Class Execution

  • public final class Execution
    extends Object
    Represents the unfolding execution of a sequence.

    This is essentially a wrapper around List<ExecutionOutcome>. Stores information in a list of ExecutionOutcome objects, one for each statement in the sequence.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Execution

        public Execution​(Sequence owner)
        Create an Execution to store the execution results of the given sequence. The list of outcomes is initialized to NotExecuted for every statement.
        owner - the executed sequence
    • Method Detail

      • size

        public int size()
        The size of the list.
        the size of the list
      • get

        public ExecutionOutcome get​(int i)
        Get the outcome in the i-th slot.
        i - the statement position
        the outcome of the ith statement
      • addCoveredClass

        void addCoveredClass​(Class<?> c)
      • getCoveredClasses

        Set<Class<?>> getCoveredClasses()