single java.lang.reflect.Type.
forType(ReferenceType) - Static method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Constructs a parameter bound given a ReferenceType.
forType(ReferenceType) - Static method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
forType(ReferenceType) - Static method in class randoop.types.TypeArgument
forType(ReferenceType) - Static method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
forTypes(Set<TypeVariable<?>>, Type[]) - Static method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Creates a bound from the array of bounds of a java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable.
forValue(Object) - Static method in class randoop.types.Type
Returns the type for the given Object reference.
ForwardGenerator - Class in randoop.generation
Randoop's forward, component-based generator.
ForwardGenerator(List<TypedOperation>, Set<TypedOperation>, GenInputsAbstract.Limits, ComponentManager, Set<ClassOrInterfaceType>) - Constructor for class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
Create a forward generator.
ForwardGenerator(List<TypedOperation>, Set<TypedOperation>, GenInputsAbstract.Limits, ComponentManager, IStopper, Set<ClassOrInterfaceType>) - Constructor for class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
Create a forward generator.
ForwardGenerator.VarAndSeq - Class in randoop.generation
foutput - Variable in class randoop.main.CommandHandler
fpitch - Variable in class randoop.main.CommandHandler
frequencyMap - Variable in class randoop.util.MultiSet
How often each element appears in this multiset.
fsummary - Variable in class randoop.main.CommandHandler
fullyQualifiedName(String, String) - Method in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompiler
Constructs a fully-qualified class name from the given package and unqualified class name.
fwhere - Variable in class randoop.main.CommandHandler


generated_limit - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Maximum number of test method candidates generated internally.
generated_limit - Variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.Limits
Maximum number of sequences to generate.
generateTestChecks(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.ContractCheckingGenerator
Generate a TestChecks object for the executed sequence eseq based on the criteria of this generator.
generateTestChecks(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.DummyCheckGenerator
generateTestChecks(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionGenerator
Generate a TestChecks object for the executed sequence eseq based on the criteria of this generator.
generateTestChecks(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.ExtendGenerator
Generate a TestChecks object for the executed sequence eseq based on the criteria of this generator.
generateTestChecks(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.InvalidCheckGenerator
generateTestChecks(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.PostConditionCheckGenerator
Tests all of the post-conditions against the values in the given ExecutableSequence, and if the condition is not satisfied returns a ErrorRevealingChecks.
generateTestChecks(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.RegressionCaptureGenerator
Generate a TestChecks object for the executed sequence eseq based on the criteria of this generator.
generateTestChecks(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.TestCheckGenerator
Generate a TestChecks object for the executed sequence eseq based on the criteria of this generator.
generateTestChecks(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.ValidityCheckingGenerator
Generate a TestChecks object for the executed sequence eseq based on the criteria of this generator.
generationStepPost(ExecutableSequence) - Method in interface randoop.generation.IEventListener
Called by the AbstractGenerator during each generation iteration, immediately after a generation step() has completed.
generationStepPre() - Method in interface randoop.generation.IEventListener
Called by the AbstractGenerator during each generation iteration, immediately before a generation step() is performed.
generator - Variable in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
The test generator.
GenericClassType - Class in randoop.types
Represents the type of a generic class.
GenericClassType(Class<?>) - Constructor for class randoop.types.GenericClassType
Creates a GenericClassType for the given raw type.
genericType - Variable in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
The generic class for this type.
GenInputsAbstract - Class in randoop.main
Container for Randoop options.
GenInputsAbstract(String, String, String, String, String, List<String>, String, String, String, Options) - Constructor for class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
GenInputsAbstract.BehaviorType - Enum in randoop.main
The possible values for exception behavior types.
GenInputsAbstract.BloodhoundCoverageUpdateMode - Enum in randoop.main
The possible modes for updating the coverage information that is used by Bloodhound.
GenInputsAbstract.ClassLiteralsMode - Enum in randoop.main
The possible values of the literals_level command-line argument.
GenInputsAbstract.FlakyTestAction - Enum in randoop.main
Possible behaviors if Randoop generates a flaky test.
GenInputsAbstract.InputSelectionMode - Enum in randoop.main
How to select inputs: the random choice strategy.
GenInputsAbstract.Limits - Class in randoop.main
Wraps the three ways of limiting Randoop test generation.
GenInputsAbstract.MethodSelectionMode - Enum in randoop.main
The possible values of the method_selection command-line argument.
genTests - Variable in class randoop.test.CompilableTestPredicate
The GenTests instance that created this predicate.
GenTests - Class in randoop.main
Test generation.
GenTests() - Constructor for class randoop.main.GenTests
GenTests constructor that uses default messages.
gentimeNanos - Variable in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
How long it took to generate this sequence in nanoseconds, excluding execution time.
get(int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Execution
Get the outcome in the i-th slot.
get(int) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple
Return the ith component type of this tuple.
get(int) - Method in class randoop.util.ListOfLists
get(int) - Method in class randoop.util.OneMoreElementList
get(int) - Method in interface randoop.util.SimpleList
Return the element at the given position of this list.
get(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.Substitution
Returns the value for the given Type
get(K) - Method in class randoop.util.IdentityMultiMap
Returns the set of values that correspond to the given key in the map.
get(TypeVariable) - Method in class randoop.types.Substitution
Returns the concrete type mapped from the type variable by this substitution.
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.CheckRepContract
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToAntiSymmetric
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToEquals
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToReflexive
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToReturnsNormally
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToSubs
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToTransitive
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.EnumValue
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsHashcode
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsReflexive
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsReturnsNormally
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsSymmetric
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsToNullRetFalse
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsTransitive
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.HashCodeReturnsNormally
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNotNull
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNull
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObjectContract
Returns a string describing the observer.
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqValue
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.PrimValue
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.SizeToArrayLength
get_observer_str() - Method in class randoop.contract.ToStringReturnsNormally
get_output() - Method in class randoop.ExecutionOutcome
Retrieve the output of the statement.
getAccessibleObject(OperationSignature) - Static method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationCollection
Get the java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject for the OperationSignature.
getAddOperation(ParameterizedType, ReferenceType) - Static method in class randoop.generation.HelperSequenceCreator
Create a method call operation for the add() method of the given collection type.
getAllGeneratedSequences() - Method in class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
Returns the set of all generated sequences.
getAllPrimitiveSequences() - Method in class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
Returns all sequences that represent primitive values (e.g.
getAllSequences() - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Return all sequences generated by this object.
getAllSequences() - Method in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
getAllSequences() - Method in class randoop.sequence.MappedSequences
Returns all sequences as the union of all of the sequence collections.
getAllSequences() - Method in class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
Returns the set of all sequences in this collection.
getAllSupertypesInclusive() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Return all supertypes of this type, including itself.
getAllValues() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Returns all values computed in the sequence.
getAnnotatedTestValues() - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Returns the set of singleton sequences for values from @TestValue annotated fields.
getAnonEnumOperation(Method, List<Type>, Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Constructs a TypedOperation for an enum from a method object that is a member of an anonymous class for an enum constant.
getArgumentString(Variable) - Method in class randoop.operation.CallableOperation
Returns the variable as a string to be used as an argument to an operation.
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.CheckRepContract
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToAntiSymmetric
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToEquals
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToReflexive
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToReturnsNormally
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToSubs
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToTransitive
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.EnumValue
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsHashcode
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsReflexive
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsReturnsNormally
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsSymmetric
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsToNullRetFalse
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsTransitive
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.HashCodeReturnsNormally
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNotNull
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNull
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObjectContract
The number of values that this contract is over.
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqValue
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.PrimValue
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.SizeToArrayLength
getArity() - Method in class randoop.contract.ToStringReturnsNormally
getBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
getBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
getBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
getBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.ExplicitTypeVariable
getBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.NullReferenceType
getBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterizedType
getBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveType
getBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
getBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Returns the binary name of this type, including type arguments if this is a parameterized type (so, it isn't really a binary name).
getBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeArgument
Return the binary name.
getBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.VoidType
getBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
getBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardType
getBoundType() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceBound
Returns the ReferenceType bound of this type.
getBranchCoverageForMethod(String) - Method in class randoop.generation.CoverageTracker
Returns the uncovered branch ratio associated with the input method.
getByteCode() - Method in class randoop.compile.SequenceJavaFileObject
Returns the byte stream as a byte array.
getCanonicalName() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
getCanonicalName() - Method in class randoop.types.NullReferenceType
getCanonicalName() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterType
getCanonicalName() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Returns the name of this type as the "canonical name" of the underlying runtime class.
getCatchClassName(Class<? extends Throwable>) - Static method in class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionCheckGen
Returns the canonical name for the nearest public class that will catch an exception with the given class.
getCatchClassName(Class<? extends Throwable>, AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionCheckGen
Returns the canonical name for the nearest accessible class that will catch an exception with the given class.
getCharContent(boolean) - Method in class randoop.compile.SequenceJavaFileObject
getChecks() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Return the set of test checks for the most recent execution.
getClass(String, ClassNameErrorHandler) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Returns the class whose name is classname.
getClasseNamesInJar(String) - Static method in class randoop.util.JarReader
getClassesWithPackageFromDirectory(File, String, AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Given a directory on the CLASSPATH, returns classes in the given package.
getClassesWithPackageFromJar(File, String, AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Returns classes with the given package in the given jar file.
getClassname() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
Return the name of the declaring class of this OperationSignature.
getClassname() - Method in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
Return the class name for method in this signature.
getClassnamesFromArgs(AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Read names of classes under test, as provided with the --classlist or --testjar command-line argument.
getClassNamesFromFile(Path) - Static method in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Returns the class names listed in the file.
getClassnamesFromJarFile(Path, AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Read names of classes from a jar file.
getClassnamesFromPackage(String, AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Returns classes from the classpath that are in the given package.
getClassNamesInPackage(String, String) - Static method in class randoop.util.JarReader
getClassPath() - Static method in class randoop.Globals
Return the Java classpath.
getClassTypes() - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Returns the set of types for classes under test.
getCode() - Method in class randoop.util.RunnerThread
Return the ReflectionCode that is being, or was, run.
getCollectionAddAllOperation(ReferenceType) - Static method in class randoop.generation.HelperSequenceCreator
Create the operation to call Collections.addAll(Collection, Object[]) that allows initialization of a Collection object.
getComment() - Method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
Return the code comment for this expression.
getComment() - Method in class randoop.condition.ThrowsClause
Returns the descriptive comment for this ThrowsClause.
getCompiler() - Method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Returns the compiler from this object.
getCompilerErrorMessage(List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>>, String) - Static method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
Gets the compilation error message for the expression class from the compiler diagnostics object.
getComponentType() - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
Returns the component type of this array type.
getConditionSource() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.AbstractBooleanExpression
Return the condition text for this AbstractBooleanExpression.
getConstants(String) - Static method in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
Returns all the constants found in the given class.
getConstants(String, ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet) - Static method in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
Adds all the constants found in the given class into the given ConstantSet, and returns it.
getConstructor() - Method in class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
Return the reflective constructor corresponding to this ConstructorCall.
getContracts() - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Returns all ObjectContract objects for this run of Randoop.
getContractSource() - Method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
Return the Java source code for this expression.
getCoverageInfo() - Method in class randoop.util.TestCoverageInfo
getCoverageInfo(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.util.TestCoverageInfo
getCoverageInfo(String) - Method in class randoop.util.TestCoverageInfo
getCoverageInfoObject(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.util.TestCoverageInfo
getCoveredClasses() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Execution
getCoveredClassesGoal() - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Returns the set of Class<?> objects that are the goals for the covered class heuristic.
getCreatingStatement(Variable) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The statement that created this value.
getDeclarationArguments(List<String>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
Construct a parameter declaration string using the parameter names.
getDeclaringClass() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
getDeclaringClass returns the declaring class as defined by the Operation of the statement.
getDeclaringStatement() - Method in class randoop.sequence.DummyVariable
getDeclaringStatement() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Variable
The statement that produced this variable.
getDeclaringType() - Method in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
getDeclaringType() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
Returns the class in which the operation is defined.
getDeclIndex() - Method in class randoop.sequence.DummyVariable
getDeclIndex() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Variable
The index of the statement that creates this value.
getDecoration() - Method in exception randoop.ReplayFailureException
getDefaultConstructor(ClassOrInterfaceType) - Static method in class randoop.generation.HelperSequenceCreator
Gets the default constructor for a ClassOrInterfaceType.
getDescription() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.AbstractBooleanExpression
Return the description of this AbstractBooleanExpression.
getDescription() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.SpecificationClause
Returns the description of this SpecificationClause.
getDiagnostics() - Method in class randoop.compile.FileCompiler.FileCompilerException
Returns the compiler diagnostics for the compilation that generated this exception.
getDiagnostics() - Method in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompilerException
Return the compiler diagnostics.
getDimensions() - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
getDir(String) - Method in class randoop.output.JavaFileWriter
Returns the directory for the package name relative to the directory name of this writer.
getElements() - Method in class randoop.util.MultiSet
getElementType() - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
Returns the element type of this array type.
getElementType(InstantiatedType) - Static method in class randoop.generation.HelperSequenceCreator
Returns the element type of the given collection type.
getEnumSetCreation(ParameterizedType) - Static method in class randoop.generation.HelperSequenceCreator
Create the operation needed to create an empty EnumSet of the given type.
getError() - Method in error randoop.sequence.SequenceExceptionError
Returns the thrown exception.
getErrorTestSequences() - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Returns the generated error-revealing test sequences for output.
getException() - Method in class randoop.ExceptionalExecution
Return the exception.
getException() - Method in error randoop.generation.RandoopGenerationError
Return the Throwable for this error.
getException() - Method in error randoop.reflection.RandoopInstantiationError
getException() - Method in class randoop.test.ExceptionCheck
Returns the exception.
getExceptionCheck() - Method in class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
Return the exception check in this object if there is one.
getExceptionCheck() - Method in class randoop.test.InvalidChecks
getExceptionCheck() - Method in class randoop.test.RegressionChecks
getExceptionCheck() - Method in interface randoop.test.TestChecks
Return the exception check in this object if there is one.
getExceptionCheck(ExceptionalExecution, ExecutableSequence, int) - Method in class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionCheckGen
Constructs an ExceptionCheck for the given exception and statement based on criteria of this generator.
getExceptionIndex(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Returns the index in the sequence at which an exception of the given class (or a class compatible with it) was thrown.
getExceptionName() - Method in class randoop.test.ExceptionCheck
Returns the name of the exception class.
getExceptionThrown() - Method in class randoop.util.ReflectionCode
getExceptionType() - Method in class randoop.condition.ThrowsClause
Returns the type of the exception.
getExceptionTypeName() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.ThrowsCondition
Returns the exception type name for this ThrowsCondition.
getExecutableSpecification() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Returns the specification.
getExecutableSpecification(Executable) - Method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationCollection
Creates an ExecutableSpecification object for the given constructor or method, from its specifications in this object.
getExecutableSpecificationCache - Variable in class randoop.condition.SpecificationCollection
getExecutionDirectory(Path, String) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Get directory to execute command in, given file path and package name.
getExecutionTimeNanos() - Method in class randoop.ExecutionOutcome
How long the associated statement took to execute, in nanoseconds.
getExecutionTimeNanos() - Method in class randoop.NotExecuted
getExpected() - Method in class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionGenerator
Returns the types of the expected exceptions.
getExpressionSignature(Executable, boolean) - Static method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Create the RawSignature for evaluating an expression about a method call to the given method or constructor.
getFailingClassNames() - Method in class randoop.runtime.ErrorRevealed
getFile() - Method in class randoop.runtime.CreatedJUnitFile
getFileLength(Path) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Calculate the length of a file, by number of lines.
getFileText(String) - Static method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Return the text of the given file, as a list of lines.
getFixtureCode() - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
getFlakyTestNames() - Method in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
Returns the set of flaky test names.
getFqName() - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
getFqName() - Method in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
getFqName() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
getFqName() - Method in class randoop.types.ExplicitTypeVariable
getFqName() - Method in class randoop.types.NullReferenceType
getFqName() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterizedType
getFqName() - Method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveType
getFqName() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
getFqName() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Returns the fully-qualified name of this type, including type arguments if this is a parameterized type.
getFqName() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeArgument
Return the fully-qualified name.
getFqName() - Method in class randoop.types.VoidType
getFqName() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
getFqName() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardType
getFullyQualifiedSignature() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
Returns the fully-qualified signature for this operation if it is a method or constructor call.
getGenericClassType() - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
getGenericClassType() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
getGenericClassType() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterizedType
Returns the GenericClassType for this parameterized type.
getGenericInterfaces() - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
Returns the list of direct interfaces for this class.
getGuard() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.SpecificationClause
Return the Guard of this SpecificationClause.
getGuardExpressions(List<Precondition>) - Method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Construct the list of ExecutableBooleanExpression objects, one for each Precondition.
getHandler() - Static method in class randoop.util.RandoopUncaughtRunnerThreadExceptionHandler
getIdentifiers() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
Return the Identifiers for this specification.
getImmediateSupertypes() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Return the immediate supertypes of this type.
getImplementingTypeForCollection(InstantiatedType) - Static method in class randoop.generation.HelperSequenceCreator
Constructs an implementing type for an abstract subtype of java.util.Collection using the JDKTypes.getImplementingTypeForCollection(ParameterizedType) method.
getImplementingTypeForCollection(ParameterizedType) - Static method in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
Returns an arbitrary (but fixed) concrete collection type for each Collections type (e.g., returns ArrayList for List).
getInlinedForm() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
Returns a printed representation of the value as a literal, rather than as a variable reference.
getInputs(int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The inputs for the ith statement.
getInputsAsAbsoluteIndices(int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The inputs for the ith statement, as indices.
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.CheckRepContract
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToAntiSymmetric
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToEquals
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToReflexive
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToReturnsNormally
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToSubs
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToTransitive
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.EnumValue
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsHashcode
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsReflexive
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsReturnsNormally
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsSymmetric
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsToNullRetFalse
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsTransitive
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.HashCodeReturnsNormally
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNotNull
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNull
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObjectContract
Returns the input types for this contract.
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqValue
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.PrimValue
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.SizeToArrayLength
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.contract.ToStringReturnsNormally
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Returns the tuple of input types for this operation.
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Returns the set of input types that occur as parameters in classes under test.
getInputTypes() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
getInstance() - Static method in class randoop.contract.CompareToAntiSymmetric
getInstance() - Static method in class randoop.contract.CompareToEquals
getInstance() - Static method in class randoop.contract.CompareToReflexive
getInstance() - Static method in class randoop.contract.CompareToReturnsNormally
getInstance() - Static method in class randoop.contract.CompareToSubs
getInstance() - Static method in class randoop.contract.CompareToTransitive
getInstance() - Static method in class randoop.contract.EqualsHashcode
getInstance() - Static method in class randoop.contract.EqualsReflexive
getInstance() - Static method in class randoop.contract.EqualsReturnsNormally
getInstance() - Static method in class randoop.contract.EqualsSymmetric
getInstance() - Static method in class randoop.contract.EqualsToNullRetFalse
getInstance() - Static method in class randoop.contract.EqualsTransitive
getInstance() - Static method in class randoop.contract.HashCodeReturnsNormally
getInstance() - Static method in class randoop.contract.SizeToArrayLength
getInstantiatedOperation() - Method in error randoop.generation.RandoopGenerationError
Return the String representation of the TypedOperation in this error.
getInstantiatingSubstitution(ReferenceType) - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
getInstantiatingSubstitution(ReferenceType) - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
getInstantiatingSubstitution(ReferenceType) - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceType
Computes a substitution that can be applied to the type variables of the generic goal type to instantiate operations of this type, possibly inherited from from the goal type.
getInstantiatingSubstitution(TypeArgument) - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
getInstantiatingSubstitution(TypeArgument) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeArgument
Returns a unifying substitution.
getInstantiatingSubstitution(TypeArgument) - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
getInstantiatingSubstitutionforTypeVariable(ReferenceType, ReferenceType) - Static method in class randoop.types.ReferenceType
Static helper method that does the work of getInstantiatingSubstitution, if goalType is a type variable.
getInterfaces() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Returns the interface types directly implemented by this class or interface type.
getInterfaces() - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
Returns the interface types directly implemented by this class or interface type.
getInterfaces() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
Constructs the list of interfaces for this parameterized type.
getInterfaces() - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
getInterfaces(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
Return the directly-implemented interface types for this generic class type, instantiated by the given type Substitution.
getJavaagentOption(Path, String) - Method in class randoop.execution.TestEnvironment
getJDKSpecificationFiles() - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Returns the list of JDK specification files from the specifications/jdk resources directory in the Randoop jar file.
getLastStatementValues() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Returns the list of (reference type) values created and used by the last statement of this sequence.
getLastVariable() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The value created by the last statement in the sequence.
getLength() - Method in class randoop.operation.InitializedArrayCreation
Returns the length of created array.
getLiteralExpression(String, PrimitiveType.Primitive) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Return a literal expression with the value that is passed in.
getLowerBound(TypeVariable) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Gets the lower bound of the given argument to be tested in TypeInstantiator.candidateTypes(TypeVariable).
getLowerTypeBound() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterType
getMatches(Type) - Method in class randoop.SubTypeSet
Returns all the classes in the set that can-be-used-as the given c.
getMatchingSupertype(GenericClassType) - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Finds the parameterized type that is a supertype of this class that also matches the given generic class.
getMatchingSupertype(GenericClassType) - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
Finds the parameterized type that is a supertype of this class that also matches the given generic class.
getMessage() - Method in error randoop.condition.RandoopSpecificationError
getMessage() - Method in exception randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter.NotMatchedException
getMessage() - Method in exception randoop.sequence.SequenceParseException
getMethod() - Method in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
getMethod returns Method object of this MethodCall.
getMissingExceptionTestChecks(int) - Method in class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionGenerator
Return an ErrorRevealingChecks that checks for a missing exception at the given index.
getName() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
Return the name of this OperationSignature.
getName() - Method in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
Returns the declared name of the field.
getName() - Method in class randoop.operation.ArrayCreation
getName() - Method in class randoop.operation.ArrayElementSet
getName() - Method in class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
getName() - Method in class randoop.operation.EnumConstant
getName() - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldGet
getName() - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldSet
getName() - Method in class randoop.operation.InitializedArrayCreation
getName() - Method in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
getName() - Method in class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
getName() - Method in interface randoop.operation.Operation
Returns the name for the operation.
getName() - Method in class randoop.operation.ReflectionArrayCreation
getName() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
getName() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
getName() - Method in class randoop.operation.UncheckedCast
getName() - Method in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
Return the method name for this signature.
getName() - Method in class randoop.sequence.DummyVariable
getName() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Variable
Returns the name of this variable.
getName(String, int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Variable
The name of this variable using the given type name and index.
getNonExecutedIndex() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Returns the index i for a non-executed statement, or -1 if there is no such index.
getNonNormalExecutionIndex() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
getNonreceiverTerms(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
Return the set of NonreceiverTerms converted from constants for the given class.
getNthIteratedElement(Collection<? extends T>, int) - Static method in class randoop.util.CollectionsExt
getNthIteratedElement(Iterator<? extends T>, int) - Static method in class randoop.util.CollectionsExt
getNullType() - Static method in class randoop.types.NullReferenceType
Returns the null type.
getNumberOfTestMethods(CompilationUnit) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Return the number of JUnit test methods in a compilation unit.
getObjectValue() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ReferenceValue
Returns the Object reference of this value.
getOmitMethodsPredicate() - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Returns the user-specified predicate for methods that should not be called.
getOperation() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
Return the OperationSignature for the operation.
getOperation() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Get the enclosed operation in this typed operation.
getOperation() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Return the operation from which this sequence was generated -- the operation of the last statement of this sequence.
getOperation() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Returns the operation from which this sequence was constructed.
getOperation() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
getTypedOperation is meant to be a temporary solution to type confusion in generators.
getOperationForType(ClassOrInterfaceType) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
Creates an operation with the same name, input types, and output type as this operation, but having the given type as the owning class.
getOperationHistory() - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Return the operation history logger for this generator.
getOperationName() - Method in error randoop.generation.RandoopGenerationError
Returns the name of the java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject underlying the operation in this object.
getOperations() - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Returns the TypedOperation objects collected for OperationExtractor.classType.
getOperations() - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Return the operations of this model as a list.
getOperationsFromFile(Path, AccessibilityPredicate, ReflectionPredicate) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Constructs an operation from every method signature in the given file.
getOperationsInSequence(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Constructs a set of method-call operations appearing in an Executable Sequence.
getOpName() - Method in error randoop.reflection.RandoopInstantiationError
getOptions() - Method in class randoop.compile.FileCompiler.FileCompilerException
Returns the list of compiler options used in the compilation that generated this error.
getOrDefault(TypeVariable, ReferenceType) - Method in class randoop.types.Substitution
Returns the concrete type mapped from the type variable by this substitution.
getOrphanCommentsBeforeThisChildNode(Node, List<Comment>) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
This is stolen from JavaParser's PrettyPrintVisitor.printOrphanCommentsBeforeThisChildNode, with light modifications.
getOutputIndices() - Method in class randoop.sequence.TupleSequence
Returns the list of output indices.
getOutputType() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Returns the output type returned by the operation.
getOutputType() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
getPackage() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Returns the package of the runtime class of this type.
getPackageName() - Method in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
Return package name for method in this signature.
getPackageName(Package) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
Returns the name of the given package, or null if it is the default package.
getPackagePrefix() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Return the package part of a type name, including the final period.
getParameterNames() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.Identifiers
Returns the parameter names in this Identifiers object.
getParameterTypeNames() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
Return the list of parameter type names for this OperationSignature.
getParameterTypes() - Method in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
Return the array of parameter types for this signature.
getPostconditions() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
Return the list of Postcondition objects for this OperationSpecification.
getPostConditions() - Method in class randoop.test.PostConditionCheck
Get the list of ExecutableBooleanExpression objects for this PostConditionCheck.
getPoststateExpressionDeclarations() - Method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Return the poststate expression method parameter declaration string.
getPoststateExpressionSignature() - Method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Returns the poststate expression method signature from this object.
getPreconditions() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
Return the list of Precondition objects for this OperationSpecification.
getPrestateExpressionDeclaration() - Method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Return the prestate expression method parameter declaration string.
getPrimitiveTypes() - Static method in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
Returns the list of (non-void) primitive types.
getProperty() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.Postcondition
Gets the Property (post-condition) for this specification.
getRandoopVersion() - Static method in class randoop.Globals
Return the version number for Randoop.
getRawField() - Method in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
getRawSignature() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
Returns the RawSignature for this operation if it is a method or constructor call.
getRawSignature(String, Class<?>, Class<?>[], Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Creates a RawSignature for an expression method.
getRawtype() - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
getRawtype() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Returns the non-parameterized form of this class type.
getRawtype() - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
Returns the rawtype Type for this generic class.
getRawtype() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
getRawtype() - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
getRawtype() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Returns the raw type for this type, which is this type except for generic types.
getRawtype() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeVariable
getRawTypeArray() - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
Returns the non-parameterized form for this array type.
getRawTypeInterfaces() - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
Returns the list of rawtypes for the direct interfaces for this type.
getReceiverName() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.Identifiers
Returns the identifier for the receiver object in this Identifiers object.
getReferenceArguments() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
Returns the list of reference type arguments of this type if there are no wildcards.
getReferenceType() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
Get the reference type for this type argument.
getReflectionObject() - Method in class randoop.operation.CallableOperation
getReflectionObject() - Method in class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
getReflectionObject() - Method in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
getReflectionTypeVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.ExplicitTypeVariable
getRegressionSequences() - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Returns the generated regression test sequences for output.
getRelativeIndexForVariable(int, Variable) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Returns the relative negative index that would result if we use the given value as an input to the statement at position statementPosition.
getReplacementMap() - Method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Returns the replacement map for the identifiers in the expression to the dummy variables expected in contract assertions.
getResourceDirectoryPath(String) - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Returns the path for the resource directory in the jar file.
getResourceFromClassName(String) - Method in class randoop.generation.CoverageTracker
Construct the absolute resource name of a class given a class name.
getResult(int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
This method is typically used by ExecutionVisitors.
getReturnConditions(List<Postcondition>) - Method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Construct the list of GuardPropertyPair objects, one for each Postcondition in postconditions.
getReturnName() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.Identifiers
Returns the identifier for the return value in this Identifiers object.
getReturnValue() - Method in class randoop.util.ReflectionCode
getRuntimeClass() - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
getRuntimeClass() - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
getRuntimeClass() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
getRuntimeClass() - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
getRuntimeClass() - Method in class randoop.types.NullReferenceType
Returns the runtime Class object for this type.
getRuntimeClass() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterType
Returns the runtime Class object for this type.
getRuntimeClass() - Method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveType
Returns the runtime Class object for this type.
getRuntimeClass() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Returns the runtime Class object for this type.
getRuntimeClass() - Method in class randoop.types.VoidType
getRuntimeInputs(List<ExecutionOutcome>, List<Variable>) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
getRuntimeInputs(List<Variable>) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
getRuntimeValue() - Method in class randoop.NormalExecution
getRuntimeValuesForVars(List<Variable>, List<ExecutionOutcome>) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
getRuntimeValuesForVars(List<Variable>, Execution) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Returns the values for the given variables in the Execution object.
getSeeds(Type) - Static method in class randoop.generation.SeedSequences
Returns the set of seed values with the given raw type.
getSequence() - Method in error randoop.sequence.SequenceExceptionError
Returns the string representation of the test sequence.
getSequences(K, Type) - Method in class randoop.sequence.MappedSequences
Returns the set of sequences (as a list) that are associated with the given key and create values of the desiredType.
getSequences(ClassOrInterfaceType, Type) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ClassLiterals
getSequencesForType(TypedOperation, int, boolean) - Method in class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
Returns component sequences that create values of the type required by the i-th input value of a statement that invokes the given operation.
getSequencesForType(Type) - Method in class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
Returns all the general component sequences that create values of the given class.
getSequencesForType(Type, boolean, boolean) - Method in class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
Searches through the set of active sequences to find all sequences whose types match with the parameter type.
getSignatureString() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Returns the signature string for this operation.
getSimpleName() - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
getSimpleName() - Method in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
getSimpleName() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Returns the name of this class type.
getSimpleName() - Method in class randoop.types.ExplicitTypeVariable
getSimpleName() - Method in class randoop.types.NullReferenceType
getSimpleName() - Method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveType
getSimpleName() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Returns the name of this type without type arguments or package qualifiers.
getSimpleName() - Method in class randoop.types.VoidType
getSimpleName() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardType
getSourceFiles() - Method in class randoop.compile.FileCompiler.FileCompilerException
Returns the list of source files used in the compilation that generated this error.
getSourceText() - Method in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompilerException
Get the source text for the class being compiled when this exception was thrown.
getStatement() - Method in error randoop.sequence.SequenceExceptionError
Returns the string representation of the statement that threw the exception.
getStatement(int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The statement for the statement at the given index.
getStatementReplacements(Statement, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Return a list of statements that are a simplification of a given statement, in order from most to least minimized.
getStatementsWithInputs() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
An list of all the statements in this sequence.
getStatementWithInputs(int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The statement(+inputs) at the given index.
getStringSetFromFile(Path, String, String, String) - Static method in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Returns a set consisting of the lines of the file.
getStringSetFromFile(Path, String) - Static method in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Returns a set consisting of the lines of the file, except those starting with "#".
getSublist(int) - Method in class randoop.util.ListOfLists
getSublist(int) - Method in class randoop.util.OneMoreElementList
getSublist(int) - Method in class randoop.util.SimpleArrayList
getSublist(int) - Method in interface randoop.util.SimpleList
Return a sublist of this list that contains the index.
getSubsequence() - Method in error randoop.sequence.SequenceExceptionError
Returns the input sequence containing the statement that threw the exception.
getSubsequence(int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Return a subsequence of this sequence that contains the statement at the given index.
getSubstitution(TypeVariable, ReferenceType) - Static method in class randoop.types.TypeVariable
Creates a substitution of the given ReferenceType for the TypeVariable.
getSuperclass() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Return the type for the superclass for this class.
getSuperclass() - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
Return the type for the superclass for this class.
getSuperclass() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
Constructs the superclass type for this parameterized type.
getSuperclass() - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
getSuperclass(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
Returns the superclass type for this generic class type instantiated by the given type Substitution.
getSuperClasses(ClassOrInterfaceType) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ClassLiterals
Gets superclasses for the given class.
getSuperTypes() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Return the set of all of the supertypes of this type.
getTestCreator(String, BlockStmt, BlockStmt, BlockStmt, BlockStmt) - Static method in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
getThisMessage() - Method in error randoop.condition.RandoopSpecificationError
Set the local message (ignoring the message of the cause).
getThrowsConditions() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
Return the list of ThrowsCondition objects for this OperationSpecification.
getThrowsConditions(List<ThrowsCondition>) - Method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Construct the list of GuardThrowsPair objects, one for each ThrowsCondition in throwsConditions.
getType() - Method in class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
Return the type.
getType() - Method in class randoop.sequence.DummyVariable
getType() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ReferenceValue
Returns the type of this value.
getType() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Variable
Returns the type of this variable.
getTypeArguments() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Returns the type arguments for this type.
getTypeArguments() - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
getTypeArguments() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
Returns the type arguments for this type.
getTypeArgumentsForString(String) - Static method in class randoop.operation.TypeArguments
Parses comma-no-space-delimited type argument string and returns a list of types.
getTypeArgumentString(StringBuilder, Class<?>[]) - Static method in class randoop.operation.TypeArguments
Adds the type names for the arguments of a signature to the StringBuilder.
getTypeBound() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
Return the type of the upper/lower bound of this wildcard argument.
getTypeBound() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardType
Returns the bound of this -- either the upper or lower bound.
getTypeforFullyQualifiedName(String) - Static method in class randoop.types.Type
Returns the Type for a fully-qualified name (that may or may not be a multi-dimensional array).
getTypeForName(String) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.TypeNames
Returns Class object for a fully-qualified class name or primitive type name.
getTypeInstantiator() - Method in class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
getTypeInstantiator() - Method in class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
getTypeNames(Class<?>[]) - Static method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
Creates a list of fully-qualified type names from the array of Class<?> objects.
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Returns an empty list representing the type parameters of this.
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.EagerReferenceBound
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
Returns the list of type parameters of this generic class.
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
Returns any type parameters in the type of this bound.
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.LazyReferenceBound
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Returns any type parameters in the type of this bound.
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterType
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceType
Returns the list of type parameters for this type.
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeArgument
The type parameters for this type argument.
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple
Returns the type parameters that occur in any component of this type tuple.
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeVariable
Returns the type parameters in this type, which is this variable.
getTypeParameters() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
The type parameters for this type argument.
getTypeParameters(Type) - Static method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
Collects the type parameters from the given reflection Type object.
getTypesForLastStatement() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The types of all the variables involved in the last statement.
getTypeSubstitution() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
Creates the type substitution of the type arguments of this type for the type variables of the instantiated class, if the type arguments are reference types.
getUnqualifiedBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
Returns the simple name of this operation, not qualified by the declaring class.
getUnqualifiedBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
getUnqualifiedBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterizedType
getUnqualifiedBinaryName() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Returns the name of this type without package name, but with type arguments if parameterized, and enclosing class if a member class.
getUpperBound(TypeVariable) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Gets the upper bound of the given argument to test in TypeInstantiator.candidateTypes(TypeVariable).
getUpperTypeBound() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterType
getValue() - Method in class randoop.operation.CallableOperation
getValue() - Method in class randoop.operation.EnumConstant
Returns the "value" of an operation that is actually a ground term, meaning a constant of some form.
getValue() - Method in class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
Returns the "value" of an operation that is actually a ground term, meaning a constant of some form.
getValue() - Method in interface randoop.operation.Operation
Returns the "value" of an operation that is actually a ground term, meaning a constant of some form.
getValue() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
getValue() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
getValue returns the "value" for a statement.
getValue(int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
The result of executing the index-th element of the sequence.
getValue(Object) - Method in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
Uses reflection to return the value of the field for the given object.
getValue(Field) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TestValueExtractor
Returns the value stored in the given (static) field with primitive, String or array of primitive or String type.
getValueName() - Method in class randoop.contract.EnumValue
The name of the enum value, for use in source code.
getValues(List<ReferenceValue>) - Static method in class randoop.test.ContractCheckingGenerator
Creates an Object array for the given value list.
getValues(K) - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
getValues(K) - Method in interface randoop.util.IMultiMap
Returns the values that the given key maps to.
getValues(K) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
getValues(K) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap
getVariable(int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The value created by the ith statement.
getVariable(Object) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Returns some variable that has the given value in the outcome of executing this sequence.
getVariableForInput(int, Sequence.RelativeNegativeIndex) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Returns the Variable corresponding to the given input, which is an input to the statement at position statementPosition.
getVariableName(Type) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.VariableRenamer
Heuristically transforms variables to better names based on its type name.
getVariableName(Type, int) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.VariableRenamer
Heuristically renames each variable to a name that is based on the variable's type.
getVariables(Object) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Returns the set of variables that have the given value in the outcome of executing this sequence.
getVariables(K) - Method in class randoop.util.KeyToMultiSet
getVariablesOfLastStatement() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The variables involved in the last statement.
getVoidType() - Static method in class randoop.types.VoidType
getWeight() - Method in class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection.SequenceDetails
Returns the weight of the sequence.
getWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
Returns the wildcard.
getWildcardType() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
getWithArity(int) - Method in class randoop.test.ContractSet
Returns the list of contracts with the given arity.
Globals - Class in randoop
Various general global variables used throughout Randoop.
Globals() - Constructor for class randoop.Globals
Globals.NullOutputStream - Class in randoop
Discards anything written to it.
gralComponents - Variable in class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
The principal set of sequences used to create other, larger sequences by the generator.
gralSeeds - Variable in class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
The sequences that were given pre-generation to the component manager (via its constructor).
group - Variable in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter.Match
The substring that matched the group.
guard - Variable in class randoop.condition.GuardPropertyPair
The expression that must hold before the operation is called.
guard - Variable in class randoop.condition.GuardThrowsPair
The expression that should be true before the operation is called.
guard - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.SpecificationClause
The Guard for this specification.
Guard - Class in randoop.condition.specification
The representation of a boolean expression over the values of parameters and receiver object of an operation (i.e., a method or constructor).
Guard(String, String) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.Guard
Creates a Guard with the given description and condition source code.
GuardPropertyPair - Class in randoop.condition
Represents a pair of an executable guard and an executable property.
GuardPropertyPair(ExecutableBooleanExpression, ExecutableBooleanExpression) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.GuardPropertyPair
Creates a GuardPropertyPair object for the guard and property expressions.
guardPropertyPairs - Variable in class randoop.condition.ExecutableSpecification
The GuardThrowsPair objects for the Postconditions of the operation.
GuardThrowsPair - Class in randoop.condition
Represents a pair of a an executable guard expression and an executable throws clause.
GuardThrowsPair(ExecutableBooleanExpression, ThrowsClause) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.GuardThrowsPair
Creates a GuardThrowsPair object for the guard expression and throws-clause.
guardThrowsPairs - Variable in class randoop.condition.ExecutableSpecification
The GuardThrowsPair objects for the ThrowsConditions of the operation.


HALT - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.FlakyTestAction
Randoop halts with a diagnostic message.
handle(String) - Method in interface randoop.main.ClassNameErrorHandler
Performs error handling behavior for bad class name.
handle(String) - Method in class randoop.main.ThrowClassNameError
handle(String) - Method in class randoop.main.WarnOnBadClassName
handle(String[]) - Method in class randoop.main.CommandHandler
handle(String[]) - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
handle(String[]) - Method in class randoop.main.Help
handle(String[]) - Method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Check that the required parameters have been specified by the command-line options and then call the mainMinimize method.
handle(String, Throwable) - Method in interface randoop.main.ClassNameErrorHandler
Performs error handling behavior for failure to read class due to exception.
handle(String, Throwable) - Method in class randoop.main.ThrowClassNameError
handle(String, Throwable) - Method in class randoop.main.WarnOnBadClassName
handlers - Static variable in class randoop.main.Main
handles(String) - Method in class randoop.main.CommandHandler
Returns true if this CommandHandler handles the given command.
hangingParagraph(String, int, int) - Static method in class randoop.util.Util
Format a hanging paragraph: The first line starts at the margin, and every subsequent line starts indented by indentWidth.
hasActiveFlags() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
hasCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
hasCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
hasCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
hasCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
hasCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
hasCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
hasCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.NullReferenceType
hasCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Indicates whether the type of this bound has a capture variable.
hasCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterType
hasCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
hasCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceBound
hasCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicates whether this ReferenceType has a capture variable.
hasCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeArgument
Indicate whether this type argument has a capture variable.
hasCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple
Indicates whether any of the types in this type tuple contains a capture variable.
hasCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
hasCaptureVariable(Type) - Static method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
Return true if the given type has a capture variable.
hasChecks() - Method in class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
Indicates whether this object has checks.
hasChecks() - Method in class randoop.test.InvalidChecks
hasChecks() - Method in class randoop.test.RegressionChecks
Indicates whether this object has checks.
hasChecks() - Method in interface randoop.test.TestChecks
Indicates whether this object has checks.
hasErrorBehavior() - Method in class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
Indicate whether this object has any failing checks.
hasErrorBehavior() - Method in class randoop.test.InvalidChecks
hasErrorBehavior() - Method in class randoop.test.RegressionChecks
Indicate whether this object has any failing checks.
hasErrorBehavior() - Method in interface randoop.test.TestChecks
Indicate whether this object has any failing checks.
hasFailure() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Indicate whether checks are failing or passing.
hasGenerator(Class<? extends TestCheckGenerator>) - Method in class randoop.test.ExtendGenerator
hasGenerator(Class<? extends TestCheckGenerator>) - Method in class randoop.test.TestCheckGenerator
Returns true if this generator contains a generator of the given class.
hasGenericBound() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterType
Return true if this has a generic bound.
HASH_MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for HashMap
HASH_SET_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for HashSet
HASH_TABLE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for Hashtable
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.AbstractBooleanExpression
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.Identifiers
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.Postcondition
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.SpecificationClause
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.ThrowsCondition
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.condition.ThrowsClause
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.contract.CheckRepContract
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.contract.EnumValue
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNotNull
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNull
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqValue
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.contract.PrimValue
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.contract.ToStringReturnsNormally
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.operation.ArrayCreation
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
Returns the hashCode for the constructor called by this object.
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.operation.EnumConstant
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldGet
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldSet
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.operation.InitializedArrayCreation
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
Returns a hash code value for this NonreceiverTerm.
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.sequence.DummyVariable
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ReferenceValue
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence.RelativeNegativeIndex
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Variable
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.test.ExceptionCheck
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.test.MissingExceptionCheck
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.test.NoExceptionCheck
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.test.ObjectCheck
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.test.PostConditionCheck
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.test.RegressionChecks
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.ExplicitTypeVariable
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.LazyReferenceBound
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.NullReferenceType
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterType
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveType
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceBound
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.Substitution
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.VoidType
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
hashCode() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardType
hashCodeCached - Variable in class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
hashCodeComputed - Variable in class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
HashCodeReturnsNormally - Class in randoop.contract
Checks that calling hashCode() on an object does not throw an exception.
HashCodeReturnsNormally() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.HashCodeReturnsNormally
hashedSuperClasses - Static variable in class randoop.sequence.ClassLiterals
hasInvalidBehavior() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Indicate whether there are any invalid checks.
hasInvalidBehavior() - Method in class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
Indicates whether this set of checks contains any invalid behaviors.
hasInvalidBehavior() - Method in class randoop.test.InvalidChecks
hasInvalidBehavior() - Method in class randoop.test.RegressionChecks
Indicates whether this set of checks contains any invalid behaviors.
hasInvalidBehavior() - Method in interface randoop.test.TestChecks
Indicates whether this set of checks contains any invalid behaviors.
hasNext() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple.TypeIterator
hasNonExecutedStatements() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Returns whether the sequence contains a non-executed statement.
hasNullInput - Variable in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Flag to record whether execution of sequence has a null input.
hasNullInput() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Indicates whether the executed sequence has any null input values.
hasParameterizedElementType() - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
Indicates whether this array type has a parameterized element type.
hasRun - Variable in class randoop.util.ReflectionCode
Has this been executed already?
hasRun() - Method in class randoop.util.ReflectionCode
hasSatisfiedPrecondition - Variable in class randoop.condition.ExpectedOutcomeTable
Indicates whether the precondition was satisfied for at least one row of the table.
hasStarted - Variable in class randoop.util.ReflectionCode
Has this started execution?
hasStarted() - Method in class randoop.util.ReflectionCode
hasTypeVariable(Type, Set<TypeVariable<?>>) - Static method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Indicates whether the given (reflection) type reference represents a type in which a type variable occurs.
hasUpperBound - Variable in class randoop.types.WildcardType
hasUpperBound() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
Indicates whether this wildcard argument has an upper bound.
hasUpperBound() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardType
hasUseOfMatchingClass(Pattern) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Test whether any statement of this sequence has an operation whose declaring class matches the given regular expression.
hasWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
hasWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
hasWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
hasWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
hasWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
hasWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.NullReferenceType
hasWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Indicates whether the type of this bound has a wildcard type argument.
hasWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterType
hasWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
hasWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceBound
hasWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicates whether this type has a wildcard anywhere within it.
hasWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeArgument
Indicate whether this type argument has a wildcard.
hasWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple
Indicates whether any of the types in this type tuple contains a wildcard.
hasWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
hasWildcard(Type) - Static method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
hasWildcardTypes() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
hasWildcardTypes() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Indicates whether this operation has a type that is a wildcard type.
hasWildcardTypes() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedTermOperation
Help - Class in randoop.main
The "help" command.
Help() - Constructor for class randoop.main.Help
Create the "help" command.
HelperSequenceCreator - Class in randoop.generation
Contains static methods that create Sequences.
HelperSequenceCreator() - Constructor for class randoop.generation.HelperSequenceCreator
HelperSequenceCreator.SequenceExtender - Interface in randoop.generation


ID_STRING - Static variable in class randoop.reflection.SignatureParser
Regex for Java identifiers.
identifiers - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
The identifier names used in the specifications.
Identifiers - Class in randoop.condition.specification
Contains the identifiers used in the guards and properties of the specifications in a OperationSpecification.
Identifiers() - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.Identifiers
Create a Identifiers object with no parameters and the default identifiers for the receiver and return value.
Identifiers(String, List<String>, String) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.Identifiers
Create an Identifiers object with the given names.
Identifiers(List<String>) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.Identifiers
Create an Identifiers object with the given parameter names and the default identifiers for the receiver and return value.
IDENTITY_HASH_MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for IdentityHashMap
IdentityMultiMap<K,​V> - Class in randoop.util
A multi-map using key identity rather than equality.
IdentityMultiMap() - Constructor for class randoop.util.IdentityMultiMap
Creates an empty multi-map.
IEventListener - Interface in randoop.generation
Defines various event during Randoop's generation at which an implementing class can be notified and perform some action.
iff(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class randoop.util.Util
Return true if a and b are equal (both true or both false).
ignore_condition_compilation_error - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Make Randoop proceed, instead of failing, if the Java condition text of a specification cannot be compiled.
ignore_condition_exception - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Make Randoop treat a specification whose execution throws an exception as returning false.
ignore_condition_exception_quiet - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
If true, don't print diagnostics about specification that throw an exception.
ii - Static variable in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
An int value for testing.
IMessage - Interface in randoop.runtime
IMessages are messages created by Randoop during generation, to inform clients of any relevant information; example messages are whether the generation has started or stopped, percentage done, the names of any files created, or whether an error in the classes under test has been discovered.
implementingTypeMap - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
Maps interface and abstract class types to a selected implementing type.
implies(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class randoop.util.Util
Return true if a is false or b is true.
importDeclarationComparator - Static variable in class randoop.main.Minimize
Sorts ImportDeclaration objects by their name.
ImportDeclarationComparator() - Constructor for class randoop.main.Minimize.ImportDeclarationComparator
IMultiMap<K,​V> - Interface in randoop.util
A multimap, which maps each key to a set of values.
includeAssertions - Variable in class randoop.test.RegressionCaptureGenerator
Whether to include regression assertions.
IncludeIfCoversPredicate - Class in randoop.test
Requires a test to cover certain classes.
IncludeIfCoversPredicate(Set<Class<?>>) - Constructor for class randoop.test.IncludeIfCoversPredicate
Creates a predicate to test whether a sequence covers any of the given classes.
IncludeTestPredicate - Class in randoop.test
Returns true if the test uses a variable (or method) defined in a class that matches the given regular expression.
IncludeTestPredicate(Pattern) - Constructor for class randoop.test.IncludeTestPredicate
incrementCallsToRandom(String) - Static method in class randoop.util.Randomness
Call this before every use of Randomness.random.
incrementSelectionCount() - Method in class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection.SequenceDetails
Increments the selection count.
incrementSequenceCompileFailureCount() - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Increments the count of sequence compilation failures.
incrementSuccessfulInvocationCount(TypedOperation) - Method in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
Increments the number of times a method under test was successfully invoked.
INDENTWIDTH - Static variable in class randoop.Globals
Number of spaces for leading indentation for printing messages.
index - Variable in class randoop.sequence.Sequence.RelativeNegativeIndex
index - Variable in class randoop.sequence.Variable
index - Variable in class randoop.test.InvalidValueCheck
The index in the sequence of the statement that creates the value.
index - Variable in class randoop.test.MissingExceptionCheck
The index of the statement where the exception should be thrown.
INDEX - Variable in class randoop.operation.ArrayElementSet
indices - Variable in class randoop.generation.InputsAndSuccessFlag
Same length as sequences.
initialize(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.DummyVisitor
initialize(ExecutableSequence) - Method in interface randoop.ExecutionVisitor
Called before execution of a sequence, to allow the visitor to perform any initialization steps required before execution.
initialize(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.instrument.CoveredClassVisitor
initialize(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.MultiVisitor
Calls the initialize method for each of the visitors, in the order in which the visitors were given during construction of this MultiVisitor.
InitializedArrayCreation - Class in randoop.operation
InitializedArrayCreation is an Operation representing the construction of a one-dimensional array with a given element type and length.
InitializedArrayCreation(ArrayType, int) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.InitializedArrayCreation
Creates an object representing the construction of an array that holds values of the element type and has the given length.
initializeRuntimePrimitivesSeen() - Method in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
The runtimePrimitivesSeen set contains primitive values seen during generation/execution and is used to determine new values that should be added to the component set.
inMethod - Variable in class randoop.util.TestCoverageInfo.BranchCov
input - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
input_selection - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Randoop generates new tests by combining old previously-generated tests.
inputs - Variable in class randoop.sequence.Statement
inputs - Variable in class randoop.util.ConstructorReflectionCode
The arguments that the constructor is applied to.
inputs - Variable in class randoop.util.MethodReflectionCode
The arguments that the method is applied to.
InputsAndSuccessFlag - Class in randoop.generation
Represents a set of inputs, plus a boolean that is true if this is a good set of inputs.
InputsAndSuccessFlag(boolean, List<Sequence>, List<Integer>) - Constructor for class randoop.generation.InputsAndSuccessFlag
Creates a new InputsAndSuccessFlag.
inputSequenceSelector - Variable in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
How to select sequences as input for creating new sequences.
InputSequenceSelector - Class in randoop.generation
Interface for selecting sequences as input for creating new sequences.
InputSequenceSelector() - Constructor for class randoop.generation.InputSequenceSelector
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.CompareToAntiSymmetric
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.CompareToEquals
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.CompareToReflexive
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.CompareToReturnsNormally
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.CompareToSubs
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.CompareToTransitive
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.EqualsHashcode
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.EqualsReflexive
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.EqualsReturnsNormally
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.EqualsSymmetric
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.EqualsToNullRetFalse
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.EqualsTransitive
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.HashCodeReturnsNormally
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.IsNotNull
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.IsNull
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqValue
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.PrimValue
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.SizeToArrayLength
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Static variable in class randoop.contract.ToStringReturnsNormally
The arguments to which this contract can be applied.
inputTypes - Variable in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
The type tuple of input types.
inputTypes - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
The set of input types for this model.
inputTypes - Variable in class randoop.reflection.TypeExtractor
The set of concrete types.
inputTypes - Variable in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
The set of input types for this model.
inputVariables - Variable in class randoop.test.PostConditionCheck
The input variables for the condition.
insertInTuple(List<E>, E, int) - Method in class randoop.util.TupleSet
Returns a new list that is formed by inserting the element at the given position.
instance - Static variable in class randoop.contract.CompareToAntiSymmetric
instance - Static variable in class randoop.contract.CompareToEquals
instance - Static variable in class randoop.contract.CompareToReflexive
instance - Static variable in class randoop.contract.CompareToReturnsNormally
instance - Static variable in class randoop.contract.CompareToSubs
instance - Static variable in class randoop.contract.CompareToTransitive
instance - Static variable in class randoop.contract.EqualsHashcode
instance - Static variable in class randoop.contract.EqualsReflexive
instance - Static variable in class randoop.contract.EqualsReturnsNormally
instance - Static variable in class randoop.contract.EqualsSymmetric
instance - Static variable in class randoop.contract.EqualsToNullRetFalse
instance - Static variable in class randoop.contract.EqualsTransitive
instance - Static variable in class randoop.contract.HashCodeReturnsNormally
instance - Static variable in class randoop.contract.SizeToArrayLength
instance - Static variable in class randoop.generation.CoverageTracker.DummySessionInfoVisitor
Singleton instance of this class.
instance - Static variable in class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
The canonical EmptyMultiMap.
instantiate(List<ReferenceType>) - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
Creates a type substitution using the given type arguments and applies it to this type.
instantiate(TypedClassOperation) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Instantiate the given operation by choosing type arguments for its type parameters.
instantiate(ReferenceType...) - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
Creates a type substitution using the given type arguments and applies it to this type.
instantiateClass(ClassOrInterfaceType) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Chooses an instantiating substitution for the given class.
InstantiatedType - Class in randoop.types
Represents a parameterized type as a generic class instantiated with type arguments.
InstantiatedType(GenericClassType, List<TypeArgument>) - Constructor for class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
Create a parameterized type from the generic class type.
instantiateOperationTypes(TypedClassOperation) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Selects an instantiation of the generic types of an operation, and returns a new operation with the types instantiated.
instantiateSortedSetType(TypedClassOperation) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Returns a substitution that instantiates the SortedSet type of the given constructor.
instantiateTypes(TypedClassOperation) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Updates the operation types in the case that operation.getDeclaringType() is generic, but classType is not.
instantiator - Variable in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
INT_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The int type.
integerConstant(Integer, ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet) - Static method in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
Register an integer constant in the given ConstantSet.
IntersectionTypeBound - Class in randoop.types
Represents an intersection type bound on a type parameter in a class, interface, method or constructor (see JLS section 4.4).
IntersectionTypeBound(List<ParameterBound>) - Constructor for class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
Create an intersection type bound from the list of type bounds.
ints - Variable in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet
Set of all int constants in a class.
INVALID - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.BehaviorType
Occurrence of exception indicates an invalid test.
InvalidCheckGenerator - Class in randoop.test
Generates invalid checks.
InvalidCheckGenerator() - Constructor for class randoop.test.InvalidCheckGenerator
InvalidChecks - Class in randoop.test
An empty or singleton set.
InvalidChecks() - Constructor for class randoop.test.InvalidChecks
Create an empty, mutable set of invalid checks.
InvalidChecks(Check) - Constructor for class randoop.test.InvalidChecks
Create a singleton set of invalid checks.
InvalidExceptionCheck - Class in randoop.test
An InvalidExceptionCheck represents the occurrence of an exception tagged as an invalid behavior during Check generation.
InvalidExceptionCheck(Throwable, int, String) - Constructor for class randoop.test.InvalidExceptionCheck
invalidSequenceCount - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Number of invalid sequences generated.
InvalidValueCheck - Class in randoop.test
Represents the occurrence of an invalid value for a ExecutableBooleanExpression of the TypedOperation in a Statement.
InvalidValueCheck(ExecutableSequence, int) - Constructor for class randoop.test.InvalidValueCheck
Create an InvalidValueCheck.
INVOCATIONS - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.BloodhoundCoverageUpdateMode
Update coverage information after some number of successful invocations.
IS_ANY - Static variable in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate
A predicate that always returns true.
IS_NOT_PRIVATE - Static variable in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate
A predicate that returns true for non-private elements.
IS_PUBLIC - Static variable in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate
A predicate that returns true for public elements.
isAbstract() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Indicate whether this class is abstract.
isAbstract() - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
isAbstract() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
isAbstract() - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
isAccessible - Variable in class randoop.test.RegressionCaptureGenerator
The accessibility predicate.
isAccessible(int) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.NotPrivateAccessibilityPredicate
Returns true if the Modifier value does not have private set.
isAccessible(int) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.PublicAccessibilityPredicate
isAccessible(int, Package) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.PackageAccessibilityPredicate
Test accessibility as indicated by the modifier bit string and/or package.
isAccessible(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.AnyAccessibilityPredicate
Determines whether this AccessibilityPredicate considers a Class accessible.
isAccessible(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate
Determines whether this AccessibilityPredicate considers a Class accessible.
isAccessible(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.NotPrivateAccessibilityPredicate
Determines whether this AccessibilityPredicate considers a Class accessible.
isAccessible(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.PackageAccessibilityPredicate
Determines whether this AccessibilityPredicate considers a Class accessible.
isAccessible(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.PublicAccessibilityPredicate
Determines whether this AccessibilityPredicate considers a Class accessible.
isAccessible(Constructor<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Determines whether a constructor and each of its parameter types are accessible.
isAccessible(Executable) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.AnyAccessibilityPredicate
Determines whether this AccessibilityPredicate considers a Method or Constructor accessible.
isAccessible(Executable) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate
Determines whether this AccessibilityPredicate considers a Method or Constructor accessible.
isAccessible(Executable) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.NotPrivateAccessibilityPredicate
Determines whether this AccessibilityPredicate considers a Method or Constructor accessible.
isAccessible(Executable) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.PackageAccessibilityPredicate
Determines whether this AccessibilityPredicate considers a Method or Constructor accessible.
isAccessible(Executable) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.PublicAccessibilityPredicate
Determines whether this AccessibilityPredicate considers a Method or Constructor accessible.
isAccessible(Field) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.AnyAccessibilityPredicate
Determines whether this AccessibilityPredicate considers a Field accessible.
isAccessible(Field) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate
Determines whether this AccessibilityPredicate considers a Field accessible.
isAccessible(Field) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.NotPrivateAccessibilityPredicate
Determines whether this AccessibilityPredicate considers a Field accessible.
isAccessible(Field) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.PackageAccessibilityPredicate
Determines whether this AccessibilityPredicate considers a Field accessible.
isAccessible(Field) - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.PublicAccessibilityPredicate
Determines whether this AccessibilityPredicate considers a Field accessible.
isAccessible(Method) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Determines whether a method, its parameter types, and its return type are all accessible.
isAccessible(Type) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Determines whether a java.lang.reflect.Type is a type accessible by to the generated tests.
isActive(int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
isArray() - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
isArray() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicates whether this object represents an array type.
isAssertableMethod(TypedClassOperation, OmitMethodsPredicate, AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.test.RegressionCaptureGenerator
Returns true if the given side-effect-free method or constructor can be used in an assertion in Randoop.
isAssignable(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveTypes
Tests assignability from source to target type via identity conversion and widening primitive conversion.
isAssignableFrom(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
Indicates whether there is an assignment conversion from a source Type to this type.
isAssignableFrom(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
isAssignableFrom(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
Indicates whether there is an assignment conversion from a source Type to this type.
isAssignableFrom(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveType
Indicates whether there is an assignment conversion from a source Type to this type.
isAssignableFrom(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceType
Indicates whether there is an assignment conversion from a source Type to this type.
isAssignableFrom(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicates whether there is an assignment conversion from a source Type to this type.
isAssignableFrom(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeVariable
Indicates whether there is an assignment conversion from a source Type to this type.
isAssignableFrom(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.VoidType
Indicates whether there is an assignment conversion from a source Type to this type.
isAssignableFromTypeOf(T) - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicates whether there is an assignment conversion from the type of value to this type.
isBoxedPrimitive() - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
isBoxedPrimitive() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicates whether this is a boxed primitive type.
isBoxedPrimitive(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveTypes
Determine if the given Class<?> is a boxed primitive type.
isCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
isCaptureVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceType
Indicates whether this type is a capture type variable as constructed by InstantiatedType.applyCaptureConversion().
isClass() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicates whether this type is the Class type.
isClassOrInterfaceType() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
isClassOrInterfaceType() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicate whether this type is a class or interface type.
isCompilable(String, String, String) - Method in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompiler
Indicates whether the given class is compilable.
isConsistentWith(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.Substitution
Two substitutions are consistent if their type variables are disjoint or, if they both map the same type variable, they map it to the same type.
isConstantField() - Method in class randoop.operation.CallableOperation
isConstantField() - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldGet
isConstantField() - Method in interface randoop.operation.Operation
Predicate to indicate whether this object represents a constant field.
isConstantField() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
isConstructor() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
Indicates whether this OperationSignature represents a constructor.
isConstructorCall() - Method in class randoop.operation.CallableOperation
isConstructorCall() - Method in class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
Predicate to indicate whether object represents a call to a constructor.
isConstructorCall() - Method in interface randoop.operation.Operation
Predicate to indicate whether object represents a call to a constructor.
isConstructorCall() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
isConstructorCall() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
isConstructorCall determines if operation for statement is a call to a constructor.
isDriver - Variable in class randoop.runtime.CreatedJUnitFile
isDriver() - Method in class randoop.runtime.CreatedJUnitFile
isEmpty - Variable in class randoop.condition.ExpectedOutcomeTable
Indicates whether this table is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableSpecification
Indicates whether the full specification is empty: this ExecutableSpecification, and any member of the parent list, has no guard expresions, no property pairs, and no throws pairs.
isEmpty() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
Indicates whether this OperationSpecification contains any pre-, post-, or throws-specifications.
isEmpty() - Method in class randoop.test.ContractSet
isEmpty() - Method in class randoop.types.Substitution
Indicates whether this substitution is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple
Indicates whether the tuple is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
isEmpty() - Method in class randoop.util.KeyToMultiSet
isEmpty() - Method in class randoop.util.ListOfLists
isEmpty() - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
isEmpty() - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap
isEmpty() - Method in class randoop.util.MultiSet
isEmpty() - Method in class randoop.util.OneMoreElementList
isEmpty() - Method in interface randoop.util.SimpleList
Test if this list is empty.
isEnum() - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
isEnum() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicates whether this is an enum type.
isFailure() - Method in class randoop.main.Minimize.Outputs
Return true if the command failed.
isFinal - Variable in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
isFinal() - Method in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
isGeneric() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Indicate whether this operation is generic.
isGeneric() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Indicates whether the type of this bound is generic.
isGeneric() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicate whether this type is generic.
isGeneric() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeArgument
Indicates whether this type argument is generic.
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Indicate whether this operation is generic.
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.ExplicitTypeVariable
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Indicates whether the type of this bound is generic.
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
Indicates whether a ReferenceArgument is generic.
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceBound
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicate whether this type is generic.
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeArgument
Indicates whether this type argument is generic.
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple
Indicates whether the tuple has any generic components.
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
isGeneric(boolean) - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardType
isInstanceMethod() - Method in class randoop.util.MethodReflectionCode
isInstantiationOf(ReferenceType) - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Indicates whether this type is an instantiation of a more general type.
isInstantiationOf(ReferenceType) - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
Checks whether this type is an instantiation of the given instantiated type.
isInstantiationOf(ReferenceType) - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
Indicates whether this type is an instantiation of a more general type.
isInstantiationOf(ReferenceType) - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceType
Indicates whether this type is an instantiation of a more general type.
isInstantiationOf(ReferenceType) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeVariable
isInstantiationOfTypeArgument(TypeArgument) - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
isInstantiationOfTypeArgument(TypeArgument) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeArgument
Determines whether this type argument is an instantiation of the other argument.
isInstantiationOfTypeArgument(TypeArgument) - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
isInstrumented(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.util.TestCoverageInfo
isInterface() - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
isInterface() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
isInterface() - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
isInterface() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicates whether this object is an interface type.
isInvalidCall() - Method in class randoop.condition.ExpectedOutcomeTable
Indicate whether the call should be classified as GenInputsAbstract.BehaviorType.INVALID.)
isJavaIdentifier(String) - Static method in class randoop.util.Util
Return true if the string is a legal Java identifier.
isLiteralType(Object, AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
Returns true if the value can be represented as a literal in Java source code.
isLiteralValue(Object) - Static method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqValue
Returns true if the argument can be written as a literal in Java source code.
isLoggingOn() - Static method in class randoop.util.Log
isLowerBound(ParameterBound, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.EagerReferenceBound
isLowerBound(ParameterBound, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Tests whether this is a lower bound on the type of a given bound with respect to a type substitution.
isLowerBound(Type, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.EagerReferenceBound
isLowerBound(Type, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
Indicates whether this bound is a lower bound of the given argument type.
isLowerBound(Type, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
isLowerBound(Type, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.LazyReferenceBound
isLowerBound(Type, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Indicates whether this bound is a lower bound of the given argument type.
isMemberClass() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Indicate whether this class is a member of another class.
isMessage() - Method in class randoop.operation.CallableOperation
isMessage() - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldGet
Predicate to indicate whether object represents a method-call-like operation (either static or instance).
isMessage() - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldSet
A FieldSetter is a method call because it acts like a setter.
isMessage() - Method in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
Predicate to indicate whether object represents a method-call-like operation (either static or instance).
isMessage() - Method in interface randoop.operation.Operation
Predicate to indicate whether object represents a method-call-like operation (either static or instance).
isMessage() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
isMethodCall() - Method in class randoop.operation.CallableOperation
isMethodCall() - Method in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
Indicates whether this object represents a method-call operation (either static or instance).
isMethodCall() - Method in interface randoop.operation.Operation
Indicates whether this object represents a method-call operation (either static or instance).
isMethodCall() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
isMethodCall() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
isMethodCall indicates whether a statement corresponds to a method-call-like operation.
isNestedClass() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Indicate whether this class is a nested class.
isNonFlaky(TypedClassOperation) - Static method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Returns true if the operation is definitely non-flaky.
isNonreceiver() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
A sequence representing a single primitive value, like "Foo var0 = null" or "int var0 = 1".
isNonreceiverType() - Method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveType
Indicates whether this is the type of a non-receiver term: primitive, boxed primitive, String, or Class.
isNonreceiverType() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicates whether this is the type of a non-receiver term: primitive, boxed primitive, String, or Class.
isNonreceiverType(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
Determines whether the given Class<?> is the type of a non-receiver term.
isNonreceivingInitialization() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
isNonreceivingInitialization determines if operation is a nonreceiver term.
isNonreceivingValue() - Method in class randoop.operation.CallableOperation
isNonreceivingValue() - Method in class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
Predicate to indicate whether this object represents a value of a non-receiving type (includes numbers, strings, and null).
isNonreceivingValue() - Method in interface randoop.operation.Operation
Predicate to indicate whether this object represents a value of a non-receiving type (includes numbers, strings, and null).
isNonreceivingValue() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
isNormalExecution() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
isNormalExecution(int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
This method is typically used by ExecutionVisitors.
IsNotNull - Class in randoop.contract
The contract: x != null.
IsNotNull() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.IsNotNull
IsNull - Class in randoop.contract
The contract: x == null.
IsNull() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.IsNull
isNullInitialization() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
isNullInitialization determines if statement represents an initialization by null value.
isObject() - Method in class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
Indicate whether this bound is Object.
isObject() - Method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
isObject() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Indicate whether this bound is Object.
isObject() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceBound
isObject() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicate whether this is the Object type.
isObjectToString(TypedClassOperation) - Static method in class randoop.test.RegressionCaptureGenerator
Return true if the method is Object.toString (which is nondeterministic for classes that have not overridden it).
isParameterized() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
isParameterized() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
isParameterized() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicate whether this type is a parameterized type.
isPrimitive() - Method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveType
Indicates whether this is a primitive type.
isPrimitive() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicates whether this is a primitive type.
isPublic(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultReflectionPredicate
Indicates whether the Class is public.
isRandoopInstrumentation(Field) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultReflectionPredicate
Indicates that a field is generated by the covered-class instrumentation agent.
isRandoopInstrumentation(Method) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultReflectionPredicate
isRawtype() - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
isRawtype() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicate whether this type is a rawtype of a generic class.
isRecursiveType() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
Determines if this type is recursive in the sense that the type is the bound of its type argument.
isReferenceType() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceType
isReferenceType() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicates whether this is a reference type.
isStatic - Variable in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
isStatic - Variable in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
True if the method is static.
isStatic() - Method in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
isStatic returns the default that a field is not static.
isStatic() - Method in class randoop.operation.CallableOperation
isStatic() - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldGet
isStatic() - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldSet
isStatic() - Method in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
Predicate to indicate whether object represents a static operation on the declaring class.
isStatic() - Method in interface randoop.operation.Operation
Predicate to indicate whether object represents a static operation on the declaring class.
isStatic() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
isStatic() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
isStatic indicates whether the corresponding operation is declared as static.
isStatic() - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Indicates whether this class is static.
isStatic() - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
isStatic() - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
isStatic() - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
isString() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicates whether this type is the String type.
isSubtype(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveTypes
Indicates whether the first primitive type is a (transitive) subtype of the second primitive as determined by primitive widening.
isSubtypeOf(ParameterBound) - Method in class randoop.types.EagerReferenceBound
isSubtypeOf(ParameterBound) - Method in class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
Indicates whether the type of this bound is a subtype of the type of the given bound.
isSubtypeOf(ParameterBound) - Method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
isSubtypeOf(ParameterBound) - Method in class randoop.types.LazyReferenceBound
isSubtypeOf(ParameterBound) - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Indicates whether the type of this bound is a subtype of the type of the given bound.
isSubtypeOf(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
Test whether this type is a subtype of the given type according to transitive closure of definition of the direct supertype relation in section 4.10 of JLS for Java SE 8.
isSubtypeOf(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Test whether this type is a subtype of the given type according to transitive closure of definition of the direct supertype relation in section 4.10.2 of JLS for JavaSE 8.
isSubtypeOf(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
Test whether this type is a subtype of the given type according to transitive closure of definition of the direct supertype relation in section 4.10.2 of JLS for JavaSE 8.
isSubtypeOf(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
Test whether this type is a subtype of the given type according to transitive closure of definition of the direct supertype relation in section 4.10.2 of JLS for JavaSE 8.
isSubtypeOf(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.NullReferenceType
isSubtypeOf(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveType
Test whether this type is a subtype of the given type according to transitive closure of definition of the direct supertype relation in section 4.10 of JLS for Java SE 8.
isSubtypeOf(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceType
Test whether this type is a subtype of the given type according to transitive closure of definition of the direct supertype relation in section 4.10 of JLS for Java SE 8.
isSubtypeOf(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Test whether this type is a subtype of the given type according to transitive closure of definition of the direct supertype relation in section 4.10 of JLS for Java SE 8.
isSubtypeOf(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeVariable
isSubtypeOf(Type) - Method in class randoop.types.VoidType
Test whether this type is a subtype of the given type according to transitive closure of definition of the direct supertype relation in section 4.10 of JLS for Java SE 8.
isSuccess() - Method in class randoop.main.Minimize.Outputs
Return true if the command succeeded.
isTestMethod(MethodDeclaration) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Check if the method is a JUnit test method.
IStopper - Interface in randoop.generation
Used by Randoop to determine whether generation should stop.
isTypeVariable(Type) - Static method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Indicates whether the type is a type variable.
isUnassertableString(Object) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Value
Returns true if the value is a string that may NOT be asserted over, because it is (likely to be) nondeterministic or is too long.
isUncheckedCast() - Method in class randoop.operation.CallableOperation
isUncheckedCast() - Method in interface randoop.operation.Operation
Predicate to indicate whether this object represents an unchecked cast.
isUncheckedCast() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
isUncheckedCast() - Method in class randoop.operation.UncheckedCast
isUpperBound(ParameterBound, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.EagerReferenceBound
isUpperBound(ParameterBound, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
Indicates whether this bound is an upper bound on the type of the given bound with respect to the type substitution.
isUpperBound(ParameterBound, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
isUpperBound(ParameterBound, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.LazyReferenceBound
isUpperBound(ParameterBound, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Indicates whether this bound is an upper bound on the type of the given bound with respect to the type substitution.
isUpperBound(Type, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.EagerReferenceBound
isUpperBound(Type, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
Determines if this bound is an upper bound for the argument type.
isUpperBound(Type, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
Determines if this bound is an upper bound for the argument type.
isUpperBound(Type, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.LazyReferenceBound
isUpperBound(Type, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Determines if this bound is an upper bound for the argument type.
isValid() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
Indicates whether this OperationSignature is a valid representation of a method or constructor.
isValidIndex(int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
True iff this sequence contains a statement at the given index.
isVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
isVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Indicates whether this bound is a type variable.
isVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
isVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceBound
isVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicates whether this type is a type variable.
isVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeArgument
Indicate whether this type argument is a type variable.
isVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeVariable
isVariable() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
isVisibilityBridge(Method) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultReflectionPredicate
Determines whether a bridge method is a visibility bridge, which allows access to a definition of the method in a non-accessible superclass.
isVoid() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicate whether this type is void.
isVoid() - Method in class randoop.types.VoidType
isWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeArgument
Indicate whether this type argument is a wildcard argument.
isWildcard() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
iterator - Variable in class randoop.types.TypeTuple.TypeIterator
iterator() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple
iterator() - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet


JarReader - Class in randoop.util
JarReader() - Constructor for class randoop.util.JarReader
javaFileWriter - Variable in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
The underlying JavaFileWriter for writing a test class.
javaFileWriter - Variable in class randoop.output.MinimizerWriter
The JavaFileWriter used to write classes.
JavaFileWriter - Class in randoop.output
A CodeWriter that writes JUnit4 test class source text to a .java file with annotations so that tests are executed in ascending alphabetical order by test method name.
JavaFileWriter(String) - Constructor for class randoop.output.JavaFileWriter
JavaFileWriter creates an instance of class holding information needed to write a test suite.
javaParser - Static variable in class randoop.main.Minimize
An instance of a Java parser.
javaParser - Static variable in class randoop.output.ClassRenamingVisitor
An instance of a Java parser.
javaParser - Static variable in class randoop.output.FieldAccessTypeNameSimplifyVisitor
An instance of a Java parser.
javaParser - Static variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
An instance of a Java parser.
javaParser - Static variable in class randoop.output.MethodTypeNameSimplifyVisitor
An instance of a Java parser.
JavaTypes - Class in randoop.types
Constants for non-JDK Java types.
JavaTypes() - Constructor for class randoop.types.JavaTypes
JDKTypes - Class in randoop.types
Defines type constants for classes in the JDK Collections.
JDKTypes() - Constructor for class randoop.types.JDKTypes
junit_after_all - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Name of file containing code text to be added to the @AfterClass-annotated method of each generated test class.
junit_after_each - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Name of file containing code text to be added to the @After -annotated method of each generated test class.
junit_before_all - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Name of file containing code text to be added to the @BeforeClass-annotated method of each generated test class.
junit_before_each - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Name of file containing code text to be added to the @Before-annotated method of each generated test class.
junit_output_dir - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Name of the directory in which JUnit files should be written.
junit_package_name - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Name of the package for the generated JUnit files.
junit_reflection_allowed - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Whether to use JUnit's standard reflective mechanisms for invoking tests.
junitCreator - Variable in class randoop.test.CompilableTestPredicate
The JUnitCreator to generate a class from a ExecutableSequence
JUnitCreator - Class in randoop.output
Creates Java source as String for a suite of JUnit4 tests.
JUnitCreator(String) - Constructor for class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
junitFile - Variable in class randoop.runtime.ErrorRevealed
The file for the JUnit test.
jvm_max_memory - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
How much memory Randoop should use when starting new JVMs.


key - Variable in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap.OpKeyVal
A key.
keySet() - Method in class randoop.types.Substitution
Returns the type variables mapped from by this.
keySet() - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
keySet() - Method in interface randoop.util.IMultiMap
Returns the set of keys in this map (the domain).
keySet() - Method in class randoop.util.KeyToMultiSet
keySet() - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
keySet() - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap
KeyToMultiSet<K extends @Signed Object,​V extends @Signed Object> - Class in randoop.util
A map from a key to a multi-set.
KeyToMultiSet() - Constructor for class randoop.util.KeyToMultiSet
Creates a new, empty KeyToMultiSet.


lastElement - Variable in class randoop.util.OneMoreElementList
The last element in this.
lastNumSteps - Variable in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
The step number of the most recent step.
lastStatementTypes - Variable in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The types of elements of Sequence.lastStatementVariables.
lastStatementVariables - Variable in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The variables that are inputs or output for the last statement of this sequence: first the return variable if any (ie, if the operation is non-void), then the input variables.
lastStepTime - Variable in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
When the most recent step completed.
lastUpdateTime - Variable in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
System.currentTimeMillis() when branch coverage was last updated.
lastValueSizeOk(ExecutableSequence) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Value
Returns true if the value returned by the last statement is not too large.
LazyBoundException() - Constructor for exception randoop.types.LazyParameterBound.LazyBoundException
LazyParameterBound - Class in randoop.types
A lazy representation of a type bound in which a type variable occurs.
LazyParameterBound(Type) - Constructor for class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
Creates a LazyParameterBound from the given rawtype and type parameters.
LazyParameterBound.LazyBoundException - Exception in randoop.types
There was an attempt to perform an operation, such as capture conversion, on a lazy bound.
LazyReferenceBound - Class in randoop.types
A lazy representation of a type bound in which a type variable occurs.
LazyReferenceBound(ReferenceType) - Constructor for class randoop.types.LazyReferenceBound
length - Variable in class randoop.operation.InitializedArrayCreation
length - Variable in class randoop.operation.ReflectionArrayCreation
LIMIT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
limits - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Limits for generation, after which the generator will stop.
Limits() - Constructor for class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.Limits
Limits(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.Limits
line - Variable in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter.Match
The line that matched the pattern.
lineSep - Static variable in class randoop.Globals
The system-specific line separator string.
LINKED_BLOCKING_DEQUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for LinkedBlockingDeque
LINKED_BLOCKING_QUEUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for LinkedBlockingQueue
LINKED_HASH_MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for LinkedHashMap
LINKED_HASH_SET_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for LinkedHashSet
LINKED_LIST_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for LinkedList
LINKED_TRANSFER_QUEUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for LinkedTransferQueue
list - Variable in class randoop.types.TypeTuple
The sequence of types in this type tuple.
list - Variable in class randoop.util.OneMoreElementList
All but the last element in this.
LIST_OF_OS_TYPE_TOKEN - Static variable in class randoop.condition.SpecificationCollection
The type of List<OperationSpecification>>.
LIST_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for List
ListOfLists<E> - Class in randoop.util
Given a list of lists, defines methods that can access all the elements as if they were part of a single list, without actually merging the lists.
ListOfLists(List<SimpleList<E>>) - Constructor for class randoop.util.ListOfLists
ListOfLists(SimpleList<E>...) - Constructor for class randoop.util.ListOfLists
Create a ListOfLists from ...
lists - Variable in class randoop.util.ListOfLists
The lists themselves.
LiteralFileReader - Class in randoop.reflection
Method LiteralFileReader.parse(java.lang.String) reads a file specifying literal values to use during generation.
LiteralFileReader() - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.LiteralFileReader
literalMap - Variable in class randoop.reflection.ClassLiteralExtractor
literals_file - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
A file containing literal values to be used as inputs to methods under test, or "CLASSES".
literals_level - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
How to use literal values that are specified via the --literals-file command-line option.
ll - Static variable in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
A long value for testing.
loadClassFile(File, String) - Static method in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompiler
Given a .class file, returns the corresponding Class object.
localizeContractCode(String, Variable...) - Static method in class randoop.contract.ObjectContractUtils
Replace dummy variables such as "x0" in the code by their real names.
log - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
A file to which to log lots of information.
log() - Method in class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
log() - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
log() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Write this sequence to the Randoop log.
log() - Method in class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
Log - Class in randoop.util
Static methods that log to GenInputsAbstract.log, if that is non-null.
Log() - Constructor for class randoop.util.Log
logMethodWeights() - Method in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
For debugging, print all method weights to standard output.
logOmit - Static variable in class randoop.reflection.OmitMethodsPredicate
Set to true to produce voluminous debugging regarding omission.
logOperations(PrintStream) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Output the operations of this model to out, if logging is enabled.
logOperations(Writer) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Output the operations of this model, if logging is enabled.
logPrintf(String, Object...) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Log a diagnostic message with formatting.
logPrintf(String, Object...) - Static method in class randoop.util.Log
Log using String.format to GenInputsAbstract.log, if that is non-null.
logPrintln() - Static method in class randoop.util.Log
Log a blank line to GenInputsAbstract.log, if that is non-null.
logPrintln(String) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Log a one-line literal diagnostic message.
logPrintln(String) - Static method in class randoop.util.Log
Log a literal string to GenInputsAbstract.log, if that is non-null.
logSelection(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class randoop.util.Randomness
Logs the value that was randomly selected, along with the calling method and its argument.
logStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class randoop.util.Log
Log to GenInputsAbstract.log, if that is non-null.
logToStdout - Variable in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
If true, output diagnostics to stdout rather than to a log.
LONG_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The long type.
longConstant(Long, ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet) - Static method in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
Register a long constant in the given ConstantSet.
longs - Variable in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet
Set of all long constants in a class.
looksLikeObjectToString(String) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Value
Returns true if the given string looks like it came from a call of Object.toString(); in other words, it contains "@<em>hex</em>".
lowerBound - Variable in class randoop.types.ParameterType
The lower bound on this type.
lowercaseFirstCharacter(String) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.VariableRenamer
Lowercase the first character in the variable name while preserving any capitalized letters after the first letter.


main(String[]) - Static method in class randoop.main.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
A simple driver program that prints output literals file format.
main(String[]) - Static method in class randoop.util.JarReader
Main - Class in randoop.main
Main entry point for Randoop.
Main() - Constructor for class randoop.main.Main
mainMinimize(Path, String, int, boolean) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Minimize the input test file.
map - Variable in class randoop.sequence.MappedSequences
map - Variable in class randoop.types.Substitution
The map from type variables to concrete types.
map - Variable in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
The backing map.
map - Variable in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
map - Variable in class randoop.util.IdentityMultiMap
The underlying map.
map - Variable in class randoop.util.KeyToMultiSet
The backing map.
map - Variable in class randoop.util.MultiMap
The backing map.
MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for Map
MappedSequences<K> - Class in randoop.sequence
A multimap from keys of type K to sequences.
MappedSequences() - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.MappedSequences
mark() - Method in class randoop.SubTypeSet
Checkpoint the state of the data structure, for use by SubTypeSet.undoLastStep().
mark() - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
Checkpoint the state of the data structure, for use by CheckpointingMultiMap.undoToLastMark().
mark() - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
Checkpoint the state of the data structure, for use by CheckpointingSet.undoToLastMark().
marks - Variable in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
The marks/checkpoints that have been set so far, to permit restoring to a previous state.
Match(String, String) - Constructor for class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter.Match
Creates a FailingAssertionCommentWriter.Match record with the given line and group.
MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH - Static variable in class randoop.test.RegressionCaptureGenerator
The maximum length (inclusive) of arrays in generated tests.
maxsize - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Do not generate tests with more than this many statements.
maxSuccM - Variable in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
Maximum number of times any method under test has been successfully invoked.
message - Variable in exception randoop.sequence.SequenceParseException
message(boolean) - Method in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
Return the progress message.
method - Variable in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
The method that is called by this MethodCall.
method - Variable in class randoop.util.MethodReflectionCode
The method to be called.
method_selection - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Randoop generates new tests by choosing from a set of methods under test.
MethodCall - Class in randoop.operation
MethodCall is a Operation that represents a call to a method.
MethodCall(Method) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.MethodCall
Creates an object corresponding to a call to the given method.
methodInvocationCounts - Variable in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
Map from methods under test to the total number of times they have ever been successfully invoked by the AbstractGenerator.
methodlist - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
A file containing a list of methods and constructors to call in tests, each given as a fully-qualified signature on a separate line.
methodNameGenerator - Variable in class randoop.test.CompilableTestPredicate
The name generator for test method names.
MethodReflectionCode - Class in randoop.util
Wraps a method together with its arguments, ready for execution.
MethodReflectionCode(Method, Object, Object[]) - Constructor for class randoop.util.MethodReflectionCode
Create a new MethodReflectionCode to represent a method invocation.
methodSelectionCounts - Variable in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
Map from methods under test to the number of times they have been recently selected by the ForwardGenerator to construct a new sequence.
methodSizeSqrt - Variable in class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection.SequenceDetails
The square root of the number of method calls in the sequence.
methodSizeSquareRoot(Sequence) - Static method in class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection
Returns the the square root of the number of method call statements within the given sequence.
methodToIndices - Variable in class randoop.util.TestCoverageInfo
MethodTypeNameSimplifyVisitor - Class in randoop.output
JavaParser visitor to simplify type names in method calls.
MethodTypeNameSimplifyVisitor() - Constructor for class randoop.output.MethodTypeNameSimplifyVisitor
methodWeights - Variable in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
Map from methods under test to their weights.
Minimize - Class in randoop.main
This program minimizes a failing JUnit test suite.
Minimize() - Constructor for class randoop.main.Minimize
Create the handler for Randoop's minimize command.
minimize_error_test - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
If true, Randoop outputs both original error-revealing tests and a minimized version.
Minimize.ClassOrInterfaceTypeComparator - Class in randoop.main
Sorts a type by its simple name.
Minimize.ImportDeclarationComparator - Class in randoop.main
Sorts ImportDeclaration objects by their name.
Minimize.Outputs - Class in randoop.main
Contains the command line, exit status, standard output, and standard error from running a process.
minimizedClassName(Path) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Given a .java filename for non-minimized tests, returns the simple name of the class containing the minimized tests.
minimizeMethod(MethodDeclaration, CompilationUnit, String, Path, String, Map<String, String>, int) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Minimize a method by minimizing each statement in turn.
MinimizerWriter - Class in randoop.output
A CodeWriter that, for an error-revealing test class, writes both the original and minimized class.
MinimizerWriter(JavaFileWriter) - Constructor for class randoop.output.MinimizerWriter
Creates a MinimizerWriter using the given JavaFileWriter.
minimizeTestSuite(CompilationUnit, String, Path, String, Map<String, String>, int) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Visit and minimize every JUnit test method within a compilation unit.
minimizetimeout - Static variable in class randoop.main.Minimize
The maximum number of seconds allowed for the entire minimization process.
MissingExceptionCheck - Class in randoop.test
Represents the fact that a statement should throw an exception, but did not.
MissingExceptionCheck(List<List<ThrowsClause>>, int) - Constructor for class randoop.test.MissingExceptionCheck
Creates a MissingExceptionCheck object for the expected exception type at the given statement.
MULTILINE - randoop.util.ProgressDisplay.Mode
MultiMap<K extends @Signed Object,​V extends @Signed Object> - Class in randoop.util
Implements an IMultiMap with a java.util.LinkedHashMap.
MultiMap() - Constructor for class randoop.util.MultiMap
Creates a new, empyt MultiMap.
MultiMap(int) - Constructor for class randoop.util.MultiMap
MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap<K extends @Signed Object,​V extends @Signed Object> - Class in randoop.util
An immutable, empty multimap.
MultiSet<E extends @Signed Object> - Class in randoop.util
A multiset: each value may appear multiple times.
MultiSet() - Constructor for class randoop.util.MultiSet
Creates a new, empty MultiSet.
MultiVisitor - Class in randoop
An execution visitor that chains a list of visitors in sequence.
MultiVisitor() - Constructor for class randoop.MultiVisitor
Creates a new MultiVisitor.
MultiVisitor(List<ExecutionVisitor>) - Constructor for class randoop.MultiVisitor
Creates a new MultiVisitor.


name - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
The name of this operation.
name - Variable in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
The method name; for a constructor, same as the classname, except for inner classes where it differs.
NameGenerator - Class in randoop.output
A NameGenerator generates a sequence of names as strings in the form "prefix"+i for integer i.
NameGenerator(String) - Constructor for class randoop.output.NameGenerator
Generates names without 0-padding on counter.
NameGenerator(String, int, int) - Constructor for class randoop.output.NameGenerator
Creates an instance that generates names beginning with prefix, counts starting at the initialValue, and 0-padded to enough digits for lastValue.
nameToClass - Static variable in class randoop.types.PrimitiveTypes
Map from primitive type name (and "void") to Class<?> objects.
NAVIGABLE_MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for NavigableMap
NAVIGABLE_SET_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for NavigableSet
ncdf_exception - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
If a test throws a NoClassDefFoundError exception, should it be included in the error-revealing test suite (value: ERROR), regression test suite (value: EXPECTED), or should it be discarded (value: INVALID)?
nearestAccessibleSuperclass(Class<?>, AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionCheckGen
Returns the nearest accessible superclass -- usually the argument itself.
newArrayExpression() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
Returns a Java array constructor expression for this, e.g., "new int[] {1,2,3}".
newName - Variable in class randoop.output.ClassRenamingVisitor
The new name.
newRegressionTestHook(Sequence) - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Take action based on the given Sequence that was classified as a regression test, i.e., normal behavior.
newRegressionTestHook(Sequence) - Method in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
Increment the number of successful invocations of the last method in the newly-created sequence that was classified as a regression test.
newRegressionTestHook(Sequence) - Method in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
Take action based on the given Sequence that was classified as a regression test.
newRegressionTestHook(Sequence) - Method in interface randoop.generation.TypedOperationSelector
Take action based on the given Sequence was classified as a regression test.
newRegressionTestHook(Sequence) - Method in class randoop.generation.UniformRandomMethodSelection
Does nothing.
next() - Method in class randoop.output.NameGenerator
Return a new gensym (unique identifier).
next() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple.TypeIterator
nextNWCLine(BufferedReader) - Static method in class randoop.util.RecordListReader
nextRandomInt(int) - Static method in class randoop.util.Randomness
Uniformly random int from [0, i)
NO_DISPLAY - randoop.util.ProgressDisplay.Mode
no_error_revealing_tests - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Whether to output error-revealing tests.
NO_INPUTS_FOUND - randoop.generation.OperationOutcome
No sequence was generated because no inputs could be found.
NO_OMISSION - Static variable in class randoop.reflection.OmitMethodsPredicate
An OmitMethodsPredicate that does no omission.
NO_OPERATIONS_TO_TEST - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
no_regression_assertions - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Whether to include assertions in regression tests.
no_regression_tests - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Whether to output regression tests.
NoExceptionCheck - Class in randoop.test
This check represents the fact that a statement should not throw any exception.
NoExceptionCheck(int, String) - Constructor for class randoop.test.NoExceptionCheck
nondeterministic_methods_to_output - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
How many suspected side-effecting or nondeterministic methods (from the program under test) to print.
NONE - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.ClassLiteralsMode
Do not use literals specified in a literals file.
nonFlakyMethods - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
Methods that are known to be non-flaky.
NonParameterizedType - Class in randoop.types
NonParameterizedType represents a non-parameterized class, interface, enum, or the rawtype of a generic class.
NonParameterizedType(Class<?>) - Constructor for class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
Create a NonParameterizedType object for the runtime class.
NonreceiverTerm - Class in randoop.operation
Represents a value that either cannot (primitive or null values), or we don't care to have (String, Class) be a receiver for a method call as an Operation.
NonreceiverTerm(Type, Object) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
Constructs a NonreceiverTerm.
nonStaticMain(String[]) - Method in class randoop.main.Main
The real entry point of Main.
noProgressOutput() - Method in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
Return true iff no progress output should be displayed.
normal_exec_count - Static variable in class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
The number of normal executions.
normal_exec_duration_nanos - Static variable in class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
The sum of durations for normal executions, in nanoseconds.
normalExecAvgMillis() - Static method in class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
The average normal execution time, in milliseconds.
normalExecs() - Static method in class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
NormalExecution - Class in randoop
Means that the statement that this result represents completed normally.
NormalExecution(Object, long) - Constructor for class randoop.NormalExecution
normalizeJUnitOutput(String) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Normalize the standard output obtained from running a JUnit test suite.
notes - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
Explanations printed to the user.
NotExecuted - Class in randoop
Means that the statement that this outcome represents was not executed.
NotExecuted() - Constructor for class randoop.NotExecuted
notExecutedSingleton - Static variable in class randoop.NotExecuted
NotMatchedException(Pattern) - Constructor for exception randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter.NotMatchedException
Create a new NotMatchedException.
NotPrivateAccessibilityPredicate() - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.NotPrivateAccessibilityPredicate
npe_on_non_null_input - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
If a test that never passes null as an argument throws a NullPointerException, should the test be included in the error-revealing test suite (value: ERROR), regression test suite (value: EXPECTED), or should it be discarded (value: INVALID)?
npe_on_null_input - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
If a test that passes null as an argument throws a NullPointerException, should the test be be included in the error-revealing test suite (value: ERROR), regression test suite (value: EXPECTED), or should it be discarded (value: INVALID)?
null_ratio - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Use null with the given frequency as an argument to method calls.
null_steps - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Number of steps that returned null.
NULL_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The Null type is the lower bound of reference types and is only used in CaptureTypeVariable
NullOutputStream() - Constructor for class randoop.Globals.NullOutputStream
NullReferenceType - Class in randoop.types
The null type is the type of the value null.
NullReferenceType() - Constructor for class randoop.types.NullReferenceType
num_failed_output_test - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Number of sequences that failed the output test.
num_failing_sequences - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Number of failing sequences generated.
num_sequences_generated - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Number of sequences generated.
num_steps - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Number of generation steps (each an attempt to generate and execute a new, distinct sequence).
numAttemptedSequences() - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Returns the count of attempts to generate a sequence so far.
numDimensions(String) - Static method in class randoop.types.Type
Return the number of dimensions in the given type, which might or might not be an array.
numErrorSequences() - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Returns the count of generated error-revealing sequences.
numGeneratedSequences() - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Returns the count of sequences generated so far by the generator.
numGeneratedSequences() - Method in class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
Returns the number of (non-seed) sequences stored by the manager.
numGeneratedSequences() - Method in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
numJunitFailures(Iterator<String>, RunCommand.Status, String, String) - Method in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
Return the number of JUnit failures, parsed from the JUnit output.
numMethodCalls() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The number of method calls in this sequence.
numOutputSequences() - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Returns the count of generated sequence currently for output.


OBJECT_TOSTRING_PATTERN - Static variable in class randoop.sequence.Value
The pattern for strings that look like the output of a call to Object.toString().
OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The java.lang.Object type.
ObjectCache - Class in randoop.generation
ObjectCache(StateMatcher) - Constructor for class randoop.generation.ObjectCache
ObjectCheck - Class in randoop.test
A check that checks for expected properties of one or more objects generated during the execution of a Sequence, for example: Checking that the objects created during execution of a sequence respect reflexivity, transitivity and symmetry of equality.
ObjectCheck(ObjectContract, Variable...) - Constructor for class randoop.test.ObjectCheck
Creates an ObjectCheck for the given contract using the variables as input.
ObjectContract - Class in randoop.contract
An object contract represents a property that must hold of any object of a given class.
ObjectContract() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.ObjectContract
ObjectContractReflectionCode - Class in randoop.util
ObjectContractReflectionCode(ObjectContract, Object...) - Constructor for class randoop.util.ObjectContractReflectionCode
ObjectContractUtils - Class in randoop.contract
Utility methods for safely executing and printing ObjectContract code.
ObjectContractUtils() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.ObjectContractUtils
objectsToSeeds(List<Object>) - Static method in class randoop.generation.SeedSequences
Given a set of seed objects (each a primitive wrapper), return a set of sequences (each of length one) that create them.
objs - Variable in class randoop.util.ObjectContractReflectionCode
observer - Variable in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqValue
The observer method.
ObserverEqArray - Class in randoop.contract
A check recording the current state of an array during execution.
ObserverEqArray(Object, AccessibilityPredicate) - Constructor for class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
Creates a new ObserverEqArray.
ObserverEqValue - Class in randoop.contract
A check recording the value that an observer method returned during execution, e.g.
ObserverEqValue(TypedOperation, Object) - Constructor for class randoop.contract.ObserverEqValue
Create a new ObserverEqValue.
occurCount(StringBuilder, String) - Static method in class randoop.util.Util
Return the number of times that the pattern appears in the text.
of(AccessibleObject) - Static method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
Returns an operation for a method or constructor given as a java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.
of(Constructor<?>) - Static method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
Returns an OperationSignature for a constructor given as a java.lang.reflect.Constructor.
of(Constructor<?>) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
Create a RawSignature object from the java.lang.reflect.Constructor.
of(Method) - Static method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
Returns an OperationSignature for a method given as a java.lang.reflect.Method.
of(Method) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
Create a RawSignature object from the java.lang.reflect.Method.
ofComponentType(Type) - Static method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
Creates an ArrayType for the given component type.
oldName - Variable in class randoop.output.ClassRenamingVisitor
The new name.
omit_classes - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
A regex that indicates classes that should not be used in tests, even if included by some other command-line option.
omit_classes_file - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
A file containing a list of regular expressions that indicate classes not to call in a test.
omit_classes_no_defaults - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Include classes that are otherwise omitted by default.
omit_field - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
A fully-qualified field name of a field to be excluded from test generation.
omit_field_file - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
File that contains fully-qualified field names to be excluded from test generation.
omit_field_list - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
File that contains fully-qualified field names to be excluded from test generation.
omit_methods - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
A regex that indicates methods that should not be called directly in generated tests.
omit_methods_file - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
A file containing a list of regular expressions that indicate methods that should not be included in generated tests.
omit_methods_no_defaults - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Include methods that are otherwise omitted by default.
omitFields - Variable in class randoop.reflection.DefaultReflectionPredicate
The set of fully-qualified field names to omit from generated tests.
omitMethods - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
For debugging only.
omitMethodsPredicate - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
User-supplied predicate for methods that should not be used during test generation.
omitMethodsPredicate - Variable in class randoop.test.RegressionCaptureGenerator
The user-supplied predicate for methods that should not be called.
OmitMethodsPredicate - Class in randoop.reflection
Tests whether the RawSignature of an operation is matched by an omit.
OmitMethodsPredicate(List<Pattern>) - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.OmitMethodsPredicate
Create a new OmitMethodsPredicate.
omitPatterns - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OmitMethodsPredicate
Patterns to match operations that should be omitted.
omitPredicate - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
The predicate to test whether to omit an operation.
OneMoreElementList<E> - Class in randoop.util
OneMoreElementList(SimpleList<E>, E) - Constructor for class randoop.util.OneMoreElementList
only_test_public_members - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Restrict tests to only call public members of classes.
oom_exception - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
If a test throws an OutOfMemoryError exception, should it be included in the error-revealing test suite (value: ERROR), regression test suite (value: EXPECTED), or should it be discarded (value: INVALID)?
op - Variable in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap.OpKeyVal
An operation.
openInputStream() - Method in class randoop.compile.SequenceJavaFileObject
openOutputStream() - Method in class randoop.compile.SequenceJavaFileObject
operation - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
The reflection object for the operation.
operation - Variable in class randoop.contract.CheckRepContract
operation - Variable in error randoop.generation.RandoopGenerationError
The operation.
operation - Variable in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
The operation to be decorated.
operation - Variable in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation.RankedTypeOperation
The wrapped operation.
operation - Variable in class randoop.sequence.Statement
The operation (method call, constructor call, primitive values declaration, etc.).
Operation - Interface in randoop.operation
Operation represents the constructs that can occur in a statement as part of a test sequence.
operation_history_log - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
A file to which to write operation usage, when Randoop exits.
OperationExtractor - Class in randoop.reflection
OperationExtractor is a ClassVisitor that creates a collection of TypedOperation objects for a particular ClassOrInterfaceType through its visit methods as called by ReflectionManager.apply(Class).
OperationExtractor(ClassOrInterfaceType, ReflectionPredicate, AccessibilityPredicate) - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Creates a visitor object that collects the TypedOperation objects corresponding to members of the class satisfying the given accessibility and reflection predicates.
OperationExtractor(ClassOrInterfaceType, ReflectionPredicate, OmitMethodsPredicate, AccessibilityPredicate) - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Creates a visitor object that collects the TypedOperation objects corresponding to members of the class satisfying the given accessibility and reflection predicates.
OperationExtractor(ClassOrInterfaceType, ReflectionPredicate, OmitMethodsPredicate, AccessibilityPredicate, SpecificationCollection) - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Creates a visitor object that collects the TypedOperation objects corresponding to members of the class satisfying the given accessibility and reflection predicates and that don't violate the omit method predicate.
operationHistory - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
OperationHistoryLogger - Class in randoop.generation
The working implementation of a OperationHistoryLogInterface that will collect and print the operation history log to the PrintWriter given when constructed.
OperationHistoryLogger(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class randoop.generation.OperationHistoryLogger
Creates an OperationHistoryLogger that will write to the given PrintWriter.
OperationHistoryLogInterface - Interface in randoop.generation
Interface for classes that log the usage of operations in the generated sequences.
operationMap - Variable in class randoop.generation.OperationHistoryLogger
A sparse representation for the operation-outcome table.
OperationModel - Class in randoop.reflection
OperationModel represents the information context from which tests are generated.
OperationModel() - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Create an empty model of test context.
OperationOutcome - Enum in randoop.generation
Representations for outcomes after an operation is selected during generation.
OperationParseException - Exception in randoop.operation
OperationParseException(String) - Constructor for exception randoop.operation.OperationParseException
OperationParser - Class in randoop.operation
Parser for text serialization (string representation) of Operations.
OperationParser() - Constructor for class randoop.operation.OperationParser
operations - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
The list of statement kinds (methods, constructors, primitive value declarations, etc.) used to generate sequences.
operations - Variable in class randoop.generation.UniformRandomMethodSelection
The list of methods under test.
operations - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
The operations collected by the extractor.
operations - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Set of concrete operations extracted from classes.
operations(Class<?>, ReflectionPredicate, AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Returns the operations in the class that satisfy the given predicates.
operations(Class<?>, ReflectionPredicate, OmitMethodsPredicate, AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Returns the operations in the class that satisfy the given predicates.
operations(Class<?>, ReflectionPredicate, OmitMethodsPredicate, AccessibilityPredicate, SpecificationCollection) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Returns the operations in the class that satisfy the given predicates.
operations(Collection<ClassOrInterfaceType>, ReflectionPredicate, AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Returns the operations in the class that satisfy the given predicates.
operations(Collection<ClassOrInterfaceType>, ReflectionPredicate, OmitMethodsPredicate, AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Returns the operations in the class that satisfy the given predicates.
operations(Collection<ClassOrInterfaceType>, ReflectionPredicate, OmitMethodsPredicate, AccessibilityPredicate, SpecificationCollection) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Returns the operations in the class that satisfy the given predicates.
operations(ClassOrInterfaceType, ReflectionPredicate, AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Returns the operations in the class that satisfy the given predicates.
operations(ClassOrInterfaceType, ReflectionPredicate, OmitMethodsPredicate, AccessibilityPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Returns the operations in the class that satisfy the given predicates.
operations(ClassOrInterfaceType, ReflectionPredicate, OmitMethodsPredicate, AccessibilityPredicate, SpecificationCollection) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Returns the operations in the class that satisfy the given predicates.
operationSelector - Variable in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
How to select the method to use for creating a new sequence.
OperationSignature - Class in randoop.condition.specification
Represents the signature of a method or constructor for an OperationSpecification so that the java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject can be loaded, which is done by SpecificationCollection.getAccessibleObject.
OperationSignature() - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
Gson serialization requires a default constructor.
OperationSignature(String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
Create an OperationSignature object given the names of the declaring class, method or constructor, and parameter types.
operationSimpleList - Variable in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
List of operations, identical to ForwardGenerator's operation list.
OperationSpecification - Class in randoop.condition.specification
A specification of a constructor or method, aka, an operation.
OperationSpecification() - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
Gson serialization requires a default constructor.
OperationSpecification(OperationSignature, Identifiers) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
Creates an OperationSpecification for the given operation with no specifications.
OperationSpecification(OperationSignature, Identifiers, List<Precondition>, List<Postcondition>, List<ThrowsCondition>) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
Creates an OperationSpecification for the given operation with the given specifications.
operationSpecifications - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
The specifications (pre/post/throws-conditions).
OpKeyVal(CheckpointingMultiMap.Ops, K, V) - Constructor for class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap.OpKeyVal
Creates a new OpKeyVal.
opName - Variable in error randoop.reflection.RandoopInstantiationError
ops - Variable in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
The operations that have been performed on this map.
options - Variable in class randoop.compile.FileCompiler.FileCompilerException
The compiler options.
options - Variable in class randoop.compile.FileCompiler
The command-line options for running this compiler.
options - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
OptionsCache - Class in randoop.main
Manages the static state of Randoop classes with Options annotations.
OptionsCache() - Constructor for class randoop.main.OptionsCache
Creates an object for caching the state of command-line arguments.
ORIENTEERING - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.InputSelectionMode
Favor sequences with lower number of method calls and cumulative execution time.
OrienteeringSelection - Class in randoop.generation
Implements the Orienteering component, as described by the paper "GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing" by Ma et.
OrienteeringSelection(Set<Sequence>) - Constructor for class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection
Initialize OrienteeringSelection and assign a weight to each Sequence within the given set of seed sequences.
OrienteeringSelection.SequenceDetails - Class in randoop.generation
Information used by Orienteering to compute a weight for a sequence.
outcomes - Variable in class randoop.sequence.Execution
outErrorSeqs - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
The list of error test sequences to be output as JUnit tests.
output - Variable in class randoop.ExecutionOutcome
The standard output and error output of executing the sequence.
output - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
OUTPUT - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.FlakyTestAction
Output the flaky test, but with flaky assertions commented out.
output_buffer - Static variable in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Captures output from the executed sequence.
output_buffer_stream - Static variable in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
output_limit - Variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.Limits
Maximum number of sequences to output.
output_limit - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
The maximum number of regression and error-revealing tests to output.
outputIndices - Variable in class randoop.sequence.TupleSequence
The list of statement indices that define outputs of this sequence.
outputMode - Variable in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
The output mode.
Outputs(String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class randoop.main.Minimize.Outputs
Create an Outputs object.
Outputs(CommandLine, int, String, String) - Constructor for class randoop.main.Minimize.Outputs
Create an Outputs object.
outputSequenceCount() - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Returns the total number of test sequences generated to output, including both regression tests and error-revealing tests.
outputTable() - Method in class randoop.generation.DefaultOperationHistoryLogger
outputTable() - Method in class randoop.generation.OperationHistoryLogger
outputTable() - Method in interface randoop.generation.OperationHistoryLogInterface
Prints a table showing the counts for each operation-outcome pair in the operation history log.
outputTest - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
A filter to determine whether a sequence should be added to the output sequence lists.
outputType - Variable in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
The output type.
outRegressionSeqs - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
The list of regression sequences to be output as JUnit tests.
overridden - Variable in class randoop.condition.SpecificationCollection
Map from reflection object to all the methods it overrides (that have a specification).


p - Static variable in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
Parameter for decreasing weights of methods between updates to coverage information.
PACKAGE - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.ClassLiteralsMode
A literal is used as input to methods of any classes in the same package.
PackageAccessibilityPredicate(String) - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.PackageAccessibilityPredicate
Create a predicate that tests accessibility.
packageLiterals - Variable in class randoop.generation.ComponentManager
A set of additional components representing literals that should only be used as input to specific packages.
PackageLiterals - Class in randoop.sequence
For a given package P, PackageLiterals maps P (if present) to a collection of literals (represented as single-element sequences) that can be used as inputs to classes in the given package.
PackageLiterals() - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.PackageLiterals
packageName - Variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
The package name.
packageName - Variable in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.PackageAccessibilityPredicate
The package name from which to test accessibility of elements.
packageName - Variable in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
The package name of the class; null for the unnamed package.
ParameterBound - Class in randoop.types
Represents a type bound on a type variable or wildcard occurring as a type parameter of a generic class, interface, method or constructor.
ParameterBound() - Constructor for class randoop.types.ParameterBound
ParameterizedType - Class in randoop.types
Represents a parameterized type.
ParameterizedType() - Constructor for class randoop.types.ParameterizedType
parameters - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.Identifiers
The formal parameter names (not including the receiver).
parameters - Variable in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
The type parameters of the generic class.
ParameterType - Class in randoop.types
An abstract class representing kinds of type parameters, which are either type variables or wildcard types.
ParameterType() - Constructor for class randoop.types.ParameterType
ParameterType(ParameterBound, ParameterBound) - Constructor for class randoop.types.ParameterType
parameterTypes - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
The list of fully-qualified raw type names for the parameters of this operation.
parameterTypes - Variable in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
The method parameter types.
parentList - Variable in class randoop.condition.ExecutableSpecification
Mirrors the overrides/implements relation among methods.
parse(BufferedReader) - Method in class randoop.util.RecordListReader
parse(String) - Static method in class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
Parse a constructor call in a string with the format generated by ConstructorCall.toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type) and returns the corresponding ConstructorCall object.
parse(String) - Static method in class randoop.operation.EnumConstant
Parses the description of an enum constant value in a string as returned by EnumConstant.toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type).
parse(String) - Static method in class randoop.operation.FieldGet
Parses a getter for a field from a string.
parse(String) - Static method in class randoop.operation.FieldSet
Parses a description of a field setter in the given string.
parse(String) - Static method in class randoop.operation.InitializedArrayCreation
Parses an array declaration in a string descriptor in the form generated by InitializedArrayCreation.toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type).
parse(String) - Static method in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
Parses a method signature (not a representation of a call; there are no arguments, for example) and returns a MethodCall object.
parse(String) - Static method in class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
Parse a non-receiver value in a string in the form generated by NonreceiverTerm.toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type)
parse(String) - Static method in class randoop.operation.OperationParser
Parses a string representing an Operation.
parse(String) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.LiteralFileReader
Returns a map from class to list of constants.
parse(String) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Parse a sequence encoded as a strings.
parse(String) - Method in class randoop.util.RecordListReader
parse(String, String, String) - Static method in class randoop.field.FieldParser
Recognizes a field from a string description, using class and field name tokens, and returns a AccessibleField object.
parse(String, AccessibilityPredicate, ReflectionPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.SignatureParser
Parses a fully-qualified signature and returns the corresponding java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.
parse(Path) - Method in class randoop.util.RecordListReader
parse(List<String>) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
NOTE: the ONLY place this is used is in a test.
parseFixture(List<String>) - Static method in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
PATH_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class randoop.main.Minimize
Path separator as defined by the system, used to separate elements of the classpath.
pathAndAbsolute(Path) - Static method in class randoop.util.Util
Returns the path if it is absolute, otherwise returns the path AND the absolute path.
pattern - Variable in exception randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter.NotMatchedException
The pattern that was not found.
pitch - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
position - Variable in error randoop.sequence.SequenceExceptionError
The position of the statement that threw the exception.
POSSIBLY_FLAKY_PREFIX - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
Is output to the user before each possibly flaky method.
Postcondition - Class in randoop.condition.specification
A Postcondition is a specification clause of a contract on the outcome of the invocation of an operation.
Postcondition() - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.Postcondition
Gson serialization requires a default constructor.
Postcondition(String, Guard, Property) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.Postcondition
Creates a Postcondition with the given guard and property.
PostConditionCheck - Class in randoop.test
Represents the observed failure of a post-condition.
PostConditionCheck(List<ExecutableBooleanExpression>, List<Variable>) - Constructor for class randoop.test.PostConditionCheck
PostConditionCheckGenerator - Class in randoop.test
Checks the given post-conditions after the last statement of a sequence.
PostConditionCheckGenerator(List<ExecutableBooleanExpression>) - Constructor for class randoop.test.PostConditionCheckGenerator
Create a TestCheckGenerator to test the given post-condition.
postConditions - Variable in class randoop.condition.ExpectedOutcomeTable
The list of post-conditions whose guard expression was satisfied.
postConditions - Variable in class randoop.test.PostConditionCheck
The post-condition.
postConditions - Variable in class randoop.test.PostConditionCheckGenerator
The post-conditions.
postSpecifications - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
The list of post-conditions for the operation.
poststateExpressionDeclarations - Variable in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
The parameter declaration string, with parentheses, for a poststate (property) expression method.
poststateExpressionSignature - Variable in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
The RawSignature for a poststate (property) expression method.
Precondition - Class in randoop.condition.specification
A SpecificationClause for pre-conditions on the parameters and receiver of an operation.
Precondition(String, Guard) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.Precondition
Create a Precondition with the given Guard.
predicate - Variable in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
The accessibility predicate for classes and class members.
predicate - Variable in class randoop.reflection.TypeExtractor
The accessibility predicate for checking whether a type is accessible in generated tests.
preExpressions - Variable in class randoop.condition.ExecutableSpecification
The ExecutableBooleanExpression objects for the Preconditions of the operation.
preSpecifications - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
The list of pre-conditions for the operation.
prestateExpressionDeclaration - Variable in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
The parameter part of a method declaration string, with parentheses, for a prestate (guard) expression method.
prestateExpressionSignature - Variable in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
The RawSignature for a prestate (guard) expression method.
PRIMITIVE_TYPES - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The list of primitive types.
PrimitiveAndWrappedTypeVarNameCollector - Class in randoop.output
Visit every variable declaration.
PrimitiveAndWrappedTypeVarNameCollector() - Constructor for class randoop.output.PrimitiveAndWrappedTypeVarNameCollector
primitiveSeeds - Static variable in class randoop.generation.SeedSequences
The initial pool of primitive values.
primitiveToBoxed - Static variable in class randoop.types.PrimitiveTypes
Map from primitive to boxed primitive Class<?> objects.
PrimitiveType - Class in randoop.types
Represents a Java primitive type.
PrimitiveType(Class<?>) - Constructor for class randoop.types.PrimitiveType
Creates a primitive type from the given runtime class.
PrimitiveTypes - Class in randoop.types
Utilities for working with Class<?> objects that Java reflection treats as primitive, which includes primitive types and void.
PrimitiveTypes() - Constructor for class randoop.types.PrimitiveTypes
primitiveVarEquality(Expression, Expression, Map<String, String>, Set<String>) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
If one of the arguments is a NamxExpr and the other is a LiteralExpr, put them in primitiveValues.
PrimValue - Class in randoop.contract
A check recording the value of a primitive value (or String) obtained during execution (e.g., var3 == 1 where var3 is an integer-valued variable in a Randoop test).
PrimValue(Object, PrimValue.EqualityMode) - Constructor for class randoop.contract.PrimValue
PrimValue.EqualityMode - Enum in randoop.contract
Specifies what type of equality the contract uses.
print() - Method in class randoop.types.Substitution
Print the entries of this substitution to standard out on multiple lines.
print_non_compiling_file - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
True if Randoop should print generated tests that do not compile, which indicate Randoop bugs.
print_synchro - Static variable in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
Global lock to prevent interleaving of progress display messages.
printAllStackTraces() - Method in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
printCache() - Method in class randoop.reflection.StaticCache
Prints the fields and their values to standard output.
printDetectedAnnotatedCheckRepMethod(Method) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.CheckRepExtractor
Prints the log message indicating that a CheckRep method has been found.
printDetectedAnnotatedFieldMsg(Field) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.TestValueExtractor
Prints an informational message that an annotated field has been found.
printDiagnostics(PrintWriter, List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>>) - Static method in class randoop.compile.CompileUtil
Prints the compiler diagnostics to the writer.
printHeader(int) - Method in class randoop.generation.OperationHistoryLogger
Writes the header for the operation history table, and constructs a map of format strings for the columns of the table matching the length of the outcome names.
printHTML(PrintStream) - Method in class randoop.main.CommandHandler
Prints out formatted text in (google code) Wiki format.
printProgress(int, int, SimpleName) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Output the minimizer's current progress.
printRow(int, Map<OperationOutcome, String>, TypedOperation, EnumMap<OperationOutcome, Integer>) - Method in class randoop.generation.OperationHistoryLogger
Writes a row for a particular operation consisting of the operation signature and the counts of sequences for each outcome.
printSequenceExceptionError(AbstractGenerator, SequenceExceptionError) - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Prints information about a SequenceExceptionError that indicates a flaky test has been found.
printState() - Method in class randoop.main.OptionsCache
Prints the saved state of all command-line arguments.
PRIORITY_BLOCKING_QUEUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for PriorityBlockingQueue
PRIORITY_QUEUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for PriorityQueue
processAndOutputFlakyMethods(List<ExecutableSequence>, List<ExecutableSequence>, MultiMap<Type, TypedClassOperation>, OmitMethodsPredicate, AccessibilityPredicate) - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Outputs names of suspected flaky methods by using the tf-idf metric (Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency), which is:
processor - Variable in class randoop.util.RecordListReader
The object in charge of doing whatever is to be done with the record.
processRecord(List<String>) - Method in interface randoop.util.RecordProcessor
Parse the given lines that comprise a record.
progressdisplay - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
progressDisplay - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Updates the progress display message printed to the console.
ProgressDisplay - Class in randoop.util
Modified from Daikon.FileIOProgress.
ProgressDisplay(AbstractGenerator, ProgressDisplay.Mode) - Constructor for class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
Creates a new ProgressDisplay.
ProgressDisplay.Mode - Enum in randoop.util
progressintervalmillis - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
PROGRESSINTERVALMILLIS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
progressintervalsteps - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
progressThreadUpdate() - Method in interface randoop.generation.IEventListener
Called by ProgressDisplay at regular intervals to monitor progress.
property - Variable in class randoop.condition.GuardPropertyPair
The expression that must be true after the operation is called when the GuardPropertyPair.guard is true.
property - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.Postcondition
The post-condition.
Property - Class in randoop.condition.specification
The representation of a boolean expression over the values of parameters, receiver object, and return value of a method.
Property(String, String) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.Property
Creates a Property with the given description and condition code.
PUBLIC - Variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
The "public" modifier.
PUBLIC_STATIC - Variable in class randoop.output.JUnitCreator
The "public" and "static" modifiers.
PublicAccessibilityPredicate() - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.PublicAccessibilityPredicate
put(K, Collection<? extends V>) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
put(K, Collection<? extends V>) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap
Adds a key-values mapping to this multimap.
put(K, V) - Method in class randoop.util.IdentityMultiMap
Adds a key-value pair to the multimap.
put(TypeVariable, ReferenceType) - Method in class randoop.types.Substitution
Add a type variable to concrete type mapping to the substitution.


QUEUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for Queue


random - Static variable in class randoop.util.Randomness
The random generator that makes random choices.
randomBoolFromDistribution(double, double) - Static method in class randoop.util.Randomness
Return true or false with the given relative probabilites, which need not add to 1.
randomMember(List<T>) - Static method in class randoop.util.Randomness
Returns a randomly-chosen member of the list.
randomMember(SimpleList<T>) - Static method in class randoop.util.Randomness
Returns a randomly-chosen member of the list.
randomMemberWeighted(SimpleList<T>, Map<T, Double>) - Static method in class randoop.util.Randomness
Randomly selects an element from a weighted distribution of elements.
randomMemberWeighted(SimpleList<T>, Map<T, Double>, double) - Static method in class randoop.util.Randomness
Randomly selects an element from a weighted distribution of elements.
Randomness - Class in randoop.util
A simple-to-use wrapper around Random.
Randomness() - Constructor for class randoop.util.Randomness
randomseed - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
The random seed to use in the generation process.
randomSetMember(Collection<T>) - Static method in class randoop.util.Randomness
Return a random member of the set, selected uniformly at random.
randomVariable(SimpleList<Sequence>, Type, boolean) - Method in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
Return a variable of the given type.
randomVariableForType(Type, boolean) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Choose one of the statements that produces a values of type type.
randomVariableForTypeLastStatement(Type, boolean) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The last statement produces multiple values of type type.
randoop - package randoop
RANDOOP_VERSION - Static variable in class randoop.Globals
The version number for Randoop.
randoop.compile - package randoop.compile
randoop.condition - package randoop.condition
randoop.condition.specification - package randoop.condition.specification
randoop.contract - package randoop.contract
randoop.execution - package randoop.execution
randoop.field - package randoop.field
randoop.generation - package randoop.generation
randoop.instrument - package randoop.instrument
randoop.main - package randoop.main
randoop.operation - package randoop.operation
randoop.output - package randoop.output
randoop.reflection - package randoop.reflection
randoop.runtime - package randoop.runtime
randoop.sequence - package randoop.sequence
randoop.test - package randoop.test
randoop.types - package randoop.types
randoop.util - package randoop.util
randoop.util.predicate - package randoop.util.predicate
RandoopBug - Exception in randoop.main
Thrown to indicate exceptional behavior that definitely indicates a bug in Randoop.
RandoopBug() - Constructor for exception randoop.main.RandoopBug
Create a RandoopBug with no additional details.
RandoopBug(String) - Constructor for exception randoop.main.RandoopBug
Create a RandoopBug with the given message.
RandoopBug(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception randoop.main.RandoopBug
Create a RandoopBug with the given message and cause.
RandoopBug(Throwable) - Constructor for exception randoop.main.RandoopBug
Create a RandoopBug with the given cause.
RandoopClassNameError - Error in randoop.main
Exception for classname errors.
RandoopClassNameError(String, String) - Constructor for error randoop.main.RandoopClassNameError
Create a new RandoopClassNameError.
RandoopClassNameError(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for error randoop.main.RandoopClassNameError
Create a new RandoopClassNameError.
RandoopCommandError - Exception in randoop.main
Indicates a user error in a command supplied to Randoop.
RandoopCommandError(String) - Constructor for exception randoop.main.RandoopCommandError
Creates a RandoopCommandError with the given message.
RandoopCommandError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception randoop.main.RandoopCommandError
Creates a RandoopCommandError with the given message and causing exception.
randoopConsistencyTest2(Sequence) - Method in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
randoopConsistencyTests(Sequence) - Method in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
RandoopFinished - Class in randoop.runtime
A message indicating that Randoop is finished generating tests.
RandoopFinished() - Constructor for class randoop.runtime.RandoopFinished
RandoopGenerationError - Error in randoop.generation
Error class to signal generation errors that should stop Randoop execution.
RandoopGenerationError(TypedOperation, Throwable) - Constructor for error randoop.generation.RandoopGenerationError
Create a RandoopGenerationError representing an error that occurs during the generation of a sequence for the given operation.
RandoopInstantiationError - Error in randoop.reflection
RandoopInstantiationError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error randoop.reflection.RandoopInstantiationError
RandoopLoggingError - Error in randoop.util
Exception for tracking errors in logging that should result in Randoop termination.
RandoopLoggingError(String) - Constructor for error randoop.util.RandoopLoggingError
RandoopOutputException - Class in randoop.output
An exception (usually an IOException) occurred while writing tests to a file.
RandoopOutputException(IOException) - Constructor for class randoop.output.RandoopOutputException
Creates a RandoopOutputException with the cause.
RandoopOutputException(String) - Constructor for class randoop.output.RandoopOutputException
Creates a RandoopOutputException with the message.
RandoopOutputException(String, IOException) - Constructor for class randoop.output.RandoopOutputException
Creates a RandoopOutputException with the message and cause.
RandoopSpecificationError - Error in randoop.condition
Indicates a problem creating ExecutableBooleanExpression (usually a syntax error in the condition text) or an exception thrown when evaluating it.
RandoopSpecificationError(String) - Constructor for error randoop.condition.RandoopSpecificationError
Create a RandoopSpecificationError with the given message.
RandoopSpecificationError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error randoop.condition.RandoopSpecificationError
Create a RandoopSpecificationError with the given message and cause.
RandoopStarted - Class in randoop.runtime
A message indicating that Randoop has just started generating tests.
RandoopStarted() - Constructor for class randoop.runtime.RandoopStarted
RandoopTypeException - Class in randoop.types
Exception used to indicate when a type problem has occurred in Randoop.
RandoopTypeException(String) - Constructor for class randoop.types.RandoopTypeException
RandoopUncaughtRunnerThreadExceptionHandler - Class in randoop.util
RandoopUncaughtRunnerThreadExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class randoop.util.RandoopUncaughtRunnerThreadExceptionHandler
RandoopUsageError - Exception in randoop.main
Indicates a user error in invoking Randoop.
RandoopUsageError(String) - Constructor for exception randoop.main.RandoopUsageError
Creates a RandoopUsageError with the given message.
RandoopUsageError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception randoop.main.RandoopUsageError
Creates a RandoopUsageError with the given message and causing exception.
RankedTypeOperation(double, TypedClassOperation) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.TypedOperation.RankedTypeOperation
Constructor to populate ranking and operation.
ranking - Variable in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation.RankedTypeOperation
Ranking value for the TypedOperation.
rawMap - Variable in class randoop.types.Substitution
Map on reflection types - used for testing bounds.
rawSignature - Variable in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
RawSignature - Class in randoop.reflection
Represents the raw type signature for an java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.
RawSignature(String, String, String, Class<?>[]) - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
Create a RawSignature object with the name and parameterTypes.
rawType - Variable in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
The rawtype of the generic class.
reachedZero() - Method in class randoop.util.CountDownTimer
readOneRecord(BufferedReader) - Method in class randoop.util.RecordListReader
readOperations(Path) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Given a file containing fully-qualified method signatures, returns the operations for them.
readOperations(Path, boolean) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Given a file containing fully-qualified method signatures, returns the operations for them.
readOperations(InputStream, String) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Returns operations read from the given stream, which contains fully-qualified method signatures.
readOperations(InputStream, String, boolean) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Returns operations read from the given stream, which contains fully-qualified method signatures.
readOperations(EntryReader, boolean) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Returns operations read from the given EntryReader, which contains fully-qualified method signatures.
readPatterns(InputStream, String) - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Returns patterns read from the given stream.
readPatterns(Path) - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Returns patterns read from the given user-provided file.
readPatterns(EntryReader) - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Returns patterns read from the given EntryReader.
readPatternsFromResource(String) - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Returns patterns read from the given resource.
readSideEffectFreeMethods() - Static method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Read side-effect-free methods from the default JDK side-effect-free method list, and from a user-provided method list if provided.
readSpecificationFile(Path, Map<AccessibleObject, OperationSpecification>, MultiMap<OperationSignature, Method>) - Static method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationCollection
Reads OperationSpecification objects from the given file, and adds them to the other two arguments, which are modified by side effect.
readSpecificationZipFile(Path, Map<AccessibleObject, OperationSpecification>, MultiMap<OperationSignature, Method>) - Static method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationCollection
Reads OperationSpecification objects from all the subfiles of the given zip file, and adds them to the other two arguments, which are modified by side effect.
readUntilMatch(Iterator<String>, Pattern) - Method in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
Reads lines of the JUnit output using the iterator until finding a match for the pattern, and then returns a pair containing the line and the text matching the first group of the pattern.
receiver - Variable in class randoop.util.MethodReflectionCode
The receiver, or null for a static method.
receiverName - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.Identifiers
The receiver name.
RecordListReader - Class in randoop.util
Reads a list of records from a text file, where a record is partially specified by the client of this class.
RecordListReader(String, RecordProcessor) - Constructor for class randoop.util.RecordListReader
RecordProcessor - Interface in randoop.util
Processes a single record given by RecordListReader.
ReferenceArgument - Class in randoop.types
Represents a reference type as a type argument to a parameterized type.
ReferenceArgument(ReferenceType) - Constructor for class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
Creates a ReferenceArgument for the given ReferenceType.
ReferenceBound - Class in randoop.types
Represents a bound on a type variable where the bound is a ReferenceType.
ReferenceBound(ReferenceType) - Constructor for class randoop.types.ReferenceBound
Creates a ReferenceBound with the given bound type.
referenceType - Variable in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
The reference type for this argument.
ReferenceType - Class in randoop.types
Represents a reference type defined in JLS Section 4.3
ReferenceType() - Constructor for class randoop.types.ReferenceType
ReferenceValue - Class in randoop.sequence
Represents a ReferenceType value created by the execution of a Statement.
ReferenceValue(ReferenceType, Object) - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.ReferenceValue
Create the value object given its type and Object reference.
ReflectionArrayCreation - Class in randoop.operation
Represents an array creation using reflection, and corresponds to the code (List<String>[])(Array.newInstance(componentType, length));
ReflectionArrayCreation(ArrayType, int) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.ReflectionArrayCreation
ReflectionCode - Class in randoop.util
Wraps a method or constructor together with its arguments.
ReflectionCode() - Constructor for class randoop.util.ReflectionCode
ReflectionCode.ReflectionCodeException - Exception in randoop.util
Indicates a bug in the ReflectionCode class.
ReflectionCodeException(String) - Constructor for exception randoop.util.ReflectionCode.ReflectionCodeException
ReflectionCodeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception randoop.util.ReflectionCode.ReflectionCodeException
ReflectionCodeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception randoop.util.ReflectionCode.ReflectionCodeException
ReflectionExecutor - Class in randoop.util
Static methods that executes the code of a ReflectionCode object.
ReflectionExecutor() - Constructor for class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
ReflectionManager - Class in randoop.reflection
ReflectionManager contains a set of visitors and an accessibility predicate.
ReflectionManager(AccessibilityPredicate) - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Creates a manager object that uses the given predicate to determine which classes, methods, and constructors should be visited.
reflectionPredicate - Variable in class randoop.reflection.DeclarationExtractor
reflectionPredicate - Variable in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
The reflection policy for collecting operations.
ReflectionPredicate - Interface in randoop.reflection
Methods that indicate whether a class, method, constructor, or field should be used in Randoop's exploration.
REGRESSION_SEQUENCE - randoop.generation.OperationOutcome
A sequence was generated and output as a regression test sequence.
regression_test_basename - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Class name for the JUnit regression tests.
RegressionCaptureGenerator - Class in randoop.test
A TestCheckGenerator that records regression checks on the values created by the sequence.
RegressionCaptureGenerator(ExpectedExceptionCheckGen, MultiMap<Type, TypedClassOperation>, AccessibilityPredicate, OmitMethodsPredicate, boolean) - Constructor for class randoop.test.RegressionCaptureGenerator
Create a RegressionCaptureGenerator.
RegressionChecks - Class in randoop.test
A set of checks, including at most one ExceptionCheck.
RegressionChecks() - Constructor for class randoop.test.RegressionChecks
Create an empty set of regression checks.
RegressionChecks(Check) - Constructor for class randoop.test.RegressionChecks
Create a singleton set of regression checks.
RegressionTestPredicate - Class in randoop.test
RegressionTestPredicate determines whether to keep an ExecutableSequence as a regression test.
RegressionTestPredicate() - Constructor for class randoop.test.RegressionTestPredicate
RelativeNegativeIndex(int) - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.Sequence.RelativeNegativeIndex
remainingTime() - Method in class randoop.util.CountDownTimer
remove() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple.TypeIterator
remove(Object) - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
remove(E) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiSet
remove(K) - Method in class randoop.util.KeyToMultiSet
remove(K) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
remove(K) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap
remove(K, V) - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
remove(K, V) - Method in interface randoop.util.IMultiMap
Precondition: the mapping key→value is in the map.
remove(K, V) - Method in class randoop.util.KeyToMultiSet
remove(K, V) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
remove(K, V) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap
REMOVE - randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap.Ops
Removing an element from the map.
remove_bare(K, V) - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
removeAllInstances(Set<E>) - Method in class randoop.util.MultiSet
removeAllInstances(Set<V>) - Method in class randoop.util.KeyToMultiSet
REMOVED - randoop.generation.OperationOutcome
The operation was removed from the list.
removeLeftHandSideSimplification(VariableDeclarationExpr) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Return a statement that contains only the right hand side of a given statement.
renamedPackage(Package) - Static method in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Gets the name of the package.
repeat(Sequence, TypedOperation, int) - Method in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
Adds the given operation to a new Sequence with the statements of this object as a prefix, repeating the operation the given number of times.
repeat_heuristic - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
replaceCallAgentArgs - Variable in class randoop.execution.TestEnvironment
The argument string for the replacecall agent.
replaceCallAgentPath - Variable in class randoop.execution.TestEnvironment
The path for the replacecall agent.
replacementMap - Variable in class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
The map of expression identifiers to dummy variables.
replaceWords(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class randoop.util.Util
Replace occurrences of words from this map with corresponding replacements.
ReplayFailureException - Exception in randoop
Thrown by a ContractFailureReplayVisitor or a RegressionReplayVisitor when a regression decoration fails to replay.
ReplayFailureException(String, Check) - Constructor for exception randoop.ReplayFailureException
require_classname_in_test - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Classes that must occur in a test.
require_covered_classes - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
File containing binary names of classes that the tests must use, directly or indirectly.
requireSameEntry - Static variable in class randoop.types.Substitution
Throws an exception if its arguments are different non-null values.
reset() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Reset this object to its initial state.
resetStatistics() - Static method in class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
Set statistics about normal and exceptional executions to zero.
restoreState() - Method in class randoop.main.OptionsCache
Restores the previously saved state of the command-line arguments.
restoreState() - Method in class randoop.reflection.StaticCache
Restores the saved state of the class in this object to previously saved values.
result - Variable in class randoop.NormalExecution
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
returnName - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.Identifiers
The return value identifier.
returnsBoolean - Variable in class randoop.contract.CheckRepContract
retval - Variable in class randoop.util.ReflectionCode
The value yielded by execution.
rhsAssignValueFromPassingAssertion(VariableDeclarationExpr, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Return a variable declaration statement that simplifies the right hand side by a calculated value for primitive types.
rhsAssignWithValue(VariableDeclarationExpr, Type, String) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Return a variable declaration statement that sets the right hand side of a variable declaration to the value that is passed in.
rhsAssignZeroValue(VariableDeclarationExpr) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Return a list of variable declaration statements that could replace the right hand side by 0, false, or null, whichever is type correct.
run() - Method in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
run() - Method in class randoop.util.RunnerThread
run(List<String>, Path, long) - Static method in class randoop.execution.RunCommand
Runs the given command synchronously in the given directory using the given timeout.
RUN - randoop.util.RunnerThread.NextCallMustBe
RunCommand - Class in randoop.execution
Class providing the RunCommand.run(List, Path, long) method to run a command in a separate process with a timeout.
RunCommand() - Constructor for class randoop.execution.RunCommand
RunCommand.CommandException - Class in randoop.execution
Exception representing an error that occured while running a process with RunCommand.run(List, Path, long).
RunCommand.Status - Class in randoop.execution
Represents the status of a process that has been executed.
runFinished - Variable in class randoop.util.RunnerThread
runJavaFile(Path, String, String, int) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Run a Java file and return the standard output.
RunnerThread - Class in randoop.util
RunnerThread(ThreadGroup) - Constructor for class randoop.util.RunnerThread
Create a new runner thread.
RunnerThread.NextCallMustBe - Enum in randoop.util
runProcess(String, Path, int) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Run a command given as a String and return the output and error results in an Outputs object.
runReflectionCode() - Method in class randoop.util.ReflectionCode
Runs the reflection code that this object represents.
runReflectionCodeRaw() - Method in class randoop.util.ConstructorReflectionCode
runReflectionCodeRaw() - Method in class randoop.util.MethodReflectionCode
runReflectionCodeRaw() - Method in class randoop.util.ObjectContractReflectionCode
runReflectionCodeRaw() - Method in class randoop.util.ReflectionCode
Execute the reflection code.
runTest(String, Path) - Method in class randoop.execution.TestEnvironment
Runs the named JUnit test class in this environment.
runtimeClass - Variable in class randoop.types.ArrayType
The runtime type for this array.
runtimeClass - Variable in class randoop.types.PrimitiveType
The runtime class of the primitive type.
runtimeClassIs(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Indicates whether the given Class<?> object is the runtime class of this type.
runtimePrimitivesSeen - Variable in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
The set of all primitive values seen during generation and execution of sequences.
runtimeType - Variable in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
The runtime class of this simple type.


s - Static variable in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
A short value for testing.
satisfies(ReflectionPredicate) - Method in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
satisfies checks whether the enclosed Field object satisfies the given predicate.
satisfies(ReflectionPredicate) - Method in class randoop.operation.CallableOperation
Checks whether reflective object contained in an Operation satisfies the predicate.
satisfies(ReflectionPredicate) - Method in class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
Checks whether reflective object contained in an Operation satisfies the predicate.
satisfies(ReflectionPredicate) - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldGet
Determines whether enclosed Field satisfies the given predicate.
satisfies(ReflectionPredicate) - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldSet
Determines whether enclosed Field satisfies the given predicate.
satisfies(ReflectionPredicate) - Method in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
Checks whether reflective object contained in an Operation satisfies the predicate.
satisfies(ReflectionPredicate) - Method in interface randoop.operation.Operation
Determines whether the reflective object in this Operation satisfies the canUse criteria of the given ReflectionPredicate.
satisfies(ReflectionPredicate) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
savedHashCode - Variable in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
savedNetSize - Variable in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
saveState() - Method in class randoop.main.OptionsCache
Saves the state of all command-line arguments.
saveState() - Method in class randoop.reflection.StaticCache
Saves the state for the class in this object.
secondGenerator - Variable in class randoop.test.ExtendGenerator
SeedSequences - Class in randoop.generation
Provides functionality for creating a set of sequences that create a set of primitive values.
SeedSequences() - Constructor for class randoop.generation.SeedSequences
selectInputs(TypedOperation) - Method in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
This method is responsible for doing two things: Selecting at random a collection of sequences that can be used to create input values for the given statement, and Selecting at random valid indices to the above sequence specifying the values to be used as input to the statement.
selectInputSequence(SimpleList<Sequence>) - Method in class randoop.generation.InputSequenceSelector
Choose a sequence used as input for creating a new sequence.
selectInputSequence(SimpleList<Sequence>) - Method in class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection
Bias input selection towards lower-cost sequences.
selectInputSequence(SimpleList<Sequence>) - Method in class randoop.generation.SmallTestsSequenceSelection
Pick a sequence from the candidate list using a weighting that favors shorter sequences.
selectInputSequence(SimpleList<Sequence>) - Method in class randoop.generation.UniformRandomSequenceSelection
Pick randomly with uniform probability, a sequence from the candidate list.
selection_log - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
A file to which to log selections; helps find sources of non-determinism.
selectionCount - Variable in class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection.SequenceDetails
Number of times this sequence has been selected by OrienteeringSelection.
selectOperation() - Method in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
Selects a method under test for the ForwardGenerator to use to construct a new sequence.
selectOperation() - Method in interface randoop.generation.TypedOperationSelector
Select a method, from the set of methods under test, to use to create a new test sequence.
selectOperation() - Method in class randoop.generation.UniformRandomMethodSelection
Selects an operation with uniform random probability.
selectSubstitution(List<TypeVariable>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Selects an instantiating substitution for the given list of type variables.
selectSubstitution(List<TypeVariable>, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Extends the given substitution by instantiations for the given list of type variables.
selectSubstitution(ClassOrInterfaceType) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Selects an existing type that instantiates the given generic declaring type and returns the instantiating substitution.
selectSubstitution(ClassOrInterfaceType, ClassOrInterfaceType) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Returns a substitution that instantiates both type and patternType to an existing type.
selectSubstitutionForSortedSet(GenericClassType, TypeVariable) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Select a substitution for the type parameter of SortedSet.
selectSubstitutionIndependently(List<TypeVariable>, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Selects types independently for a list of type parameters, and extends the given substitution by the substitution of the selected types for the parameters.
seq - Variable in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator.VarAndSeq
sequence - Variable in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
The underlying sequence.
sequence - Variable in class randoop.sequence.TupleSequence
The underlying sequence.
sequence - Variable in class randoop.sequence.Variable
sequence - Variable in class randoop.sequence.VariableRenamer
The sequence in which every variable will be renamed.
Sequence - Class in randoop.sequence
An immutable sequence of Statements.
Sequence() - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Create a new, empty sequence.
Sequence(SimpleList<Statement>) - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Create a sequence with the given statements.
Sequence(SimpleList<Statement>, int, int) - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Create a sequence that has the given statements and hashCode (hashCode is for optimization).
SEQUENCE_DISCARDED - randoop.generation.OperationOutcome
The generated sequence was discarded for one of several reasons.
Sequence.RelativeNegativeIndex - Class in randoop.sequence
Used internally (i.e.
SequenceCollection - Class in randoop.sequence
A collection of sequences that makes it efficient to ask for all the sequences that create a value of a given type.
SequenceCollection() - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
Create a new, empty collection.
SequenceCollection(Collection<Sequence>) - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
Create a new collection and adds the given initial sequences.
sequenceCompileFailureCount - Variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
The count of sequences that failed to compile.
SequenceCompiler - Class in randoop.compile
Compiles a Java class given as a String.
SequenceCompiler() - Constructor for class randoop.compile.SequenceCompiler
Creates a SequenceCompiler.
SequenceCompiler(List<String>) - Constructor for class randoop.compile.SequenceCompiler
Creates a SequenceCompiler.
SequenceCompilerException - Class in randoop.compile
Exception for compilation of Java classes given as String.
SequenceCompilerException(String, String, DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>) - Constructor for class randoop.compile.SequenceCompilerException
Creates a SequenceCompilerException with a message, source text and compiler diagnostics.
SequenceCompilerException(String, Throwable, String, DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>) - Constructor for class randoop.compile.SequenceCompilerException
Creates a SequenceCompilerException with a message, a compiler thrown exception, the source text and compiler diagnostics.
sequenceCount - Variable in class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
Number of sequences in the collection: sum of sizes of all values in sequenceMap.
SequenceDetails(double, long) - Constructor for class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection.SequenceDetails
Create a SequenceDetails.
SequenceDetails(Sequence, long) - Constructor for class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection.SequenceDetails
Create a SequenceDetails for the given sequence, but using the given execution time.
sequenceDetailsMap - Variable in class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection
Map from a sequence to its details used for computing its weight.
SequenceExceptionError - Error in randoop.sequence
Exception representing occurrence of a "flaky" test sequence where an exception was thrown by a statement other than the last of the sequence.
SequenceExceptionError(ExecutableSequence, int, Throwable) - Constructor for error randoop.sequence.SequenceExceptionError
Create an exception for the exception thrown by the statement at the given position in the test sequence.
SequenceExecutionException - Exception in randoop.sequence
Represents an error that occurs during execution of a sequence.
SequenceExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception randoop.sequence.SequenceExecutionException
SequenceJavaFileObject - Class in randoop.compile
A JavaFileObject for source code in memory.
SequenceJavaFileObject(String, String) - Constructor for class randoop.compile.SequenceJavaFileObject
Creates a SequenceJavaFileObject with the given name and class source.
SequenceJavaFileObject(String, JavaFileObject.Kind) - Constructor for class randoop.compile.SequenceJavaFileObject
Creates a SequenceJavaFileObject for the given class name and kind.
sequenceMap - Variable in class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
For each type, all the sequences that produce one or more values of exactly the given type.
SequenceParseException - Exception in randoop.sequence
SequenceParseException(String, List<String>, int) - Constructor for exception randoop.sequence.SequenceParseException
sequences - Variable in class randoop.generation.InputsAndSuccessFlag
The sequences that create the inputs.
SERIALIZABLE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The java.lang Serializable type.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class randoop.compile.FileCompiler.FileCompilerException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompilerException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in error randoop.condition.RandoopSpecificationError
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class randoop.execution.RunCommand.CommandException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in error randoop.generation.RandoopGenerationError
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception randoop.main.RandoopBug
serialVersionUID - Static variable in error randoop.main.RandoopClassNameError
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception randoop.main.RandoopCommandError
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception randoop.main.RandoopUsageError
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception randoop.operation.OperationParseException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter.NotMatchedException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class randoop.output.RandoopOutputException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception randoop.reflection.FailedPredicateException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in error randoop.reflection.RandoopInstantiationError
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception randoop.reflection.SignatureParseException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception randoop.ReplayFailureException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class randoop.runtime.ClosingStream
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class randoop.runtime.CreatedJUnitFile
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class randoop.runtime.ErrorRevealed
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class randoop.runtime.RandoopFinished
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class randoop.runtime.RandoopStarted
serialVersionUID - Static variable in error randoop.sequence.SequenceExceptionError
ID for serialization.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception randoop.sequence.SequenceExecutionException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception randoop.sequence.SequenceParseException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception randoop.sequence.StringTooLongException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception randoop.types.LazyParameterBound.LazyBoundException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class randoop.types.RandoopTypeException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class randoop.util.ListOfLists
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class randoop.util.OneMoreElementList
serialVersionUID - Static variable in error randoop.util.RandoopLoggingError
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception randoop.util.ReflectionCode.ReflectionCodeException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class randoop.util.SimpleArrayList
set_output(String) - Method in class randoop.ExecutionOutcome
Set the output of the statement.
SET_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for Set
setActiveFlags(ExecutableSequence, int) - Method in class randoop.generation.ObjectCache
Put the ith value created by the given sequence in this object cache.
setAllActiveFlags() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
setAllLogs(AbstractGenerator) - Static method in class randoop.generation.TestUtils
Use system properties to set command-line arguments for logging.
setCurrentSequence(Sequence) - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Sets the current sequence during exploration.
setExecutableSpecification(ExecutableSpecification) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Sets the specification; any previous value is ignored.
setExecutionVisitor(List<ExecutionVisitor>) - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Registers a MultiVisitor of all the given visitors with this object for use while executing each generated sequence.
setExecutionVisitor(ExecutionVisitor) - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Registers a visitor with this object for use while executing each generated sequence.
setFile(Path) - Method in error randoop.condition.RandoopSpecificationError
Indicate which file was being read when the error occurred.
setHasRun() - Method in class randoop.util.ReflectionCode
setHasStarted() - Method in class randoop.util.ReflectionCode
setLowerBound(ParameterBound) - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterType
setOperationHistoryLogger(OperationHistoryLogInterface) - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Sets the operation history logger for this generator.
setOperationLog(String, AbstractGenerator) - Static method in class randoop.generation.TestUtils
If the filename is non-null, sets the operation history logger for the generator using it.
setOperationLog(PrintWriter, AbstractGenerator) - Static method in class randoop.generation.TestUtils
If the PrintWriter is non-null, sets the operation history logger for the generator using it.
setOperationLog(AbstractGenerator) - Static method in class randoop.generation.TestUtils
If the system property randoop.operation.history.log is set, sets the operation history logger for the generator using the destination given by the property.
setRandoopLog() - Static method in class randoop.generation.TestUtils
Uses the system property randoop.log to set GenInputsAbstract.log.
setRandoopLog(String) - Static method in class randoop.generation.TestUtils
Uses the argument to set GenInputsAbstract.log.
setReplaceCallAgent(Path, String) - Method in class randoop.execution.TestEnvironment
Sets the path and arguments for the replace call agent.
setSeed(long) - Static method in class randoop.util.Randomness
Sets the seed of this random number generator.
setSelectionLog() - Static method in class randoop.generation.TestUtils
Uses the system property randoop.selection.log to set GenInputsAbstract.selection_log.
setSelectionLog(String) - Static method in class randoop.generation.TestUtils
Uses the argument to set GenInputsAbstract.selection_log.
setSelectionLog(FileWriterWithName) - Static method in class randoop.generation.TestUtils
Uses the argument to set GenInputsAbstract.selection_log.
setTestCheckGenerator(TestCheckGenerator) - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Registers a visitor with this object to generate checks following execution of each generated test sequence.
setTestPredicate(Predicate<ExecutableSequence>) - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Registers test predicate with this generator for use while filtering generated tests for output.
setThisMessage(String) - Method in error randoop.condition.RandoopSpecificationError
Set the local message (ignoring the message of the cause).
setTimeoutMillis(long) - Method in class randoop.execution.TestEnvironment
Set the test execution timeout.
setup(ReflectionCode) - Method in class randoop.util.RunnerThread
SETUP - randoop.util.RunnerThread.NextCallMustBe
setUpperBound(ParameterBound) - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterType
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
Uses reflection to set the value of the field for the given object.
SHORT_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The short type.
shouldInlineLiterals - Variable in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
If true, inline primitive values rather than creating and using a variable.
shouldInlineLiterals() - Method in class randoop.sequence.DummyVariable
shouldInlineLiterals() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
By default, every value used in a sequence is named as a variable.
shouldInlineLiterals() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Variable
True if this variable's value should be inlined as a literal at call sites, rather than referencing the variable.
shouldOmit(TypedClassOperation) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OmitMethodsPredicate
Indicates whether an omit pattern matches the raw signature of the method, either in the declaring class of the method or in a supertype.
shouldOmitClass(String) - Static method in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Returns true if the class should be omitted, according to the GenInputsAbstract.omit_classes field.
shouldOmitConstructor(TypedClassOperation) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OmitMethodsPredicate
Indicates whether an omit pattern matches the raw signature of the constructor.
shouldOmitExact(TypedClassOperation) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OmitMethodsPredicate
Returns true if the operation is a constructor or method call and some omit pattern matches the RawSignature of the operation, in the operation's class.
shouldOmitMethod(TypedClassOperation) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OmitMethodsPredicate
Indicates whether an omit pattern matches the raw signature of the method in either the declaring class of the method or a supertype.
shouldStop - Variable in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
Clients should set this variable instead of calling Thread.stop(), which is deprecated.
shouldStop() - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Tests stopping criteria.
shouldStop() - Method in interface randoop.generation.IStopper
Returns true if generation should stop.
shouldStopGeneration() - Method in interface randoop.generation.IEventListener
Called by AbstractGenerator to determine if generation should stop.
side_effect_free_methods - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
File containing side-effect-free methods, each given as a fully-qualified signature on a separate line.
SideEffectFree - Annotation Type in randoop
A side-effect-free method does not change the state of receiver or parameters.
sideEffectFreeMethods - Variable in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
The side-effect-free methods.
sideEffectFreeMethodsByType - Variable in class randoop.test.RegressionCaptureGenerator
The map from a type to the set of side-effect-free operations for the type.
SIGNATURE_PATTERN - Static variable in class randoop.reflection.SignatureParser
Naive regex to match a method signature consisting of a fully-qualified method name followed by anything in parentheses.
SignatureParseException - Exception in randoop.reflection
Represents exception when parsing signature strings using SignatureParser.
SignatureParseException(String) - Constructor for exception randoop.reflection.SignatureParseException
SignatureParseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception randoop.reflection.SignatureParseException
SignatureParser - Class in randoop.reflection
Parses type signature strings used to identify methods and constructors in input.
SignatureParser() - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.SignatureParser
signatureToMethods - Variable in class randoop.condition.SpecificationCollection
Given a method signature, what methods (that have specifications) have that signature? Does not contain constructors.
signatureToOperation(String, AccessibilityPredicate, ReflectionPredicate) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.OperationModel
Given a signature, returns the method or constructor it represents.
signatureToPattern(String) - Static method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Converts a signature string (see RawSignature.toString() to a Pattern that matches that string.
silently_ignore_bad_class_names - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
SimpleArrayList<E> - Class in randoop.util
SimpleArrayList() - Constructor for class randoop.util.SimpleArrayList
SimpleArrayList(int) - Constructor for class randoop.util.SimpleArrayList
SimpleArrayList(Collection<? extends E>) - Constructor for class randoop.util.SimpleArrayList
SimpleList<E> - Interface in randoop.util
Stores a sequence of items, much like a regular List.
simplifyTypeNames(CompilationUnit, String, Path, String, Map<String, String>, int, boolean) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Simplify the type names in a compilation unit.
SINGLE_LINE_OVERWRITE - randoop.util.ProgressDisplay.Mode
singleInstance - Static variable in class randoop.util.RandoopUncaughtRunnerThreadExceptionHandler
singletonTestCheck(Check) - Method in class randoop.test.ContractCheckingGenerator
Return a TestChecks that contains only the given check.
size - Variable in class randoop.generation.EverythingIsDifferentMatcher
size - Variable in class randoop.util.OneMoreElementList
The size of this.
size() - Method in class randoop.generation.EqualsMethodMatcher
size() - Method in class randoop.generation.EverythingIsDifferentMatcher
size() - Method in interface randoop.generation.StateMatcher
size() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Return the number of statements in this sequence.
size() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Execution
The size of the list.
size() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The number of statements in the sequence.
size() - Method in class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
size() - Method in class randoop.SubTypeSet
Returns the number of elements of this set.
size() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple
Return the number of components of the tuple.
size() - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
size() - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
size() - Method in interface randoop.util.IMultiMap
Returns the size of this map: the number of mappings.
size() - Method in class randoop.util.KeyToMultiSet
size() - Method in class randoop.util.ListOfLists
size() - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
size() - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap
size() - Method in class randoop.util.OneMoreElementList
size() - Method in interface randoop.util.SimpleList
Return the number of elements in this list.
SizeToArrayLength - Class in randoop.contract
The contract: c.toArray().length == c.size() for all Collections c.
SizeToArrayLength() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.SizeToArrayLength
sm - Variable in class randoop.generation.ObjectCache
SMALL_TESTS - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.InputSelectionMode
Favor shorter sequences.
SmallTestsSequenceSelection - Class in randoop.generation
Select input sequences, favoring shorter sequences.
SmallTestsSequenceSelection() - Constructor for class randoop.generation.SmallTestsSequenceSelection
sof_exception - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
If a test throws a StackOverflowError exception, should it be included in the error-revealing test suite (value: ERROR), regression test suite (value: EXPECTED), or should it be discarded (value: INVALID)?
SORTED_MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for SortedMap
SORTED_SET_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for SortedSet
sortImports(CompilationUnit) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Sort a compilation unit's imports by name.
source - Variable in class randoop.compile.SequenceJavaFileObject
The source code text.
SourceBuilder - Class in randoop.output
Common behavior for source builder classes.
SourceBuilder() - Constructor for class randoop.output.SourceBuilder
sourceFiles - Variable in class randoop.compile.FileCompiler.FileCompilerException
The list of source files for the compilation.
sourceText - Variable in class randoop.compile.SequenceCompilerException
The source text for the class.
SpecificationClause - Class in randoop.condition.specification
Abstract class for representations of conditions that can be attached to methods and constructors.
SpecificationClause() - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.SpecificationClause
Gson serialization requires a default constructor.
SpecificationClause(String, Guard) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.SpecificationClause
Creates a SpecificationClause with the given guard.
SpecificationCollection - Class in randoop.condition
A collection of OperationSpecification objects, indexed by AccessibleObject reflection objects.
SpecificationCollection(Map<AccessibleObject, OperationSpecification>, MultiMap<OperationSignature, Method>, Map<AccessibleObject, Set<Method>>) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.SpecificationCollection
Creates a SpecificationCollection for the given specification map.
specificationMap - Variable in class randoop.condition.SpecificationCollection
Map from method or constructor to the corresponding OperationSpecification.
specifications - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Read file of specifications; see manual section "Specifying expected code behavior".
SpecificationTranslator - Class in randoop.condition
SpecificationTranslator(RawSignature, String, RawSignature, String, Map<String, String>, SequenceCompiler) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.SpecificationTranslator
Creates a SpecificationTranslator object in the given package with the signature strings and variable replacementMap.
STACK_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for Stack
standardOutputLines - Variable in class randoop.execution.RunCommand.Status
The output from running the command.
startMarker - Variable in class randoop.util.RecordListReader
The value of startMarker is "START recordType"
startTime - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
When the generator started (millisecond-based system timestamp).
startTime - Variable in class randoop.util.CountDownTimer
state - Variable in class randoop.util.RunnerThread
StateMatcher - Interface in randoop.generation
Statement - Class in randoop.sequence
Statement represents a Java statement, such as a method call Foo f = m(i1...iN) or a declaration int x = 0.
Statement(TypedOperation) - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.Statement
Creates a statement based on the given operation.
Statement(TypedOperation, List<Sequence.RelativeNegativeIndex>) - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.Statement
Create a new statement of type statement that takes as input the given values.
statementIdx - Variable in class randoop.test.NoExceptionCheck
Indicates which statement is expected to return normally.
statementIndex - Variable in class randoop.test.ExceptionCheck
Indicates which statement results in the given exception.
statements - Variable in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
The list of statements.
statementToCodeString(int) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Return the code representation of the i'th statement.
StaticCache - Class in randoop.reflection
Stores the mutable state of a class, allowing it to be saved, printed and restored.
StaticCache(Class<?>) - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.StaticCache
Creates the cache object for a particular class.
status() - Method in class randoop.util.ReflectionCode
A suffix to be called by toString().
Status(List<String>, int, boolean, List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class randoop.execution.RunCommand.Status
Creates a RunCommand.Status object for the command with captured exit status and output.
stdout - Variable in class randoop.main.Minimize.Outputs
The standard output.
step() - Method in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Attempt to generate a test (a sequence).
step() - Method in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
steps - Variable in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
The number of operations that have been performed on this map.
stop_on_error_test - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Stop generation as soon as one error-revealing test has been generated.
stopper - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Customizable stopping criterion in addition to time and sequence limits.
storeValueFromAssertion(Statement, Map<String, String>, Set<String>) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
If currStmt is an assertion about a primitive value, store the value associated with the variable in the primitiveValues map.
string_maxlen - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Maximum length of strings in generated tests, including in assertions.
STRING_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The java.lang.String type.
stringLengthOk(String) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Value
Returns true if the given string is no longer than the --string-maxlen=N parameter.
strings - Variable in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet
Set of all string constants in a class.
StringTooLongException - Exception in randoop.sequence
An exception indicating a string is too long.
StringTooLongException(String) - Constructor for exception randoop.sequence.StringTooLongException
Create a StringTooLongException.
StringTooLongException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception randoop.sequence.StringTooLongException
Create a StringTooLongException.
substitute(Type, Substitution) - Static method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
Applies a substitution to a reflection type that occurs as an actual argument of a parameterized type bound, to create a type argument to a ParameterizedType.
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
Applies the given substitution to the generic types in this operation, and returns a new operation with the instantiated types.
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperationWithCast
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Applies the given substitution to the generic types in this operation, and returns a new operation with the instantiated types.
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedTermOperation
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.ArrayType
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Applies a substitution to a ReferenceType.
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.EagerReferenceBound
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.ExplicitTypeVariable
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.GenericClassType
Instantiates this generic class using the substitution to replace the type parameters.
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.InstantiatedType
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
Applies the given substitution to this type bound by replacing type variables.
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.LazyReferenceBound
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.NullReferenceType
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterBound
Applies the given substitution to this type bound by replacing type variables.
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterizedType
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceBound
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceType
Applies a substitution to a ReferenceType.
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.Type
Returns the type created by instantiating the type parameters of this type with ReferenceType objects.
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeArgument
Applies the type substitution to this type argument.
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple
Applies a substitution to a type tuple, replacing any occurrences of type variables.
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.TypeVariable
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
substitute(Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardType
substitute(Substitution, ClassOrInterfaceType) - Method in class randoop.types.ClassOrInterfaceType
Applies the substitution to the enclosing type of this type and adds the result as the enclosing class of the given type.
Substitution - Class in randoop.types
A substitution maps type parameters/variables (including wildcards) to concrete types.
Substitution() - Constructor for class randoop.types.Substitution
Create an empty substitution.
Substitution(List<TypeVariable>, List<ReferenceType>) - Constructor for class randoop.types.Substitution
Create a substitution from the type parameters to the corresponding type arguments.
Substitution(List<TypeVariable>, ReferenceType...) - Constructor for class randoop.types.Substitution
Create a substitution from the type parameters to the corresponding type arguments.
Substitution(Substitution) - Constructor for class randoop.types.Substitution
Make a copy of the given substitution.
Substitution(TypeVariable, ReferenceType) - Constructor for class randoop.types.Substitution
Create a substitution that maps the given type parameter to the given type argument.
SUBSUMED - randoop.generation.OperationOutcome
The generated sequence was discarded because it was subsumed.
subsumed_sequences - Variable in class randoop.generation.AbstractGenerator
Sequences that are used in other sequences (and are thus redundant).
subTypes - Variable in class randoop.SubTypeSet
Maps a type to all its proper subtypes that are in the set.
SubTypeSet - Class in randoop
A set of classes.
SubTypeSet(boolean) - Constructor for class randoop.SubTypeSet
success - Variable in class randoop.generation.InputsAndSuccessFlag
True if private method ForwardGenerator.selectInputs(TypedOperation operation) was able to find component sequences for all the input types required by the given statement.
SUFFIX - Static variable in class randoop.main.Minimize
The suffix to postpend onto the name of the minimized file and class.
suiteclasspath - Static variable in class randoop.main.Minimize
Classpath that includes dependencies needed to compile and run the JUnit test suite being minimized.
suitepath - Static variable in class randoop.main.Minimize
The Java file whose failing tests will be minimized.
summary - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
supportsCheckpoints - Variable in class randoop.SubTypeSet
If true, then SubTypeSet.mark() and SubTypeSet.undoLastStep() are supported.
SYNCHRONOUS_QUEUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for SynchronousQueue
system_props - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
System properties that Randoop will set similarly to java -D, of the form "x=y".


t - Static variable in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
Time interval, in milliseconds, at which to recompute weights.
test(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultReflectionPredicate
test(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.EverythingAllowedPredicate
test(Class<?>) - Method in interface randoop.reflection.ReflectionPredicate
Indicate whether Randoop should use a class.
test(Constructor<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultReflectionPredicate
Indicate whether Randoop should use a constructor.
test(Constructor<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.EverythingAllowedPredicate
test(Constructor<?>) - Method in interface randoop.reflection.ReflectionPredicate
Indicate whether Randoop should use a constructor.
test(Field) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultReflectionPredicate
Determines whether the name of a field is included among the omitted field names.
test(Field) - Method in class randoop.reflection.EverythingAllowedPredicate
test(Field) - Method in interface randoop.reflection.ReflectionPredicate
Indicate whether Randoop should use a field.
test(Method) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultReflectionPredicate
Indicate whether Randoop should use a method.
test(Method) - Method in class randoop.reflection.EverythingAllowedPredicate
test(Method) - Method in interface randoop.reflection.ReflectionPredicate
Indicate whether Randoop should use a method.
test(List<ReferenceType>, Substitution) - Method in class randoop.types.BoundsCheck
Checks if each type argument is within the bounds of the corresponding type parameter, after both arguments and parameters have been substituted.
test(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.CompilableTestPredicate
test(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.ErrorTestPredicate
test(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.ExcludeTestPredicate
test(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.IncludeIfCoversPredicate
test(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.IncludeTestPredicate
test(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.RegressionTestPredicate
Determines whether an executable sequence is a valid regression test.
test(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.test.ValueSizePredicate
test(T) - Method in class randoop.util.predicate.AlwaysFalse
test(T) - Method in class randoop.util.predicate.AlwaysTrue
TEST_METHOD_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
The prefix for test method names.
test_package - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Package to test.
TestCheckGenerator - Class in randoop.test
Generates a set of test checks from a test sequence that has been executed.
TestCheckGenerator() - Constructor for class randoop.test.TestCheckGenerator
TestChecks<T extends TestChecks<T>> - Interface in randoop.test
A TestChecks reprents a set of Checks, and possibly a single ExceptionCheck.
testclass - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
The fully-qualified raw name of a class to test; for example, --testclass=java.util.TreeSet.
testClasses - Variable in class randoop.test.IncludeTestPredicate
Classes whose uses to require.
testClasspath - Variable in class randoop.execution.TestEnvironment
The classpath for the tests.
testCode - Variable in class randoop.runtime.ErrorRevealed
The Java code.
TestCoverageInfo - Class in randoop.util
TestCoverageInfo(int, Map<String, Set<Integer>>) - Constructor for class randoop.util.TestCoverageInfo
TestCoverageInfo.BranchCov - Class in randoop.util
testEnvironment - Variable in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
The TestEnvironment for running the test classes.
TestEnvironment - Class in randoop.execution
Provides the environment for running JUnit tests.
TestEnvironment(String) - Constructor for class randoop.execution.TestEnvironment
Creates a test environment with the given classpath and an empty agent map.
testjar - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Treat every class in the given jar file as a class to test.
testNamesToSequences(Iterable<String>, List<ExecutableSequence>) - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Given a collection of test names of the form "test005", returns the corresponding elements from the given list.
testSequence - Variable in error randoop.sequence.SequenceExceptionError
The test sequence.
testSource(String, CompilationUnit, String) - Method in class randoop.test.CompilableTestPredicate
Return true if the given source code compiles without error.
testsperfile - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Maximum number of tests to write to each JUnit file.
testsuitetimeout - Static variable in class randoop.main.Minimize
The maximum number of seconds allowed for the entire test suite to run.
TestUtils - Class in randoop.generation
Utility methods for setting up selection and operation-history logging in integration tests that use a generator.
TestUtils() - Constructor for class randoop.generation.TestUtils
TestValue - Annotation Type in randoop
Signals to Randoop that the value of a primitive (or primitive array) field in a class under test should be used as an input value to methods under test.
TestValueExtractor - Class in randoop.reflection
TestValueExtractor is a ClassVisitor that inspects the fields passed to it to see if they are annotated with TestValue, are static, and have type that is primitive, String, or an array of primitive or String.
TestValueExtractor(Set<Sequence>) - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.TestValueExtractor
thisMessage - Variable in error randoop.condition.RandoopSpecificationError
ThrowClassNameError - Class in randoop.main
ThrowClassNameError is used to handle a class name error by throwing an Error with the message.
ThrowClassNameError() - Constructor for class randoop.main.ThrowClassNameError
throwExceptionOnFlakyTest - Variable in class randoop.test.ValidityCheckingGenerator
If true, report flaky tests by throwing an exception.
throwRecordSyntaxError(String, List<String>, int) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.LiteralFileReader
throwRecordSyntaxError(Throwable) - Static method in class randoop.reflection.LiteralFileReader
Throw an error with the given exception as its cause.
throwsClause - Variable in class randoop.condition.GuardThrowsPair
The ThrowsClause representing an exception that is expected to be thrown by the operation if the GuardThrowsPair.guard is true.
ThrowsClause - Class in randoop.condition
Represents an expected exception in a throws-condition.
ThrowsClause(ClassOrInterfaceType, String) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.ThrowsClause
Creates a ThrowsClause object with the given type, and comment.
ThrowsCondition - Class in randoop.condition.specification
A specification clause that an exception should be thrown.
ThrowsCondition() - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.ThrowsCondition
Gson serialization requires a default constructor.
ThrowsCondition(String, Guard, String) - Constructor for class randoop.condition.specification.ThrowsCondition
Creates a ThrowsCondition representing an exception expected when the guard is true.
throwsException(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Return true if an exception of the given class (or a class compatible with it) was thrown during this sequence's execution.
throwsSpecifications - Variable in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
The specification of expected exceptions for the operation.
TIME - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.BloodhoundCoverageUpdateMode
Update coverage information at some regular interval of time.
time_limit - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Maximum number of seconds to spend generating tests.
time_limit_millis - Variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.Limits
Maximum time in milliseconds to spend in generation.
timedOut - Variable in class randoop.execution.RunCommand.Status
Whether the command process timed out.
timeoutMillis - Variable in class randoop.execution.TestEnvironment
The process timeout in milliseconds.
toArray() - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
toAscii(String) - Method in class randoop.test.ExpectedExceptionCheck
Converts the given string to ASCII.
toBoxedPrimitive() - Method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveType
Returns the boxed type for this primitive type.
toBoxedType(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveTypes
Return boxed type for a primitive type.
toCode(Type, List<Variable>) - Method in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
Translates field into a string representing fully-qualified name.
toCodeLines() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Return this sequence as code.
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.CheckRepContract
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToAntiSymmetric
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToEquals
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToReflexive
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToReturnsNormally
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToSubs
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToTransitive
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.EnumValue
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsHashcode
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsReflexive
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsReturnsNormally
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsSymmetric
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsToNullRetFalse
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsTransitive
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.HashCodeReturnsNormally
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNotNull
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNull
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObjectContract
A string that can be used as Java source code and will result in the expression being evaluated.
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqValue
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.PrimValue
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.SizeToArrayLength
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.contract.ToStringReturnsNormally
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Return this sequence as code.
toCodeString() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Returns the Java source code representation of this sequence with values substituted for simple initializations.
toCodeString(Object) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Value
Given a primitive, boxed primitive, String, Enum, or Class, or the value null, returns a String that can be used in Java source to represent it.
toCodeStringPostStatement() - Method in interface randoop.test.Check
Returns a string of Java source code to be emitted after a statement containing this check.
toCodeStringPostStatement() - Method in class randoop.test.ExceptionCheck
Returns a string of Java source code to be emitted after a statement containing this check.
toCodeStringPostStatement() - Method in class randoop.test.InvalidValueCheck
toCodeStringPostStatement() - Method in class randoop.test.MissingExceptionCheck
toCodeStringPostStatement() - Method in class randoop.test.NoExceptionCheck
Returns the empty string: there is no code associated with this check (if an exception occurs, it will be reported by JUnit).
toCodeStringPostStatement() - Method in class randoop.test.ObjectCheck
toCodeStringPostStatement() - Method in class randoop.test.PostConditionCheck
toCodeStringPreStatement() - Method in interface randoop.test.Check
Returns a string of Java source code to be emitted before a statement containing this check.
toCodeStringPreStatement() - Method in class randoop.test.ExceptionCheck
Returns a string of Java source code to be emitted before a statement containing this check.
toCodeStringPreStatement() - Method in class randoop.test.InvalidValueCheck
toCodeStringPreStatement() - Method in class randoop.test.MissingExceptionCheck
toCodeStringPreStatement() - Method in class randoop.test.NoExceptionCheck
toCodeStringPreStatement() - Method in class randoop.test.ObjectCheck
toCodeStringPreStatement() - Method in class randoop.test.PostConditionCheck
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.CheckRepContract
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToAntiSymmetric
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToEquals
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToReflexive
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToReturnsNormally
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToSubs
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.CompareToTransitive
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.EnumValue
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsHashcode
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsReflexive
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsReturnsNormally
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsSymmetric
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsToNullRetFalse
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.EqualsTransitive
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.HashCodeReturnsNormally
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNotNull
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.IsNull
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObjectContract
A string that will be inserted as a comment in the test before the code corresponding to this contract.
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqValue
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.PrimValue
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.SizeToArrayLength
toCommentString() - Method in class randoop.contract.ToStringReturnsNormally
toFullCodeString() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Returns the Java source representation of this sequence showing all statements.
toJDKList() - Method in class randoop.util.ListOfLists
toJDKList() - Method in class randoop.util.OneMoreElementList
toJDKList() - Method in class randoop.util.SimpleArrayList
toJDKList() - Method in interface randoop.util.SimpleList
Returns a java.util.List version of this list.
toLines() - Method in class randoop.output.SourceBuilder
Return the source for this declaration as lines of Strings
toMap(Collection<ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet>) - Static method in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants
Convert a collection of ConstantSets to the format expected by GenTest.addClassLiterals.
toParsableString() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
Returns a string representation of this Operation, which can be read by the static parse method for an Operation class.
toParsableString() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Constructs a string representation of this operation that can be parsed by parse methods of the implementing types.
toParsableString() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedTermOperation
toParsableString() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Returns a string representing this sequence.
toParsableString(String) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Like toParsableString, but the client can specify a string that will be used a separator between statements.
toParsableString(String, List<Variable>) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
toParsableString(Type) - Method in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
Returns a string descriptor of a field that can be parsed by FieldParser.parse(String, String, String).
toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type) - Method in class randoop.operation.ArrayCreation
toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type) - Method in class randoop.operation.ArrayElementSet
toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type) - Method in class randoop.operation.CallableOperation
Returns a string representation of this Operation, which can be read by static parse method for class.
toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type) - Method in class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
Returns a string representation of this Operation, which can be read by static parse method for class.
toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type) - Method in class randoop.operation.EnumConstant
Returns a string representation of this Operation, which can be read by static parse method for class.
toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type) - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldGet
Returns string descriptor for field that can be parsed by PublicFieldParser.
toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type) - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldSet
Returns the string descriptor for field that can be parsed by.
toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type) - Method in class randoop.operation.InitializedArrayCreation
Returns a string representation of this Operation, which can be read by static parse method for class.
toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type) - Method in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
Returns a string representation of this Operation, which can be read by static parse method for class.
toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type) - Method in class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
Returns a string representation of this Operation, which can be read by static parse method for class.
toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type) - Method in class randoop.operation.ReflectionArrayCreation
toParsableString(Type, TypeTuple, Type) - Method in class randoop.operation.UncheckedCast
toPrimitive() - Method in class randoop.types.NonParameterizedType
If this type is a boxed primitive, unboxes this type and returns the primitive type.
toString() - Method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableBooleanExpression
toString() - Method in class randoop.condition.ExecutableSpecification
toString() - Method in class randoop.condition.ExpectedOutcomeTable
toString() - Method in class randoop.condition.GuardPropertyPair
toString() - Method in class randoop.condition.GuardThrowsPair
toString() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.AbstractBooleanExpression
toString() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.Identifiers
toString() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSignature
toString() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.OperationSpecification
toString() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.Postcondition
toString() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.Precondition
toString() - Method in class randoop.condition.specification.ThrowsCondition
toString() - Method in class randoop.condition.ThrowsClause
toString() - Method in class randoop.contract.EnumValue
toString() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
toString() - Method in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqValue
toString() - Method in class randoop.contract.PrimValue
toString() - Method in class randoop.ExceptionalExecution
Warning: this method calls toString() of code under test, which may have arbitrary behavior.
toString() - Method in class randoop.execution.RunCommand.Status
toString() - Method in class randoop.field.AccessibleField
Returns string representation of underlying Field object.
toString() - Method in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator
toString() - Method in class randoop.NormalExecution
randoop.test.SequenceTests uses this method.
toString() - Method in class randoop.NotExecuted
toString() - Method in class randoop.operation.ArrayCreation
toString() - Method in class randoop.operation.ConstructorCall
Returns concise string representation of this ConstructorCall.
toString() - Method in class randoop.operation.EnumConstant
toString() - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldGet
toString() - Method in class randoop.operation.FieldSet
toString() - Method in class randoop.operation.InitializedArrayCreation
toString() - Method in class randoop.operation.MethodCall
toString outputs a text representation of the method call.
toString() - Method in class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
Returns string representation of this NonreceiverTerm.
toString() - Method in class randoop.operation.ReflectionArrayCreation
toString() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
toString() - Method in class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
toString() - Method in class randoop.output.SourceBuilder
Return this declaration as a String.
toString() - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.AnyAccessibilityPredicate
toString() - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.NotPrivateAccessibilityPredicate
toString() - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.PackageAccessibilityPredicate
toString() - Method in class randoop.reflection.AccessibilityPredicate.PublicAccessibilityPredicate
toString() - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultClassVisitor
toString() - Method in class randoop.reflection.OmitMethodsPredicate
toString() - Method in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
toString() - Method in class randoop.runtime.ErrorRevealed
toString() - Method in class randoop.sequence.DummyVariable
toString() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
toString() - Method in class randoop.sequence.ReferenceValue
toString() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence.RelativeNegativeIndex
toString() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
toString() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Statement
toString() - Method in class randoop.sequence.Variable
toString() - Method in class randoop.test.ContractSet
toString() - Method in class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
toString() - Method in class randoop.test.ExceptionCheck
toString() - Method in class randoop.test.MissingExceptionCheck
toString() - Method in class randoop.test.ObjectCheck
toString() - Method in class randoop.test.PostConditionCheck
toString() - Method in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
toString() - Method in class randoop.types.IntersectionTypeBound
toString() - Method in class randoop.types.LazyParameterBound
toString() - Method in class randoop.types.ParameterType
toString() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceArgument
toString() - Method in class randoop.types.ReferenceBound
toString() - Method in class randoop.types.Substitution
toString() - Method in class randoop.types.Type
toString() - Method in class randoop.types.TypeTuple
toString() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
toString() - Method in class randoop.types.WildcardType
toString() - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
toString() - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
toString() - Method in class randoop.util.ClassFileConstants.ConstantSet
toString() - Method in class randoop.util.ConstructorReflectionCode
toString() - Method in class randoop.util.CountDownTimer
toString() - Method in interface randoop.util.IMultiMap
Returns a String representation of this map.
toString() - Method in class randoop.util.ListOfLists
toString() - Method in class randoop.util.MethodReflectionCode
toString() - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap.EmptyMultiMap
toString() - Method in class randoop.util.MultiMap
toString() - Method in class randoop.util.ObjectContractReflectionCode
toString() - Method in class randoop.util.OneMoreElementList
toString(Object) - Static method in class randoop.util.Randomness
Produces a printed representation of the object, depending on the verbosity level.
toStringDebug() - Method in class randoop.reflection.RawSignature
toStringHandleExceptions(Object) - Static method in class randoop.contract.ObjectContract
toStringInLines(Collection<? extends Object>) - Static method in class randoop.util.CollectionsExt
Returns the String.valueOf() of all elements of the collection, one on each line.
toStringLines(Collection<? extends Object>) - Static method in class randoop.util.CollectionsExt
List of String.valueOf() of all elements of the collection.
ToStringReturnsNormally - Class in randoop.contract
Checks that calling toString() on an object does not throw an exception.
ToStringReturnsNormally() - Constructor for class randoop.contract.ToStringReturnsNormally
totalCallsToRandom - Static variable in class randoop.util.Randomness
Number of calls to the underlying Random instance that this wraps.
totalelements - Variable in class randoop.util.ListOfLists
The size of this collection.
totalSuccessfulInvocations - Variable in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
The total number of successful invocations of all the methods under test.
totalTime - Variable in class randoop.util.CountDownTimer
totalWeightOfMethodsUnderTest - Variable in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
The total weight of all the methods that are under test.
toUnboxedType(Class<?>) - Static method in class randoop.types.PrimitiveTypes
Returns the primitive Class<?> type for a boxed primitive type.
toURI(String) - Static method in class randoop.compile.CompileUtil
Converts the path string to a URI for use by the file manager of the compiler.
TRANSFER_QUEUE_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for TransferQueue
TREE_MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for TreeMap
TREE_SET_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for TreeSet
tupleLength - Variable in class randoop.reflection.TypeTupleSet
The length of tuples in the set.
tupleLength - Variable in class randoop.util.TupleSet
The length of tuples in the set.
tuples - Variable in class randoop.util.TupleSet
The list of element lists (tuples).
tuples() - Method in class randoop.util.TupleSet
Returns the tuples.
TupleSequence - Class in randoop.sequence
A Sequence that produces a tuple or collection of values, all of the same type.
TupleSequence(List<Sequence>, List<Integer>) - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.TupleSequence
Create a TupleSequence that concatenates the given sequences, choosing the given variable from each.
TupleSet<E> - Class in randoop.util
Represents a non-empty set of tuples.
TupleSet() - Constructor for class randoop.util.TupleSet
Creates a tuple set with a single empty tuple.
TupleSet(List<List<E>>, int) - Constructor for class randoop.util.TupleSet
type - Variable in class randoop.contract.EnumValue
type - Variable in class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
The Type of this non-receiver term.
type - Variable in class randoop.operation.UncheckedCast
The result type of the cast.
type - Variable in class randoop.sequence.ReferenceValue
The type of this value.
Type - Class in randoop.types
The superclass of a class hierarchy representing Java types defined in JLS Section 4.1.
Type() - Constructor for class randoop.types.Type
TYPE_REGEX - Static variable in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
Matches a type: a class name, optional generics, optional array brackets.
TypeArgument - Class in randoop.types
Represents a type argument of a parameterized type as described in JLS Section 4.5.1.
TypeArgument() - Constructor for class randoop.types.TypeArgument
TypeArguments - Class in randoop.operation
TypeArguments provides static methods for creating and recognizing strings representing the type arguments of a method or constructor.
TypeArguments() - Constructor for class randoop.operation.TypeArguments
TypedClassOperation - Class in randoop.operation
Represents a TypedOperation and its declaring class.
TypedClassOperation(CallableOperation, ClassOrInterfaceType, TypeTuple, Type) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
Creates a TypedClassOperation for a given CallableOperation indicating the signature of the operation.
TypedClassOperation(CallableOperation, ClassOrInterfaceType, TypeTuple, Type, ExecutableSpecification) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperation
Creates a TypedClassOperation for a given CallableOperation indicating the signature of the operation.
TypedClassOperationWithCast - Class in randoop.operation
Represents a method with a return type that is a type variable that must be instantiated, and for which execution performs a cast to the instantiating type to emulate handling of casts that are not done in reflection.
TypedClassOperationWithCast(CallableOperation, ClassOrInterfaceType, TypeTuple, Type) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperationWithCast
TypedClassOperationWithCast(CallableOperation, ClassOrInterfaceType, TypeTuple, Type, ExecutableSpecification) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.TypedClassOperationWithCast
TypedOperation - Class in randoop.operation
Type decorator of Operation objects.
TypedOperation(CallableOperation, TypeTuple, Type, ExecutableSpecification) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.TypedOperation
Create typed operation for the given Operation.
TypedOperation.RankedTypeOperation - Class in randoop.operation
RankedTypedOperation is a wrapper around a TypedOperation and a number.
TypedOperationSelector - Interface in randoop.generation
An interface for selecting an operation for the ForwardGenerator to use in constructing a new test sequence.
TypedTermOperation - Class in randoop.operation
Represents operations that have no declaring class, such as literal value, cast, or array creation/access/assignment.
TypedTermOperation(CallableOperation, TypeTuple, Type) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.TypedTermOperation
Creates a TypedOperation for a given operation and input and output types.
TypeExtractor - Class in randoop.reflection
TypeExtractor is a ClassVisitor that extracts both the class type, and concrete types that are used in a class as either a parameter, a return type, or a field type.
TypeExtractor(Set<Type>, AccessibilityPredicate) - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.TypeExtractor
Creates a visitor that adds discovered concrete types to the given set if they satisfy the accessibility predicate.
TypeInstantiator - Class in randoop.reflection
Instantiates type parameters from a set of input types.
TypeInstantiator(Set<Type>) - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.TypeInstantiator
Creates a TypeInstantiator object using the given types to construct instantiating substitutions.
TypeIterator(Iterator<Type>) - Constructor for class randoop.types.TypeTuple.TypeIterator
TypeNames - Class in randoop.reflection
TypeNames provides a pair of static methods to: get string names for classes and primitive types, and get the Class object for a string representing a class or primitive type.
TypeNames() - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.TypeNames
typeParameters - Variable in class randoop.types.BoundsCheck
The type variables to check against.
types - Variable in class randoop.SubTypeSet
The members of the set.
typesAndSupertypes - Variable in class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
A set of all the types that can be created with the sequences in this, and all their supertypes.
typeSet - Variable in class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
A set of all the types that can be created with the sequences in this.
typesMatch(TypeTuple, List<ReferenceValue>) - Static method in class randoop.test.ContractCheckingGenerator
Indicates whether the given list of values matches the types in the type tuple.
TypeTuple - Class in randoop.types
TypeTuple represents an immutable ordered tuple of Type objects.
TypeTuple() - Constructor for class randoop.types.TypeTuple
Creates an empty type tuple.
TypeTuple(List<Type>) - Constructor for class randoop.types.TypeTuple
Creates a type tuple from the list of types, preserving the order.
TypeTuple.TypeIterator - Class in randoop.types
typeTuples - Variable in class randoop.reflection.TypeTupleSet
The list of type lists (tuples).
TypeTupleSet - Class in randoop.reflection
Represents a set of lists of candidate type arguments for a ParameterizedType, and uses this set to construct substitutions for a list of TypeArgument objects.
TypeTupleSet() - Constructor for class randoop.reflection.TypeTupleSet
Creates a tuple set with a single empty tuple.
TypeVariable - Class in randoop.types
An abstract class representing type variables.
TypeVariable() - Constructor for class randoop.types.TypeVariable
Creates a type variable with NullReferenceType as the lower bound, and the Object type as upper bound.
TypeVariable(ParameterBound, ParameterBound) - Constructor for class randoop.types.TypeVariable
Creates a type variable with the given type bounds.


uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class randoop.util.RandoopUncaughtRunnerThreadExceptionHandler
unchecked_exception - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
If a test throws an unchecked exception other than ConcurrentModificationException, NoClassDefFoundError, NullPointerException, OutOfMemoryError, and StackOverflowError, should the test be included in the error-revealing test suite (value: ERROR), regression test suite (value: EXPECTED), or should it be discarded (value: INVALID)?
UncheckedCast - Class in randoop.operation
An Operation to perform an explicit cast.
UncheckedCast(Type) - Constructor for class randoop.operation.UncheckedCast
Creates an operation that performs a cast.
undoLastOp() - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
undoLastStep() - Method in class randoop.SubTypeSet
Undo changes since the last call to SubTypeSet.mark().
undoToLastMark() - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
Undo changes since the last call to CheckpointingMultiMap.mark().
undoToLastMark() - Method in class randoop.util.CheckpointingSet
Undo changes since the last call to CheckpointingSet.mark().
UNIFORM - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.InputSelectionMode
Select sequences uniformly at random.
UNIFORM - randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.MethodSelectionMode
Select methods randomly with uniform probability.
UniformRandomMethodSelection - Class in randoop.generation
This class selects a method, from the list of methods under test, with uniform probability.
UniformRandomMethodSelection(List<TypedOperation>) - Constructor for class randoop.generation.UniformRandomMethodSelection
Create a selector that selects uniformly at random from the given operations.
UniformRandomSequenceSelection - Class in randoop.generation
Select sequences uniformly at random.
UniformRandomSequenceSelection() - Constructor for class randoop.generation.UniformRandomSequenceSelection
updateBranchCoverageMap() - Method in class randoop.generation.CoverageTracker
Updates branch coverage information for all methods under test.
updateBranchCoverageMaybe() - Method in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
When an interval is reached, the branch coverage information for all methods under test is updated and the weight for every method under test is recomputed.
updateCompatibleMap(Sequence, Type) - Method in class randoop.sequence.SequenceCollection
Add the entry (type, sequence) to SequenceCollection.sequenceMap.
updateLastStepTime() - Method in class randoop.util.ProgressDisplay
Set lastStepTime to when the most recent step completed.
updateWeight() - Method in class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection.SequenceDetails
Compute the weight of a sequence.
updateWeight(TypedOperation) - Method in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
Recompute weight for a method under test.
updateWeightMapForCandidates(SimpleList<Sequence>) - Method in class randoop.generation.SmallTestsSequenceSelection
Update the weight for any sequence not currently in the map, and compute the total weight.
updateWeightsForAllOperations() - Method in class randoop.generation.Bloodhound
Computes and updates weights in methodWeights map for all methods under test.
upperBound - Variable in class randoop.types.ParameterType
The upper bound on this type.
usage(String, Object...) - Static method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Print message, then print usage information, then exit.
usageMessage(PrintStream) - Method in class randoop.main.CommandHandler
use_jdk_specifications - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Use built-in specifications for JDK classes and for classes that inherit from them, as if they had been supplied using the --specifications command-line argument.
usethreads - Static variable in class randoop.util.ReflectionExecutor
If true, Randoop executes each test in a separate thread and kills tests that take too long to finish, as determined by the --call-timeout command-line argument.
Util - Class in randoop.util
Helpers for assertions, and stuff...
Util() - Constructor for class randoop.util.Util


val - Variable in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap.OpKeyVal
A value.
validateCheck(Check) - Static method in class randoop.test.ErrorRevealingChecks
Throw an exception if check is not acceptable for this class.
validateClassName(String, String) - Static method in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Validates an argument that should be a class name.
ValidityCheckingGenerator - Class in randoop.test
A ValidityCheckingGenerator checks for occurrences of exceptions that have been tagged as invalid behaviors.
ValidityCheckingGenerator(boolean) - Constructor for class randoop.test.ValidityCheckingGenerator
Creates an object that looks for invalid exceptions.
value - Variable in class randoop.contract.EnumValue
value - Variable in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqArray
The run-time result of calling the observer: an array of literals.
value - Variable in class randoop.contract.ObserverEqValue
The run-time result of calling the observer: a primitive value or String.
value - Variable in class randoop.contract.PrimValue
The expected run-time value.
value - Variable in class randoop.operation.EnumConstant
value - Variable in class randoop.operation.NonreceiverTerm
The value of this non-receiver term.
value - Variable in class randoop.sequence.ReferenceValue
The Object reference of this value.
value - Static variable in class randoop.types.NullReferenceType
value - Static variable in class randoop.types.VoidType
value() - Method in class randoop.operation.EnumConstant
Returns the object for the value of this enum constant.
Value - Class in randoop.sequence
Utility methods to work with values in test sequences.
Value() - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.Value
VALUE - Variable in class randoop.operation.ArrayElementSet
valueMap - Variable in class randoop.reflection.StaticCache
The map from static fields to a value.
valueOf(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class randoop.operation.EnumConstant
valueOf searches the enum constant list of a class for a constant with the given name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum randoop.contract.PrimValue.EqualityMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum randoop.generation.OperationOutcome
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.BehaviorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.BloodhoundCoverageUpdateMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.ClassLiteralsMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.FlakyTestAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.InputSelectionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.MethodSelectionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap.Ops
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum randoop.util.ProgressDisplay.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum randoop.util.RunnerThread.NextCallMustBe
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum randoop.contract.PrimValue.EqualityMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum randoop.generation.OperationOutcome
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.BehaviorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.BloodhoundCoverageUpdateMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.ClassLiteralsMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.FlakyTestAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.InputSelectionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract.MethodSelectionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap.Ops
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum randoop.util.ProgressDisplay.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum randoop.util.RunnerThread.NextCallMustBe
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valueSequences - Variable in class randoop.reflection.TestValueExtractor
valueSizeOk(Object) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Value
Returns true if the given value is not longer than the --string-maxlen=N parameter.
ValueSizePredicate - Class in randoop.test
Returns true if the sequence returns a value that is NOT too large value.
ValueSizePredicate() - Constructor for class randoop.test.ValueSizePredicate
Creates a ValueSizePredicate.
var - Variable in class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator.VarAndSeq
VAR_NAME_MAX_DEPTH - Static variable in class randoop.sequence.VariableRenamer
Maximum depth to concatenate parameterized type names.
VarAndSeq(Variable, Sequence) - Constructor for class randoop.generation.ForwardGenerator.VarAndSeq
variable - Variable in class randoop.types.ExplicitTypeVariable
The type parameter.
Variable - Class in randoop.sequence
Represents the result of a statement call in a sequence.
Variable() - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.Variable
Do not use! Only for use by DummyVariable.
Variable(Sequence, int) - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.Variable
VARIABLE_DECLARATION_LINE - Static variable in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
Matches a variable declaration.
variableMap - Variable in class randoop.sequence.ExecutableSequence
Maps a value to the set of variables that hold it.
VariableRenamer - Class in randoop.sequence
VariableRenamer(Sequence) - Constructor for class randoop.sequence.VariableRenamer
varID - Variable in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
The integer ID of this capture variable.
vars - Variable in class randoop.test.ObjectCheck
The variables for the contract.
VECTOR_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for Vector
verbose_log - Static variable in class randoop.util.CheckpointingMultiMap
True if this class should do logging.
verboseminimizer - Static variable in class randoop.main.Minimize
Produce verbose diagnostics to standard output if true.
verbosity - Static variable in class randoop.util.Randomness
0 = no output, 1 = brief output, 2 = verbose output.
verifyNotEqual(String, Sequence) - Method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Throws an exception if this sequence's Sequence.toString() equals the given sequence's.
visit(ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration, Void) - Method in class randoop.output.ClassRenamingVisitor
Rename the class.
visit(FieldAccessExpr, ClassOrInterfaceType) - Method in class randoop.output.FieldAccessTypeNameSimplifyVisitor
Visit every field access expression.
visit(MethodCallExpr, ClassOrInterfaceType) - Method in class randoop.output.MethodTypeNameSimplifyVisitor
Visit every method call expression.
visit(VariableDeclarationExpr, Set<String>) - Method in class randoop.output.PrimitiveAndWrappedTypeVarNameCollector
Visit every variable declaration.
visit(ClassOrInterfaceType, ClassOrInterfaceType) - Method in class randoop.output.ClassTypeNameSimplifyVisitor
Visit every class or interface type.
visit(ClassOrInterfaceType, Set<ClassOrInterfaceType>) - Method in class randoop.output.ClassTypeVisitor
If the class or interface type is in a package that's not visible by default, add the type to the set of types that is passed in as an argument.
visit(Class<?>, ReflectionManager) - Method in interface randoop.reflection.ClassVisitor
Perform action on member class.
visit(Class<?>, ReflectionManager) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DeclarationExtractor
visit(Class<?>, ReflectionManager) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultClassVisitor
visit(Class<?>, ReflectionManager) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeExtractor
visit(Enum<?>) - Method in interface randoop.reflection.ClassVisitor
Perform an action on an enum value.
visit(Enum<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultClassVisitor
visit(Enum<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Creates a EnumConstant object for the Enum.
visit(Constructor<?>) - Method in interface randoop.reflection.ClassVisitor
Perform action on a constructor.
visit(Constructor<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultClassVisitor
visit(Constructor<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Creates a ConstructorCall object for the Constructor.
visit(Constructor<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeExtractor
Perform action on a constructor.
visit(Field) - Method in interface randoop.reflection.ClassVisitor
Perform an action on a field.
visit(Field) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultClassVisitor
visit(Field) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Adds the Operation objects corresponding to getters and setters appropriate to the kind of field.
visit(Field) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TestValueExtractor
Perform an action on a field.
visit(Field) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeExtractor
Perform an action on a field.
visit(Method) - Method in class randoop.reflection.CheckRepExtractor
Perform an action on a method.
visit(Method) - Method in interface randoop.reflection.ClassVisitor
Perform an action on a method.
visit(Method) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultClassVisitor
visit(Method) - Method in class randoop.reflection.OperationExtractor
Creates a MethodCall object for the Method.
visit(Method) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeExtractor
Perform an action on a method.
visitAfter(Class<?>) - Method in interface randoop.reflection.ClassVisitor
Perform an action on a class.
visitAfter(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultClassVisitor
visitAfter(ClassVisitor, Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Apply a visitor to a class.
visitAfterSequence(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.DummyVisitor
visitAfterSequence(ExecutableSequence) - Method in interface randoop.ExecutionVisitor
Called after execution of a sequence.
visitAfterSequence(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.instrument.CoveredClassVisitor
Called after execution of a sequence.
visitAfterSequence(ExecutableSequence) - Method in class randoop.MultiVisitor
visitAfterStatement(ExecutableSequence, int) - Method in class randoop.DummyVisitor
visitAfterStatement(ExecutableSequence, int) - Method in interface randoop.ExecutionVisitor
Invoked by ExecutableSequence.execute after the i-th statement executes.
visitAfterStatement(ExecutableSequence, int) - Method in class randoop.instrument.CoveredClassVisitor
visitAfterStatement(ExecutableSequence, int) - Method in class randoop.MultiVisitor
visitBefore(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ClassLiteralExtractor
visitBefore(Class<?>) - Method in interface randoop.reflection.ClassVisitor
Perform an action on a class.
visitBefore(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DeclarationExtractor
visitBefore(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.DefaultClassVisitor
visitBefore(Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.TypeExtractor
Perform an action on a class.
visitBefore(ClassVisitor, Class<?>) - Method in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
Apply a visitor to a class.
visitBeforeStatement(ExecutableSequence, int) - Method in class randoop.DummyVisitor
visitBeforeStatement(ExecutableSequence, int) - Method in interface randoop.ExecutionVisitor
Invoked by ExecutableSequence.execute before the i-th statement executes.
visitBeforeStatement(ExecutableSequence, int) - Method in class randoop.instrument.CoveredClassVisitor
visitBeforeStatement(ExecutableSequence, int) - Method in class randoop.MultiVisitor
visitor - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenInputsAbstract
Install the given runtime visitor.
visitors - Variable in class randoop.MultiVisitor
The list of visitors.
visitors - Variable in class randoop.reflection.ReflectionManager
The visitors to apply.
visitSessionInfo(SessionInfo) - Method in class randoop.generation.CoverageTracker.DummySessionInfoVisitor
Required by the ISessionInfoVisitor but the session information is not used by this class.
VOID_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JavaTypes
The void VoidType
VoidType - Class in randoop.types
Represents void.
VoidType() - Constructor for class randoop.types.VoidType


WarnOnBadClassName - Class in randoop.main
WarnOnBadClassName is used to handle a bad class name error by printing a warning to standard out, and is used to suppress an exception.
WarnOnBadClassName() - Constructor for class randoop.main.WarnOnBadClassName
WEAK_HASH_MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class randoop.types.JDKTypes
The GenericClassType for WeakHashMap
weight - Variable in class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection.SequenceDetails
A Sequence's weight.
weightedCoinFlip(double) - Static method in class randoop.util.Randomness
Return true with probability trueProb, otherwise false.
weightMap - Variable in class randoop.generation.OrienteeringSelection
Map from a sequence to its weight.
weightMap - Variable in class randoop.generation.SmallTestsSequenceSelection
Map from a sequence to its weight.
where - Static variable in class randoop.main.GenTests
wideningTable - Static variable in class randoop.types.PrimitiveTypes
Primitive widening map.
wildcard - Variable in class randoop.types.CaptureTypeVariable
The wildcard.
WildcardArgument - Class in randoop.types
Represents a wildcard type argument to a parameterized type.
WildcardArgument(WildcardType) - Constructor for class randoop.types.WildcardArgument
Initializes the bound type.
WildcardType - Class in randoop.types
Represents a wildcard type, which occurs as a type argument to a parameterized type.
WildcardType() - Constructor for class randoop.types.WildcardType
WildcardType(ParameterBound, boolean) - Constructor for class randoop.types.WildcardType
write(@org.checkerframework.checker.signedness.qual.PolySigned int) - Method in class randoop.Globals.NullOutputStream
writeClassCode(String, String, String) - Method in interface randoop.output.CodeWriter
Writes the given class using this CodeWriter.
writeClassCode(String, String, String) - Method in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
Writes the given class using this CodeWriter.
writeClassCode(String, String, String) - Method in class randoop.output.JavaFileWriter
writeClassCode writes a code sequence as a JUnit4 test class to a .java file.
writeClassCode(String, String, String) - Method in class randoop.output.MinimizerWriter
Writes the given class using this CodeWriter.
writer - Variable in class randoop.generation.OperationHistoryLogger
The PrintWriter for outputting the operation history as a table.
writeTestFiles(JUnitCreator, List<ExecutableSequence>, CodeWriter, String, String) - Method in class randoop.main.GenTests
Creates the test classes for the test sequences using the JUnitCreator and then writes the files using the CodeWriter.
writeToFile(CompilationUnit, Path) - Static method in class randoop.main.Minimize
Write a compilation unit to a Java file.
writeUnmodifiedClassCode(String, String, String) - Method in interface randoop.output.CodeWriter
Writes the given class.
writeUnmodifiedClassCode(String, String, String) - Method in class randoop.output.FailingAssertionCommentWriter
writeUnmodifiedClassCode(String, String, String) - Method in class randoop.output.JavaFileWriter
writeUnmodifiedClassCode(String, String, String) - Method in class randoop.output.MinimizerWriter


zero(Type) - Static method in class randoop.sequence.Sequence
Returns a sequence that is of the form "Foo f = null;" where Foo is the given class.
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