Class RawSignature


public class RawSignature extends Object
Represents the raw type signature for an java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject. This signature consists of the classname as a fully-qualified raw type, the method name, and the argument types as fully-qualified raw types. It does not include the method or constructor name.

The raw type signature for a constructor C() is C() instead of the reflection form C.<init>(). Also, the name and the classname of a constructor are the same.

  • Field Details

    • packageName

      private final @DotSeparatedIdentifiers String packageName
      The package name of the class; null for the unnamed package.
    • classname

      private final String classname
      The name of the declaring class of the method.
    • name

      private final String name
      The method name; for a constructor, same as the classname, except for inner classes where it differs.
    • parameterTypes

      private final Class<?>[] parameterTypes
      The method parameter types.
  • Constructor Details

    • RawSignature

      public RawSignature(@DotSeparatedIdentifiers String packageName, String classname, String name, Class<?>[] parameterTypes)
      Create a RawSignature object with the name and parameterTypes.
      packageName - the package name of the class. The unnamed package is indicated by null.
      classname - the name of the class
      name - the method name; for a constructor, same as the classname
      parameterTypes - the method parameter types, including the receiver type if any
  • Method Details

    • of

      public static RawSignature of(Method executable)
      Create a RawSignature object from the java.lang.reflect.Method.
      executable - the method from which to extract the signature
      the RawSignature object for executable
    • of

      public static RawSignature of(Constructor<?> executable)
      Create a RawSignature object from the java.lang.reflect.Constructor.
      executable - the constructor from which signature is extracted
      the RawSignature object for executable
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object object)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()

      Returns the string representation of this signature in the format read by SignatureParser.parse(String, AccessibilityPredicate, ReflectionPredicate).

      toString in class Object
    • toStringDebug

      public String toStringDebug()
    • getPackageName

      public @DotSeparatedIdentifiers String getPackageName()
      Return package name for method in this signature.
      the package name for this signature, null if default package
    • getClassname

      public String getClassname()
      Return the class name for method in this signature.
      the class name for this signature
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Return the method name for this signature.
      the method name for this signature
    • getDeclarationArguments

      public String getDeclarationArguments(List<String> parameterNames)
      Construct a parameter declaration string using the parameter names. This string contains type-parameter name pairs in the format needed for a method declaration and wrapped in parentheses.
      parameterNames - the parameter names to use to create declaration, length should be the same as the number of parameter types in this signature
      the parameter declarations for this signature using the given parameter names
    • getParameterTypes

      public Class<?>[] getParameterTypes()
      Return the array of parameter types for this signature.
      the array of parameter types for this signature
    • getPackageName

      public static @Nullable @DotSeparatedIdentifiers String getPackageName(@Nullable Package aPackage)
      Returns the name of the given package, or null if it is the default package.

      Note: Java 9 uses the empty string whereas Java 8 uses null. This method uses null.

      aPackage - a package
      the name of the given package, or null if it is the default package
    • classToIdentifier

      public static String classToIdentifier(Class<?> c)
      Converts a class to an identifier name.
      c - a class
      an identifier name produced from the class
    • classNameToIdentifier

      public static String classNameToIdentifier(String name)
      Converts a class name to an identifier name.
      name - a class name
      an identifier name produced from the class name