Class FailingAssertionCommentWriter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FailingAssertionCommentWriter
    extends Object
    implements CodeWriter
    A CodeWriter that comments out failing assertions when outputting JUnit tests. This disables flaky tests that pass when run reflectively within Randoop, but fail when run from the command line. The whole test is not commented or removed, because the test might have side effects that later tests depend upon.

    Iteratively does the following:

    • Writes the class.
    • Compiles and runs the tests in a new JVM to determine whether there are failing assertions.
    • Replaces each failing assertion by a comment containing the code for the failing assertion.
    Creates a clean temporary directory for each compilation/run of a test class to avoid state effects due to files in the working directory.
    • Field Detail


        private static final Pattern FAILURE_MESSAGE_PATTERN
        A pattern matching the JUnit4 message indicating the total count of failures. Capturing group 1 is the number of failures.

        private static final Pattern FAILURE_HEADER_PATTERN
      • TYPE_REGEX

        private static final String TYPE_REGEX
        Matches a type: a class name, optional generics, optional array brackets.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        private static final Pattern VARIABLE_DECLARATION_LINE
        Matches a variable declaration. Capturing group 1 is through the "=", 2 is the type, 3 is the initializer.
      • flakyTestNames

        private final HashSet<String> flakyTestNames
        Method names for flaky tests (e.g., "test005").
    • Method Detail

      • getFlakyTestNames

        public Set<String> getFlakyTestNames()
        Returns the set of flaky test names. Each element has the form testNNN where N are digits; for example, "test002".
        the flaky test names
      • writeClassCode

        public Path writeClassCode​(String packageName,
                                   String classname,
                                   String classSource)
                            throws RandoopOutputException
        Writes the given class using this CodeWriter. May modify the class text before writing it. May write additional files (but those are not returned).

        Replaces failing assertions by comments.

        Assumes output from JUnit4 org.junit.runner.JUnitCore runner used in TestEnvironment.

        Specified by:
        writeClassCode in interface CodeWriter
        packageName - the package name of the class
        classname - the simple name of the class
        classSource - the text of a Java class, must be compilable
        the Path object for the Java file written
        RandoopOutputException - if there is an error while writing the code
      • writeUnmodifiedClassCode

        public Path writeUnmodifiedClassCode​(String packageName,
                                             String classname,
                                             String javaCode)
                                      throws RandoopOutputException
        Description copied from interface: CodeWriter
        Writes the given class. Does not modify the class text.
        Specified by:
        writeUnmodifiedClassCode in interface CodeWriter
        packageName - the package name of the class
        classname - the simple name of the class
        javaCode - the text of the class to be written, must be compilable
        the Path object for the Java file written
        RandoopOutputException - if there is an error while writing the code
      • commentCatchStatements

        private String commentCatchStatements​(String packageName,
                                              String javaCode,
                                              List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> diagnostics,
                                              Path destinationDir,
                                              FileCompiler.FileCompilerException e)
        Comments out lines with unnecessary catch or try statements. Fails if any other compilation errors exist. Ignores compilation warnings.
        packageName - the package name of the test class
        javaCode - the source code for the test class; each assertion must be on its own line
        diagnostics - the errors and warnings from compiling the class
        destinationDir - the directory that contains the source code, used only for debugging
        e - the exception that was raised when compiling the source code, used only for debugging
        the class source edited so that failing assertions are replaced by comments
        RandoopBug - if there is an unhandled compilation error (i.e., not about an unnecessary catch or try statement)
      • compilationError

        private void compilationError​(Path destinationDir,
                                      String classSource,
                                      List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> diagnostics,
                                      FileCompiler.FileCompilerException e)
        Issue an exception because of a non-recoverable compilation error.
        destinationDir - the directory that contains the source code, used only for debugging
        classSource - the text of the test class
        diagnostics - the errors and warnings from compiling the class
        e - the exception that was raised when compiling the source code, used only for debugging
      • commentFailingAssertions

        private String commentFailingAssertions​(String packageName,
                                                String classname,
                                                String javaCode,
                                                RunCommand.Status status,
                                                Set<String> flakyTests)
        Comments out lines with failing assertions. Uses the failures in the status from running JUnit with javaCode to identify lines with failing assertions.
        packageName - the package name of the test class
        classname - the simple (unqualified) name of the test class
        javaCode - the source code for the test class; each assertion must be on its own line
        status - the result of running the test with JUnit
        flakyTests - names of flaky tests, e.g. "test005". This is an output parameter that is augmented by this method.
        the class source edited so that failing assertions are replaced by comments
        RandoopBug - if status contains output for a failure not involving a Randoop-generated test method
      • numJunitFailures

        private int numJunitFailures​(Iterator<String> lineIterator,
                                     RunCommand.Status status,
                                     String qualifiedClassname,
                                     String javaCode)
        Return the number of JUnit failures, parsed from the JUnit output.
        lineIterator - an iterator over the lines of JUnit output
        status - the result of running JUnit
        qualifiedClassname - the name of the JUnit class, used only for debugging output
        javaCode - the JUnit class source code, used only for debugging output
        the number of JUnit failures, a non-negative integer
      • flakyLineReplacement

        private String flakyLineReplacement​(String flakyLine,
                                            String failure)
        Given a flaky line (one that throws an exception but was not expected to), return a commented version of the line that does no computation.
        flakyLine - the line that throws an exception
        the line, with its computation commented out
      • readUntilMatch

        private FailingAssertionCommentWriter.Match readUntilMatch​(Iterator<String> lineIterator,
                                                                   Pattern pattern)
        Reads lines of the JUnit output using the iterator until finding a match for the pattern, and then returns a pair containing the line and the text matching the first group of the pattern. Assumes that there is a match, and that the pattern has at least one group.
        lineIterator - the iterator for reading from the JUnit output
        pattern - the pattern for a regex with at least one group
        the pair containing the line and the text matching the first group
        RandoopBug - if the iterator has no more lines, but the pattern hasn't been matched
      • compileTestClass

        private Path compileTestClass​(String packageName,
                                      String classname,
                                      String classSource,
                                      Path destinationDir)
                               throws FileCompiler.FileCompilerException
        Compiles the Java files in the list of files and writes the resulting class files to the directory.
        packageName - the package name for the test class
        classname - the name of the test class
        classSource - the text of the test class
        destinationDir - the directory for class file output
        the name of the file
        FileCompiler.FileCompilerException - if the file does not compile
      • createWorkingDirectory

        private Path createWorkingDirectory​(String classname,
                                            int pass)
        Creates a temporary directory by concatenating the class name and a pass count to form the directory name.
        classname - the class name
        pass - the pass count
        the Path for the directory created