Class InputsAndSuccessFlag

  • class InputsAndSuccessFlag
    extends Object
    Represents a set of inputs, plus a boolean that is true if this is a good set of inputs.

    This is the return type for ForwardGenerator's private selectInputs method, which is responsible for selecting a set of component sequences to be concatenated into a longer sequence.

    • Field Detail

      • success

        public boolean success
        True if private method ForwardGenerator.selectInputs(TypedOperation operation) was able to find component sequences for all the input types required by the given statement.
      • sequences

        public List<Sequence> sequences
        The sequences that create the inputs.
      • indices

        public List<Integer> indices
        Same length as sequences. Each integer is an index into the corresponding sequence, and is a statement that creates/returns a value.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InputsAndSuccessFlag

        public InputsAndSuccessFlag​(boolean success,
                                    List<Sequence> sequences,
                                    List<Integer> indices)
        Creates a new InputsAndSuccessFlag.
        success - true if there are component sequences for all the input types
        sequences - the sequences that create the inputs
        indices - index into the sequences, to the statement that creates/returns a value