ClassLiterals |
For a given class C, ClassLiterals maps C (if present) to a collection of literals (represented
as single-element sequences) that are defined in C.
DummyVariable |
A dummy variable, to ensure that parameter lists are the expected length.
ExecutableSequence |
Execution |
Represents the unfolding execution of a sequence.
MappedSequences<K> |
A multimap from keys of type K to sequences.
PackageLiterals |
For a given package P, PackageLiterals maps P (if present) to a collection of literals
(represented as single-element sequences) that can be used as inputs to classes in the given
ReferenceValue |
Sequence |
Sequence.RelativeNegativeIndex |
Used internally (i.e.
SequenceCollection |
A collection of sequences that makes it efficient to ask for all the sequences that create a
value of a given type.
Statement |
Statement represents a Java statement, such as a method call Foo f = m(i1...iN) or a
declaration int x = 0 .
TupleSequence |
A Sequence that produces a tuple or collection of values, all of the same type.
Value |
Utility methods to work with values in test sequences.
Variable |
Represents the result of a statement call in a sequence.
VariableRenamer |