Class FieldGet

    • Constructor Detail

      • FieldGet

        public FieldGet​(AccessibleField field)
        FieldGetter sets the public field for the getter statement.
        field - the AccessibleField object from which to get values
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public ExecutionOutcome execute​(Object[] statementInput)
        Performs computation of getting value of field or capturing thrown exceptions. Exceptions should only be NullPointerException, which happens when input is null but field is an instance field. AccessibleField.getValue(Object) suppresses exceptions that occur because field is not valid or accessible.
        Specified by:
        execute in class CallableOperation
        statementInput - the inputs for statement
        outcome of access
        RandoopBug - if field access throws bug exception
        SequenceExecutionException - if field access has a type exception
      • appendCode

        public void appendCode​(Type declaringType,
                               TypeTuple inputTypes,
                               Type outputType,
                               List<Variable> inputVars,
                               StringBuilder b)
        Adds the text for an initialization of a variable from a field to the StringBuilder.
        Specified by:
        appendCode in class CallableOperation
        inputVars - the list of variables to be used
        b - the StringBuilder that strings are appended to
        declaringType - the declaring type for this operation
        inputTypes - the input types for this operation
        outputType - the output type for this operation
      • toParsableString

        public String toParsableString​(Type declaringType,
                                       TypeTuple inputTypes,
                                       Type outputType)
        Returns string descriptor for field that can be parsed by PublicFieldParser.
        Specified by:
        toParsableString in class CallableOperation
        declaringType - the declaring type for this operation
        inputTypes - the input types for this operation
        outputType - the output type for this operation
        a string representation of this operation
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from interface: Operation
        Returns the name for the operation.
        the name for this operation
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • parse

        public static TypedOperation parse​(String descr)
                                    throws OperationParseException
        Parses a getter for a field from a string. A getter description has the form "<get>( field-descriptor )" where "<get>" is literal ("<" and ">" included), and field-descriptor is as recognized by
        descr - the string containing descriptor of getter for a field
        the getter operation for the given string descriptor
        OperationParseException - if any error in descriptor string
      • isStatic

        public boolean isStatic()
        Description copied from interface: Operation
        Predicate to indicate whether object represents a static operation on the declaring class.
        Specified by:
        isStatic in interface Operation
        isStatic in class CallableOperation
        true if operation corresponds to static method or field of a class, and false otherwise
      • isConstantField

        public boolean isConstantField()
        Description copied from interface: Operation
        Predicate to indicate whether this object represents a constant field.
        Specified by:
        isConstantField in interface Operation
        isConstantField in class CallableOperation
        true if this operation is a constant field, and false otherwise
      • isMessage

        public boolean isMessage()
        Predicate to indicate whether object represents a method-call-like operation (either static or instance). This includes field getters and setters, which are operations that access fields.
        Specified by:
        isMessage in interface Operation
        isMessage in class CallableOperation
        true, always