Package randoop.types

package randoop.types
  • Class
    Represents an array type as defined in JLS, Section 4.3.
    Predicate to check the type of a substitution for a list of type variables.
    Represents a type variable introduced by capture conversion over a wildcard type argument.
    Represents a class or interface type as defined in JLS Section 4.3.
    Represents a bound on a type variable where the bound is a ReferenceType that can be used directly.
    Represents a type variable that is a type parameter.
    Represents the type of a generic class.
    Represents a parameterized type as a generic class instantiated with type arguments.
    Represents an intersection type bound on a type parameter in a class, interface, method or constructor (see JLS section 4.4).
    Constants for non-JDK Java types.
    Defines type constants for classes in the JDK Collections.
    A lazy representation of a type bound in which a type variable occurs.
    There was an attempt to perform an operation, such as capture conversion, on a lazy bound.
    A lazy representation of a type bound in which a type variable occurs.
    NonParameterizedType represents a non-parameterized class, interface, enum, or the rawtype of a generic class.
    The null type is the type of the value null.
    Represents a type bound on a type variable or wildcard occurring as a type parameter of a generic class, interface, method or constructor.
    Represents a parameterized type.
    An abstract class representing kinds of type parameters, which are either type variables or wildcard types.
    Represents a Java primitive type.
    Utilities for working with Class<?> objects that Java reflection treats as primitive, which includes primitive types and void.
    Exception used to indicate when a type problem has occurred in Randoop.
    Represents a reference type as a type argument to a parameterized type.
    Represents a bound on a type variable where the bound is a ReferenceType.
    Represents a reference type defined in JLS Section 4.3
    A substitution maps type parameters/variables (including wildcards) to concrete types.
    The superclass of a class hierarchy representing Java types defined in JLS Section 4.1.
    Represents a type argument of a parameterized type as described in JLS Section 4.5.1.
    TypeTuple represents an immutable ordered tuple of Type objects.
    An abstract class representing type variables.
    Represents void.
    Represents a wildcard type argument to a parameterized type.
    Represents a wildcard type, which occurs as a type argument to a parameterized type.