Package randoop.main

Class Minimize.Outputs

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Minimize.Outputs
    extends Object
    Contains the command line, exit status, standard output, and standard error from running a process.
    • Field Detail

      • command

        public final String command
        The command that was run.
      • exitValue

        public final int exitValue
        Exit value from running a process. 0 is success, other values are failure.
      • stdout

        public final String stdout
        The standard output.
      • errout

        public final String errout
        The error output.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Outputs

        Outputs​(String command,
                int exitValue,
                String stdout,
                String errout)
        Create an Outputs object.
        command - the command that was run
        exitValue - exit value of process
        stdout - standard output
        errout - error output
      • Outputs

        Outputs​(org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine command,
                int exitValue,
                String stdout,
                String errout)
        Create an Outputs object.
        command - the command that was run
        exitValue - exit value of process
        stdout - standard output
        errout - error output
    • Method Detail

      • failure

        static Minimize.Outputs failure​(org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine command,
                                        String errout)
        Create an Outputs object representing a failed execution.
        command - the command that was run
        errout - error output
        an Outputs object representing a failed execution
      • isSuccess

        public boolean isSuccess()
        Return true if the command succeeded.
        true if the command succeeded
      • isFailure

        public boolean isFailure()
        Return true if the command failed.
        true if the command failed
      • diagnostics

        public String diagnostics()
        Verbose toString().
        a verbose multi-line string representation of this object, for dbugging