Class SeedSequences

  • public final class SeedSequences
    extends Object
    Provides functionality for creating a set of sequences that create a set of primitive values. Used by sequence generators.
    • Field Detail

      • primitiveSeeds

        private static final List<Object> primitiveSeeds
        The initial pool of primitive values.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SeedSequences

        private SeedSequences()
    • Method Detail

      • defaultSeeds

        public static Set<Sequence> defaultSeeds()
        A set of sequences that create primitive values, e.g. int i = 0; or String s = "hi";
        the default set of seed sequences
      • objectsToSeeds

        public static Set<Sequence> objectsToSeeds​(List<Object> seeds)
        Given a set of seed objects (each a primitive wrapper), return a set of sequences (each of length one) that create them.
        seeds - a list of primitive wrappers
        sequences that create the primitives
      • getSeeds

        static Set<Object> getSeeds​(Type type)
        Returns the set of seed values with the given raw type.
        type - the type
        the set of seed values with the given raw type