Class MinimizerWriter

    • Method Detail

      • writeClassCode

        public Path writeClassCode​(String packageName,
                                   String classname,
                                   String classCode)
                            throws RandoopOutputException
        Writes the given class using this CodeWriter. May modify the class text before writing it. May write additional files (but those are not returned).

        Writes both the original class and the minimized class. Returns the original class.

        Specified by:
        writeClassCode in interface CodeWriter
        packageName - the package name of the class
        classname - the simple name of the class
        classCode - the text of a Java class, must be compilable
        the Path object for the Java file written
        RandoopOutputException - if there is an error while writing the code
      • writeUnmodifiedClassCode

        public Path writeUnmodifiedClassCode​(String packageName,
                                             String classname,
                                             String classCode)
                                      throws RandoopOutputException
        Description copied from interface: CodeWriter
        Writes the given class. Does not modify the class text.
        Specified by:
        writeUnmodifiedClassCode in interface CodeWriter
        packageName - the package name of the class
        classname - the simple name of the class
        classCode - the text of the class to be written, must be compilable
        the Path object for the Java file written
        RandoopOutputException - if there is an error while writing the code