Package randoop.main

Class CommandHandler

Direct Known Subclasses:
GenInputsAbstract, Help, Minimize

public abstract class CommandHandler extends Object
A command is the first argument given to Randoop. A command handler handles one command. It also takes care of printing the command's documentation.
  • Field Details

    • fcommand

      public String fcommand
    • fpitch

      public String fpitch
    • fcommandGrammar

      public String fcommandGrammar
    • fwhere

      public String fwhere
    • fsummary

      public String fsummary
    • fnotes

      public List<String> fnotes
    • finput

      public String finput
    • foutput

      public String foutput
    • fexample

      public String fexample
    • foptions

      public org.plumelib.options.Options foptions
  • Constructor Details

    • CommandHandler

      protected CommandHandler(String command, String pitch, String commandGrammar, String where, String summary, List<String> notes, String input, String output, String example, org.plumelib.options.Options options)
      No arguments should be null.
      command - the name of the command
      pitch - the description of the command
      commandGrammar - the usage of the command
      where - the where
      summary - the summary of the command
      notes - the notes for the command
      input - the input
      output - the output
      example - the usage example
      options - the command line arguments
  • Method Details

    • handles

      public final boolean handles(String command)
    • handle

      public abstract boolean handle(String[] args)
    • printHTML

      public final void printHTML(PrintStream out)
      Prints out formatted text in (google code) Wiki format.
      out - the output stream for printing html formatted usage
    • usageMessage

      public final void usageMessage(PrintStream out)