Class UniformRandomMethodSelection

    • Field Detail

      • operations

        private final List<TypedOperation> operations
        The list of methods under test. We will select uniformly at random from this list.
    • Constructor Detail

      • UniformRandomMethodSelection

        public UniformRandomMethodSelection​(List<TypedOperation> operations)
        Create a selector that selects uniformly at random from the given operations.
        operations - methods under test
    • Method Detail

      • newRegressionTestHook

        public void newRegressionTestHook​(Sequence sequence)
        Does nothing. This selection strategy does not need to make use of information related to the newly-generated sequence that was classified as a regression test.
        Specified by:
        newRegressionTestHook in interface TypedOperationSelector
        sequence - newly-created sequence that was classified as a regression test